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Status Updates posted by Biopanda

  1. Once again: I love you all and you're amazing, beautiful creatures <3

  2. I die evry tiem
    1. togz
    2. togz


      Rip in piece(s)

  3. Need some help identifying an unlabeled sampler CD-R that came in a recent set. https://mega.co.nz/#!FcgXyboD!v0zxjKAApap-9RZbREasOl1_4ScWFETKIfIQl9Bye3Y Any ideas?

  4. RIP RarezHut u wil be 4ever in are harts

  5. Just got confirmation that we can move into our new apartment on Friday \o/ Weeeeee 1.5 days to pack :'D

    1. togz
    2. togz


      also good luck with the packing .___.

  6. I've downloaded 3 CDs in the past 2 months... I think I'm losing my mind :|

    1. nick


      You are if one of them being a YOHIO release. P:

    2. PsychoΔelica
  7. Leaving this here without comment.
  8. some time i wonder if i

  9. Having to learn so much in so little time for an important programming project. Javscript, PHP, Pusher API... kill me <3

    1. Biopanda


      Oh and we can't forget MYSQL(I'm coming from Oracle SQL, so it's not TOO wildly different at least)

    2. Valicious
  10. strange request, but does anyone have an invite for cinemageddon?

    1. Bear


      If someone has two, give me one as well. Been looking for an invite since forever now.

    2. Tokage


      same here, used to have an account but i guess it got purged a while ago due to inactivity... :///

  11. We have finally ascended to CAT5 HEAVEN

    1. Seimeisen


      Glorious Ascension

    2. CAT5


      You made it, my sons! Welcome to eternity!

  12. Finally finished boxing up our first ever RarezHub Germany crate! We just finished running the numbers to figure out how much our EU customers will save and it looks super promising! On average, our EU customers saved nearly 44%, with most customers knocking at least $20 off of their shipping costs. Welcome back to Europe, RarezHut ;3

    1. Biopanda


      Oh and we'll be posting a spreadsheet in a bit once we finalize everything so that people can see the breakdown!

    2. Valicious


      Total amount our customers saved: $253.28

  13. Spending the night ripping Gackt VHS tapes. Nostalgia explosion all over my face.

    1. robkun


      Gackt is god, Gackt is... Gackt.



      And naked Gackt is Gackt's holy spirit

  14. Most terrifying discovery of the day? Syu~furuma~jyu had another demotape called おれんじはぁ~と♥PINKのぷりん.

    1. Senedjem


      Find it hoyl fucg

    2. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Finding and then selling that tape is your destiny.

  15. These old SHOXX are just making me more confused. According to an ad, it seems like Syu~furuma~jyu's demo may have been released by my darling label, 01 COMPLETION. This news makes them even better than before <3

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Is that that satanic clown band

    2. Biopanda


      The one and only.

  16. Just went live with the RarezHut stream over at http://rarezhut.net/stream ! We're pre-gaming today with some rare old live vids <3

    1. Jun_



    2. Valicious


      We're doing it next weekend too

    1. Tokage


      permanently behind 7 proxyons

    2. Gaz
  17. Don't you love when 90s VK videos are a total hot mess where they smashed every effect on their video editing console?

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Put that together with the bizarre elements of their concepts and voilà, we have the perfect oldschool visuakl kei music video

    2. IGM_Oficial
  18. Manbang: North Korea Launches Video Streaming Gay Porn Service, State Media Reports

    1. robkun


      Worst... video streaming service name... ever.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      2/10 not enough dicks

  19. Just found out that PLC's new album is on itunes internationally, but not in the US store. Wow so racist.

    1. evenor


      this is amazing!

    2. Shmilly


      Wow this is a serious blast from the past. I'm barely old enough to remember it.

  20. Thanks again to everyone who showed up at today's stream! We hope to see you all tomorrow <3

    1. itsukoii


      can't believe i dropped in a split second before it ended lmao

  21. Holy crap Nollcrea is terrible live. It's like when a band jokingly lets their drummer sing for a bit, except nobody told him to stop.

    1. Alkaloid


      Their new singer is so bad. It's a shame because their first singles (with the old vocalist) were really good, but he's just unlistenable.

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