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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    I work as a home health aide and due to my client's recent yearly reevaluation(to check on how their condition is and if they need to change the amount of hours they are allotted), I was expecting to get a raise in hours. Found out yesterday that even though my client's condition has gotten worse and she needs MORE help than ever, they docked her weekly allotted hours from 54 to 39. For me, this means I'll be getting paid about $6600 less per year which REALLY fucks up my plans of moving out of the country next year. With as expensive as it is, I just don't have any idea how the hell I'm going to be able to afford it now. My client is trying to get the decision appealed, but unless that happens, I'm majorly fucked for the near future x_x
  2. Yesssss! I hope this is actually sold at stores this time :x
  3. Biopanda

    Thanks for pointing this out! It wasn't there when I checked the OHP this morning, so I totally would have missed it. The new song sounds pretty good and even reminds me some of LAREINE, which is never a bad thing (tbh their old music had that sort of LAREINE vibe as well, so this wasn't unexpected).
  4. Biopanda

    Bummer Unfortunately I sort of thought this would happen.
  5. Biopanda

    Waiting two months for this is gonna be really hard... I can't possibly see this album being less than amazing.
  6. http://i.imgur.com/rRNgKIP.jpg Posting this again because it's the best VK-related image ever.
    1. digi


      12 year old me in a nutshell

    2. Zeus


      one day i'm going to post this picture and only this picture as a review

    3. hyura


      Get out of my life

    4. Show next comments  186 more
  7. Biopanda

    holy crap that thing is bigger than her arm what is life
  8. Biopanda

    Hatin' on the new 3DS model for splitting the userbase :< I really hope those exclusive games don't become a thing, because I really don't want to have to drop another $150+ for a second 3DS :/
  9. Paypal is pretty fucking stupid :'D I copied and pasted someone's email in to send a payment and double-checked it and the payment somehow got sent to a random person who bought from RarezHut a few months ago. SMH so hard right now.

    1. Gaz



      $0.00 USD

      panda y do u h8 mi so much? ;__;

    2. Naaaaani


      Paypal sucks lol

    3. Show next comments  186 more
  10. Biopanda

    Are you guys like allergic to shirts or something what the hell
  11. Lost an auction for an ultra rare second tape from UNDEAD+SERAPH because I overslept. Feels so bad, man :<

    1. Biopanda


      It was on yahoo, there was a seller with a bunch of no-name rarez tapes, but I had my eye only on that one :'( Guess I'll never get to hear those girls' other stuff

    2. freundin


      You were the person who won the nosferatu tape?

    3. Biopanda


      Nah. Money is a little tight at the moment, so I was only bidding on seraph. I was thinking maybe bidding on Silver Silhouette, but never did.

    4. Show next comments  186 more
  12. Biopanda

    I can hear you all the way from here, gaz. Calm down or you're going to pull a muscle or somethin' brah.
  13. Biopanda

    Woah. Talk about unexpected.
  14. If you're interested in either the Spiral Staircase #15 Final DVD(Japanese ver., not euro release) or the squall single from d'ray, then hit me up :v
  15. How much does Japanese music add to your life? For me, I'd say this is quite a lot. I've been a fan of VK for over 10 years now, run a VK store and have made one trip to Japan so far solely for the reason of VK concerts. I'd say that's definitely enough to say that it's contributed a ton to my life and the type of person I am today. Would there be any benefits to not having it, like a heavier wallet or bigger bank account? Or is it just plain worth it? Well, I certainly would have a lot more money without Japanese music XD Though with running a store, it's starting to even out more. Even without the store, I'd say it was totally worth the money I've put into it so far. Do you have irreplaceable friends you found through Japanese music? Nearly all of them. I'm a rather introverted person and I have trouble connecting with most "normal" people due to totally sucking at small talk. However, when it comes to other VK fans, that wall just seems to come crumbling down and I'm able to connect and befriend them pretty easily. It certainly doesn't hurt that I met my super amazing girlfriend though MH, which totally wouldn't have happened otherwise Has it opened up your life more? Gave you an interest in Japanese culture? How would your interests change if you didn`t have this music? I would definitely say so. If it hadn't been for getting into VK and meeting the people that I have through it, I doubt I would have done many of the things I've done today. It has probably directly led to me traveling around the world and experiencing cultures and places that I otherwise would not have without making the friendships that I have through VK. Without VK, I assume I'd probably still be into anime like I was before finding out about it and would probably still be listening to cheesy metal bands(not that I've stopped doing that since XD).
  16. Glad to hear everything arrived okay As for the tracking number, it should be emailed when it gets shipped out, but in the future you can always click on "My account" then go to the "Orders" tab and click on your order. I always attach the tracking number as a comment, so you should be able to view it there ^-^
  17. I'd feel a bit bad taking a donation just to sell, but I could certainly buy in bulk if you'd like
  18. Thanks for the "special" feedback <3 So now that RarezHut has been open for nearly 10 months, I was wondering if anyone has any feedback in general about the site? What sorts of things do you like/not like about it? Is there anything you'd like to see on the site in the future? Does anyone actually use the janky "related bands" search engine I put together? Any comments would be greatly appreciated! Updates have been rather sporadic lately, but we're working to smooth those out and improve the store in any ways we can(though knowing how people would like it improved would help ). As a side note, I'll be going on a road trip over the course of the next week, so any orders placed between August 9th and August 17th will be shipped out on the 18th.
  19. Biopanda

    Fuki is going to be on this CD as well? Can't wait to hear it!
  20. FromJapan will do it. I've had them mail-order things plenty of times when bands only provided an email address.
  21. Biopanda

    That sure is a lot of butts
  22. So I just listened to SuG latest single and... is all their stuff this good? @_@ They remind me of a modern take on some of the late 90s/early 00s oshare bands and that's awesome. Gettin' some strong Suzzy&Caroline vibes ex.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Supposedly their departure from PSC was the best thing they ever did musically and Presty has a music man boner for them

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      headquarters, we lost biopanda...

    3. nekkichi


      we lost biopanda [2]

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