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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    still HATE KISASKI . is a faggot
  2. I'm sorry to hear your CD got messed up x_x I generally try to use at least 3 layers of bubble wrap with an envelope(2 of wrap+the layer from the envelope). Could you take pictures of the envelope and CD? I was looking at the picture on RarezHut and it seems like there was already a small tear on the slipcase.
  3. My body will never be ready for this.
  4. Biopanda

  5. :siren: Demotapes confirmed for the next RarezHut unboxing stream! Prepare your bodies and wallets <3 :siren:

    1. Biopanda


      No idea! I think there were about 27 tapes in total and I think 9-10 of those were unknown.

    2. Naaaaani


      Anyway, I'll be waiting for your stream

    3. Show next comments  141 more
  6. I like them because when I saw them live, Jin was trying to do the overdramatic thing with screaming/crying and hitting himself. Everyone in the audience was dead silent and I was there giggling like a god damn schoolgirl. It was good in a special way :'D
  7. Glad you enjoyed! I'll be getting on your latest order today or tomorrow... taking care of orders from the livestream has been taking a lot longer than I wanted, so things are getting pushed back a little x_x
  8. That's reassuring :'D *desert bro fistbump*
  9. In a bidding war over a NICE demotape set. I'm gonna do whatever I can to win these for the next livestream <3

  10. So much shade bein' thrown in this thread. Rickyfan4lyfe.
  11. Biopanda

    Mods please change my name to GossipDuck TIA
  12. Biopanda

    You keep my past as a gossiping duck out of this... I've moved on and so should you
  13. Biopanda

    I thought giving serious advice to others would make a good living. Oh well
  14. Biopanda

    10-limited? Dang... he'd make Eiji proud :'3
  15. Biopanda

  16. Biopanda

    Still kinda insane if it was pesos, since they'd be selling things for like 10x the price on puresound :'D
  17. Biopanda

    I was assuming it was in pesos.... but that'd still make the gazette DVD over $400 USD lol
  18. I suppose it really depends where you are in the US. Here in New Mexico, it's a total ghost town. As far as I know, I'm the only VK fan in the state XD Back when I lived in Chicago though, I knew a pretty decent amount of VK fans so I guess YMMV.
  19. Over half of RarezHut's orders come from the US, so there must be some fans hidden here XD Given that Xenon shop in Cali is an actual physical VK store that's been around for a while now, I assume there must be plenty of fans in the area.
  20. Biopanda

    That's just going to happen sometimes, unfortunately... especially with demotapes. I've gotten plenty of them that as far as the internet is concerned, the band never existed at all XD
  21. Biopanda

    I'll call you crazy. Please seek professional help.
  22. So Fuki(ex.LIGHT BRINGER) is in Carbonic Acid as well as Unlucky Morpheus? Damn that girl is busy XD
  23. Once again: I love you all and you're amazing, beautiful creatures <3

  24. Just finishing up the playlist for today's stream(in an hour!). I'll make sure to save it this time :'D

    1. Biopanda


      I'm going to preemptively restart it this time so that it doesn't crash(hopefully) XD

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