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Status Updates posted by Biopanda

  1. @cvltic @lichtlune eyy turkey bday crew

    1. lichtlune


      Ohh yee :D

    2. cvltic


      squad up

  2. http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv269461942 y'all cool bros should check out this streaming one-day revival event <3

  3. http://rarezhut.net/stream if anyone wants to come check out/test the new RarezHut stream page and chat! Suggestions and feedback are greatly appreciated <3

  4. http://rarezhut.net/stream RarezHut $1 auction is in full swing! Come get some cheap(and free!) CDs!

  5. http://rarezhut.net/stream RarezHut $1 auction is live! Pregaming with some classic VK PVs <3

  6. http://rarezhut.net/stream RarezHut stream is live! Pre-gaming with a sukekiyo concert <3 

  7. http://rarezhut.net/stream Streaming MERRY's 15th anniversary concert before the $1 auction stream!

  8. http://rarezhut.net/stream The RarezHut $1 auction is live! Pre-gaming with some classic PVs <3

  9. http://rarezhut.net/stream The RarezHut $1 auction is live! We're pregaming with a Pentagon live video <3

  10. http://rarezhut.net/stream The RarezHut live auction is now... live! Pregaming with a DIAURA concert <3

  11. http://rarezhut.net/stream Today is the last day of our $1 auctions! We're streaming PVs for the next hour until we start <3

  12. http://www.rarezhut.net/stream Hope y'all are ready for today's stream! Pre-game concert starts in 45 min, $1 auction in 1 hr 45 min~

    1. Biopanda


      I'm not ready cus I'm sick! I'll push through it for you lovelies, though <3

  13. http://www.rarezhut.net/stream Make sure to show up early for today's auction! We'll be doing a giveaway at the start~

  14. http://www.rarezhut.net/stream pregaming with THE SKULL FUCK REVOLVERS~

  15. http://www.rarezhut.net/stream RarezHut $1 auction stream is live! Streaming more Visual Japan Summit until it starts

  16. www.rarezhut.net/stream/ RH $1 auction starting in a few min!

  17. https://goo.gl/TByu47 Item list for this month's RH auction is up!!

    1. xriko


      omg I would love the 音飴缶 V.A only for those ~If~+Dia+ tracks

    2. Biopanda


      It should be showing up this Sunday, so feel free to show up and bid ;3

    1. returnal


      1. that sucks! 2. not surprising 3. this whole press release is a big ol' humblebrag 4. god bless yoshiki

    2. herpes


      why he look like mama june



    3. Zeus


      we are never ever getting that album

    4. Show next comments  30 more
    1. nick


      rofl!! so colorful~

    1. -NOVA-


      What in the actual ... 

    2. returnal


      that ain't trap that's drums'n'basses plus some wubs

      also a total fucking mess but it's lit anyway

    3. TomoMAD
  18. 10/10 spooked

  19. 15 more items added just for my li'l rarezbabies~ http://rarezhut.net/12212016-d-アンドand-daizystripper-and-more

    1. reminiscing2004


      can i buy an item and have it not ship yet? would just want to wait until i buy some other things so they could be shipped together, because England.

    2. Biopanda


      You certainly can! Just choose "hold for bulk shipping" as the shipping option at checkout and you can pay for just the items. When you're ready to ship what you've got held, just send us an email at [email protected], or you can wait and combine it with any of the goodies from our February stream~

    3. reminiscing2004


      Thanks! I'm happily 8 USD poorer :parapls:

  20. 15 more items up on rarezhut.net to fill your body with overflowing joy.

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