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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    Merry - Japanese Modernist Dir en grey - Obscure Plastic Tree - Melancholic (entry level weeaboo answer: Ghost) I think these 3 tracks are probably worth considering as signature songs, as they've been staples in the bands' setlists ever since their release, I think.
  2. Tokage

    cali=gari's trademark song is probably Erotopia, they usually bring out the theatrics (read: dancing trannies) when they perform it live and it's been a staple in all their setlists ever since its release, I think. (Though they stopped playing it in their recent shows apparently?) The song itself also sort of represents their 'eroguro' nature lyrics-wise, I guess. Personally, I think its album-mate Blue Film would be a better representative of their music, if only because it has this semi-melancholy aspect that shines through in many of their songs in some way. (And I just think Erotopia is boring)
  3. Tokage

    I beat Ape Escape 1 for the PS1 quite recently. It's still a hella fun game, despite the dated graphics. Also been playing Donkey Kong Country on a snes emulator, though I've always liked DKC2 and DKC3 better.
  4. Tokage

    Last movies I've watched were Suicide Bus and Akira. The production of the former one was somehow connected to Takeshi Kitano. It's a cool dark comedy about people trying to commit insurance fraud by killing themselves on a bus trip. The latter... Yeah, it's Akira. I can't believe I hadn't seen it before tbh
  5. wow i cant believe i have a twin bananabrother

    1. Tokage


      a peel ing to the masses

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      going to slip into something more comfortable

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I can't think of any more puns and it is driving me bananas

    4. Show next comments  447 more
  6. why are all the status updates about anime

  7. Tokage

    yyyyeaa boiiiii
  8. Tokage

    expecting them to go 12012 on us
  9. Erotopia isn't even that good you guys come on
  10. Tokage

    They're not, they just had this faux 'we're so angura, look, we even got suehiro maruo to do our cover art'-phase for a while but they always sort of sounded like the gazette tbh
  11. Tokage

    I like the trolling but come on, let's not pretend that making this GRAWRWRRGRR bloopcore music IS going to save VK lmao
  12. Tokage

    This is a good thing imo
  13. Tokage

    Some other cool non-vk bands you might like are Number Girl, Thee Michelle Gun Elephant, WHITE ASH, The Band Apart, Lillies and Remains, kamomekamome, Asakusa Jinta, Fox Loco Phantom, Shinsei Kamattechan, Tokusatsu, Eastern Youth, Bloodthirsty Butchers, Kimonos and Supercar. I could go on for much longer but i won't heh. None of these bands are very similar to one another to be honest, but they're all great IMO
  14. welp 12012 tricked me again

    1. finnthesubhuman


      And consequently the source of much of my angst.

    2. Umi_Niwa
    3. Tokage


      track 2 and 3 really are terrible

    4. Show next comments  447 more
  15. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) bring forth the human sacrifice

  16. Tokage

    That was actually... really good? Wow, I'm surprised. Good job, 12012. Now I might actually have to take them seriously again...
  17. Title chosen to reflect predicted album sales
  18. Tokage

    Terrible, TERRIBLE song titles. They've lost everything that initially set them apart from others in their genre..
  19. Tokage

    I'm not disappointed either, digging this sound and the PV looks slick as always
  20. Tokage

    The October Country by Ray Bradbury, also gonna start with Dangerous Visions soon
  21. DAMN it feels good 2 b a LIZARD

    1. Biopanda


      Upcoming single title from Kameleo.

  22. Tokage

    what the fuck
  23. Tokage

    I've always really liked Merry's Peep Show album cover Also most things drawn by Suehiro Maruo or Full
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