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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. It seems to me, at the point at least, that DELUHI's fans are here to stay. A few people got really butthurt over Departure, but I think for the most part people who love them really want to see an album from them. It's honestly weird, though, to think about a full album from this band.

    Unrelated argument is unrelated, and not really an argument just sort of a statement:

    I think Mana's following has a LOT less to do with music than you think, haha. I think his music has always been really great, imho. Not necessarily anything super amazing and the melodies aren't good.... if there really are any, but I feel that with Mana people associate him first and foremost with Malice Mizer and their glory days with Gackt, then they associate him with being KAWAIIIIIII and they don't even bother with the music, just the fact that he's pretty. I'll even admit when I first started in the VK scene what attracted me to MdM was Mana's looks. I stayed for the music though.

  2. Couldn't agree more, Tony. For example: Madonna's last album was two years ago, before that 3 years before that, and now she has no plans on releasing anything new for a while.

    And even in JRock, Moi dix Mois took like what... 4 years to announce D+SECT? And they didn't announce a "hiatus" between albums.

    And another agreeance wit DELUHI should be an albums band. They've been around for a few years, have a huge following, and a lot of talent. They do need a full album asap.

  3. @D.L.S. I agree with the two SE's too many comment... I feel like bands are using too many of them, but usually MDM does them pretty well. Not so much that they're great, but that they give you something to listen to OTHER than thunder and the creaking of floorboards.

    @fitear1590 CHEESY! That's the word. This is definitely cheesy. Beyond the Gate must have been the worst one so far, and I think DIXANADU and Pageant were the better ones they've done.

  4. 1. What's My Name? - On my fourth listen to the song, I find it infectious and addicting, but not really great. It's like he's jamming together all the elements from "This iz the Japanese Kabuki Rock" with "Gagaku" That's the vibe I'm getting from this introdction. Not necessarily a bad thing... Actually... As I'm listening to it more and more, I'm really liking it! 5/5

    2. Torture - Good single is still good 5/5

    3. A-Ha - A pretty catchy song, but nothing I could listen to over and over again. It reminds me a lot of old-west bike gangs. Am I alone in this? 4/5

    4. Chillin' Chillin' Money Blue$ - I cannot make it through this song. I find it dreadful in all forms. 2/5

    5. I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, and I Hate You - A pretty good song, has really good moments, but not perfct 4/5

    6. Moon - Same as I Love You. Had really nice moments, but pretty slow, but not bad and above average so 4/5

    7. Gravity - Entirely too long for this type of album, but it had some really amazing moments, but it was overall just too slow because there was too much... nothing. There was too mch witing for another part of the song to be good, I guess is what I'm trying to say. However, the parts that were good were VERY good. 4/5

    8. Universe - I felt like it was very well done as well, but the problem here was that it was a lot of the same stuff over and over again. 4/5

    9. Unbreakable - Great rhythm, but same problem as last time. A lot of the same stuff over and over again. 4/5

    10. Shelter - Okay, this I must say was very well done. I definitely liked this one the best so far. Chorus was realy amazing, a definite 5/5

    11. Super Hero - I know this was a single, but this is the first time I've heard this song. And I'm impressed. 5/5

    12. Sutekina Mirai - Your token well-done MYV ballad. 5/5

    13. Futuristic Love - Unbreakable part 2 4/5

    14. Survive - So much better on the album than on the single, by 100% 5/5

    I've been very liberal on the ratings because they're not necessarily bad songs, they're just... not that great. Except for CCMB which was just horrible.

  5. @mono2 You are correct, sir. Yuuki is the vocalist of UnsraW and everyone did have a shit attack, but they're talentless and horrid.

    This makes me incredibly upset to find out, but it is for the best after all. He needs to recover, and hopefully they'll come back better than ever when he's well.

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