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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    Dang these guys are too quick! I haven't even gotten my hands on their mini yet and now I've got another I'll probably never hear XD
  2. Diggin' deep into VK is really weird sometimes. Spent a long time trying to find info for an old(late 90s) demo I have and found the twitter of the old vocalist who is apparently wandering around Osaka dressed like the phantom of the opera ?_?

    1. kyoselflove


      Pssh, make a thread and own that bitch. I care, I love learning about obscure things I have never heard of xD

    2. Biopanda


      Maybe I should XD Most of it is just random little facts or band biographies about bands that nobody knows/cares about. I was talking with a friend about making a place for stuff like that, but fansites are so 2004.

    3. kyoselflove


      Ohhhhh man fansites. I have plenty of those floating around on the webs. That's what MH is for XD Do it! <3

    4. Show next comments  177 more
  3. For once, I'd like to find out what it's like to not totally fail at life :'3

    1. Biopanda


      Look at those pandas in China... they don't even know how to make babbies! Some survival instinct ;/

    2. kyoselflove


      Cause they are all gay. Must be that damn visual kei...

    3. Gaz


      but you totally failed to ship my stuff, brah ;__;

    4. Show next comments  177 more
  4. Nevermind, sold it via facebook. A mod can delete this post~
  5. Anyone interested in buying a copy of THE BLACK SWAN's I SOLATION? Hit me up~

  6. I guess the fans just didn't... Love it
  7. Biopanda

    *I'm going to preface this by saying that these are my personal opinions and not necessarily the opinions of RarezHut* 1. Do you feel like you are entitled to free music? If you do, why? If you don't, why not? As pretty much everyone has said in regards to this; no I don't. I do however very much appreciate the fact that I can get free music. If it wasn't for people uploading, I(along with nearly every other foreign fan) would have never gotten to hear this music in the first place. 2. How do you feel about people refusing to share their music because they want to support the band? I think people can choose what they want to do here, since they own it. I can somewhat understand the mentality of not wanting to share, but only within reason. If someone has the latest Dir en Grey album and doesn't want to share because they want people to support the band, then so be it. However, if someone doesn't want to share a live-limited/live-distributed release that people couldn't buy in a way that would support the band for the same reasons, then I think it's kind of a dick move. I've spent plenty of years as part of the "elite circle" of VK traders enough to say that most people are only refusing for ego/e-peen reasons and it's more than a bit annoying. 3. In relation to the second question, what do you think of people who tell others not to share something they themselves paid money for as they think its content is exclusively for those who paid for it? Pretty stupid, honestly. Coming from someone who has a little bit of a "position of authority" among the scene from running a store, I wouldn't believe for one moment that I have any right to tell others what they can do with their music, even if it's purchased from my shop. 4. Do you think entitlement to free music is worse in visual kei than in other communities? Probably, yeah. As others have stated, I think it's a supply & demand issue along with the general facts about the community itself. Unlike other scenes, this one literally would not exist if it wasn't for people sharing their music, so that creates a general expectation among the community in regards to sharing. There are a few weird quirks that I think only exist(at least in large amounts) among the VK community. I'm not as much into the metal community as I used to be, but people there seemed to really love sharing rare things. There are whole sites with dedicated communities for sharing incredibly rare things such as bootleg recordings, but in the VK scene, bootleg recordings(along with any incredibly limited commodity) are generally kept under lock-and-key. 5. How do you feel about people who deliberately share releases in low bitrates to encourage you to buy the CD? Do you think that if someone does decide to share, you're entitled to the highest rip? My stance on this is pretty much "share what you'd want to download". If someone is sharing in 128kbps because that's what they personally rip and listen to, then so be it. However, if you're going out of your way to re-rip your CD in 64kbps specifically for uploading and never for listening to personally, then I think it's a particularly shitty thing to do. This also extends to modifying the release in some way, though I hardly see that. There has been at least one case where a member here decided to upload a DVD, but edited the video with a watermark of their username. I'm pretty sure I called them out on it for being pretty fucking stupid. 6. Have you ever been approached by people, either on Monochrome Heaven or last.fm, who wanted you to share something? If you didn't want to share, how did they react? What did you think of their reaction? Running a store, I think my collection is a lot more visible than some other people, so I get messages about this all the time. Just due to the nature of things, I generally have to refuse, unless it's something that I didn't personally rip in which case I try to share when I can. If I can't share it, I'll generally either refuse politely or not reply at all depending on how busy I am and how it was asked. I've gotten literal death threats from anonymous people before, so I'm pretty sure those were coming from people I've refused to share with lol
  8. It probably depends on what you mean by "oshare" since just like visual-kei itself, there's a wide range of sounds within it. If you mean something more akin to say... L'luvia, then I can't think of any active bands(though strangely enough SuG has edged a bit close to this in some songs I sampled?). I assume most poppier neo-VK(I hate this term, but there's no other term for this really) is just an extension of the early-mid-2000s oshare look/sound, albeit with more electronic influences. There are some bands, like this for example, that have a pretty similar sound to some of the early-mid-2000s oshare bands, so I'd say it's still alive and kicking.
  9. RIP bank account, we hardly knew ye

  10. Short answer: my VK collection was organized by a tornado. Long answer: Physical Music (CD`s, Tapes, Records) I don't have nearly the amount of storage space as I need, so things are sort of scattered about. About half of my CDs are on a bookshelf sorted in no particular order at all. With my cassettes, most of them are in cassette racks like this of which I have three(though I think I'll need to get something like this soon lol). The other half of my CDs are stored in giant cardboard boxes out in my living room, which are mostly things that aren't listed on my store yet so I don't need immediate access to them. Physical Videos (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS) My DVDs are on the same bookshelf as my CDs while my VHS tapes get their own really big bookshelf(200+ VHS tapes take up a LOT of space!). Digital Music (iTunes, Google, rekochoku, downloads, etc...) I keep telling myself that some day I'll get this stuff all sorted out, but that day hasn't come yet despite various attempts over the years. As of now, everything is split between 4 folders: Music(folders for each artist, mostly stuff that I acquired before 2009. Everything here is tagged and renamed correctly), New To Sort(anything acquired 2009 and after that hasn't been tagged and sorted into the Music folder), EAC Rips(mostly where I store personal FLAC rips so that I can easily make samples for the store), Cassette Rips(same as EAC Rips, but for tapes ) Physical Goods (Clothing, Obi, Posters, Cheki, Bonuses like photo`s, etc...) A dresser in my closet for anything that isn't being used. For the stuff that's really dear to me, it's hung up on my walls. That is stuff like posters that I've had personally signed by bands and then gotten professionally framed, some band towels and a GIANT A flag that I got from their Elementa Alchemica live. Other Stuff You Collect VK is pretty much all I have the money to actively collect, so anything else(video games etc.) are mostly in a big dresser in the living room. Summary Terrible.
  11. Biopanda

    Works just fine in chrome for me *shrugs*
  12. Biopanda

    @Hiroki You wouldn't happen to be looking for Cross HearT's HAPPINESS album, would you? I think that's the only thing I've got close to anything on your list As for my list... hmm... I guess a general request for obscure VK with female vocalists, though that's a bit vague XD Anything from アエカリ(Aekari) that isn't Re:β or アポー duraluMin's live DVD Almost any live-distro or DVD from DecoLa Hopping 【MU:】 - 【ACⅠⅠ】 Black Klaxon - ReaL Another general request for any demotapes or VHS tapes
  13. Biopanda

    I'll be watching this topic like a hawk and swooping down to assault unsuspecting customers with deals.
  14. Biopanda

    Crying so god damn hard right now.
  15. Watching nazi porn with MH members. #yolo

    1. Sakura Seven
    2. Biopanda


      Do they show nazisploitation movies there?

  16. So few votes for RarezHut ;/ You guys gotta fix that.
  17. Looking for someone who can design a new logo for RarezHut. If you think you're up to it, just shoot me a PM! Compensation can be arranged~

    1. Senedjem


      what if its a corgi in a panda costume

    2. CAT5
    3. Biopanda


      what if its a corgi in a panda costume [2]

    4. Show next comments  177 more
  18. Biting my tongue so hard right now ;/

    1. togz
    2. Biopanda


      Ye, just jokingly told someone that if some really rare thing went up for sale, I'd throw all my money at it. Now it has and I don't even have the crazy amount they're asking for XD

    3. Tetora


      Ah, I wanna buy that pair of Mao's underwear from 2003 as well...

  19. Biopanda

    Sounds pretty interesting I was thinking of doing some sort of streaming thing on ustream, but I don't know how much of a threat that'd be since it'd only be streaming and not archived. I've got hundreds of VK DVDs, so I thought it'd be cool to maybe have a weekly event where people could get on there, watch a DVD and chat. I did have a internet radio thing going on a very long time ago with shoutcast, but there was never any host interaction... just a random playlist of music.
  20. You can hate me and throw money at me if you like for that :v
  21. Side-eyein' anyone who doesn't vote RarezHut ;/ Content: Other than auctions, I generally buy a lot at Adumaya Honpo(aduma8.shop-pro.jp). They've got a great selection of rare items, update frequently, ship overseas with super cheap shipping and are just all-around awesome. It doesn't hurt that they seem to be less known, so all the good stuff doesn't get picked clean nearly as fast as at closet-child and puresound XD
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