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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. I'm hating that people are generalizing Versailles fans as 15 year old screaming fan girls. I'm a 20 year old man and love them for their music, I like their visual a lot too but I'm not going to fap over it. Come on now.

  2. The irony for me is that I really don't like older Jrock aside from the occaisional Luna Sea, Dir en grey, and Malice Mizer. I'm more into Instant Classics. (Which is why I would say Sink by Kaya, but I know that would be shunned upon.)


    REDDISH -DIVA version- D'espairsRay

    Tsuki no Kioku -fallen- D'espairsRay

    Tainted World D'espairsRay

    Rosier, Shine, In My Dream, I for you - Luna Sea

    The entire album of Merveilles by Malice Mizer

    Obscure by Dir en grey (also Shokubeni)

  3. I hate it when people fap over rare VK demo recordings like it's God recording his private suite of angels singing and recording. First off, they all sound like shit. The music is horribly recorded and you probably can't tell one guitar from the other, or the bass, or the drums, the vocals suck. You've probably only listened to it once and keep it in your collection only to fap over it's rarity and how it was on a cassette that no one probably owns anymore. How often could you humanly listen to that awful shit? There's a reason why it was never re-recorded!

    Can't agree anymore. I feel the same when people always reference D'espairsRay's demo tapes as their "good days." It can be a jumbled mess of crap and screaming, as long as it is "heavy" and "dark" amirite?
    This and this.

  4. I didn't reaffirm anything you said. I just said that you can't call them American Metal because their sound is not reminiscent of "american metal/screamo/scene" bands. Maybe you agree with me, idk.

    and besides: I am an asshole when it comes to music genres and labels, and "screamo/scene" is sooo far from their label.

    I'm really tired of debating. But I will say this: I had said that it has a lot to do with a love of metal vs a love of vk music, and u said the same thing, this is where you reaffirmed me, and if you truly do believe that then i do agree with you, but where we disagree is that you don't think they're american metal, whereas i feel they are moving in that direction, more and more with every release, not that they're there now, but Hageshisa to... was by far the closest they've come to being American metal, it just so happens to have a japanese title that was a line in the song.

    I really don't care about genres and labels and maybe I'm wrong with "screamo/scene" but all i'm saying is fans of The Devil Wears Prada and A Day to Remember also like Dir en grey, it's all I'm saying.

    To change the subject:

    I hated Kaya's Meikyoku Series 1 and feel it warrents no part 2. This was the only part of Kaya's career I do not accept as an actual release.

  5. Didn't see a topic for a review for this short single and I'm shocked, because it was so good!

    In general, I was extremely pleased with this release. Awilda was a song that maybe I've heard before, but still has amazing qualities (as in Kaya wrote the lyrics and sung them.) Composition was a little... been done, but anything that Kaya does I generally approve of. But what I'm really getting at is how good Sink was. I literally think Sink is by far his best song. I tie it with Ophelia, my other favorite. I really hope he doesn't take this long to do another single. I want more new music from him by the end of 2010.

    The single gets a 10/10 if only for Sink.

  6. Well it has more to do with the love of metal vs. the love of VK and J-Rock. Metal is a far more universal sound, and the stuff that comes from VK indie bands is not. The metal sound appeals to more people outside of the J-Rock fandom, which brings in more fans. I still wouldn't call this American Metal though. But that's just me.
    You literally just reaffirmed my point, and then just tried to brush it off with "I wouldn't label Dir en grey American metal." In reality, in actual reality, they're getting there more and more with every release. The fact that they have Japanese titles and lyrics in Japanese only proves one thing: They're from Japan and are speaking their native tongue. Not that they're specifically "Japanese Metal."

  7. I think what people are getting at by Dir en grey being more American Metal sounding now is thus:

    Everything BEFORE Withering to Death had a very indie Visual Kei feel to me. It wasn't... perfect music, but it was really good and entertaining to the people who really like the VK genre of music...

    Now, post Withering to Death music has been reminiscent of American Metal/Scene/Screamo bands. Withering was kind of a transition, but Marrow of a Bone was full on American Metal to me. It was (obviously) not mainstream, but people outside of the VK scene (knowing from experience, some of my closest friends love Dir en grey and hate the Japanese VK movement) are big fans now.

    I don't want to speak for everyone, but I think I'm hitting the mark pretty close.

  8. @Tokage: I agree, sometimes things CAN go too far.

    And to respond to ShanethVarosa: Honestly, I was also sad when Jasmine You died (Versailles is a band I actually like) and it is okay to grieve and be upset, but even so I still get frustrated that in the Western Japanese fandom websites and such when a visual artist dies it is such a HUGE deal (even if they've never heard of the artist or listened to their music) and when someone legendary in Japanese music (hide somehow excluded), like Munetaka Higuchi or Kiyoshiro Imawano dies, they get shat upon or ignored completely. Why, I don't know.

    Also, not really fond of when people think it is "helpful" to spread rumors about artist's deaths (case in point: the comments about hide and Jasmine You in this thread) to get kicks out of "omg, itz a rumor and conspiracy!!!". It is THAT kind of thing that gets to me.

    I agree with this to a certain extent.

    I think that everyone grieves in their own way, and if some people grieve in highly annoying ways like making hundreds of youtube videos and holding candlelight vigils.... I think it's just something we have to accept. We don't have to take part of it. Paying respects is totally acceptable..

    Now, to go on how I disagree, perchance not with you but to other comments mentioned in this thread.

    I also feel that if you are a big enough fan of someone, this grieving process WILL be annoying to others, but WILL help you and you need to do it. To differentiate the ones who are just fans of someone because they died and the fans who have been true blue fans all along is tiring and fruitless.

    This is why I think people shouldn't be judged over how they grieve and who they grieve for. Millions of people attended services and memorials for Michael Jackson, a worldwide music figure, I only became a fan of him after he died. Whereas with JasmineYou... well I've been following him since Jakura. His death really shook me because he was a huge musical influence in my life. His personaliuty and costumes were also influential on me personally. That doesn't mean I'm some 12 year old girl who is just getting upset about some VK guy because he was a VK guy.

    Those people are horrid.

    And as far as the Hide comments are concerned.

    It's sad he died, but it happened years ago, same with Kami from Malice Mizer. 10 years down the road I know I will have gotten over the passing of Jasmine 7 to 9 years ago (give or take, probably take.) It's time to move on and stop being sensitive about comments of his death. They don't mean anything anymore.

    ALSO: LAWL @ Tokage's comment right before this.

  9. And hate all the waaaah RIP shit, srsly like when that awful vocalist for Gakido died. No one had heard of the band before then it turned into a full on vigil. The clusterfuck following Jasmine You was pretty ridiculous too.

    Seriously! And if the guy who died didn't have pink hair, wear makeup and a dress, or was in some obscure band that no one cares about, its like nothing of value was lost. . .

    This part I disagree with... Not just because I am a huge JasmineYou fan, but because I think death is sad in general. Jasmine was the only JRocker I was a fan of that died, but the others were just as sad. They're all so young, they don't deserve it.

    I'm not being butthurt, I'm just being reasonable.

  10. SE tracks. Pretty much every CD released under Matina had a track of heavy breathing, creaking floorboards and thunder. No.

    Any band posted by Kagerou in the dl section/mentioned on shattered-tranquillity. That whole ~SO INDIE THE BAND RELEASED THIS ONE DISTRIBUTED CD AND DISBANDED AFTER 12 DAYS~ thing.

    I lul'd. Pretty hard, ackshully. At the first part... whereas I simply completely agree with the second part.

    @conversation revolving Dir en grey fans not liking them solely for the music:

    I like them solely for the music.

    What else could you possibly like them for?

    Kyo's stunning good looks and immaculate English pronunciations?

    Bitch please.

  11. Alright I wasn't going to add any opinions to this thread because I think this variety of thing is in complete bad taste. (However, the JRock Doctor one is even worse, in my honest opinion.) BUT, I digress. I only read the first page, but I actually got some serious lulz out of it. Even the ones who bashed some of my favorites (D, Versailles, D'espa, etc.)

    I gotta say.

    I literally hate just about every single new VK band, and by new I mean... started activities in 2008 and on. With the exceptions of... ClearVeil and DELUHI...

    I personally think all these new VK Indies bands sound and look exactly the same and have no origialtiy in anything other than their names... which probably have absolutely no meaning other than "LOOK AT US NAMING OUR BAND SOMETHING WEIRD FOR ATTENTION."

    There aren't any specific bands that have been around for a few years that I specifically hate everything they do... but here's some things about some bands I hate:

    Antic Cafe = Just about the obvious stuff. Let's say... their work from Magnya Carta and on has been pretty solid and not so disgustingly cute and terrible. But everything before that.... I literally never need to hear it again.

    Girugamesh = It's hard to say that I like their music, because for the most part I find it to be monotonous and repetitive, but I think that there are a few songs that are really unique and fun to listen to. But a grand majority of their music I find to be dark-for-the-sake-of-being-dark like their early stuff or annoying-for-the-sake-of-being-annoying like their recent work. I can't get into their ballads at all... Crying Rain to me had absolutely no emotional drive behind it.

    Vidoll = Focus and Merry X'Mas 2 U are literally the only songs that I can listen to over and over and not get bored. They have other songs with really good instrumental melodies and catchy vocal patterns... but they bore me after listening to them too often, or half way through the song (Here's looking at you "Blue Star")

    12012 = Along the same lines of Vidoll. Very few songs I can listen to on repeat (Mayakashi and The Pain of Catastrophe are the ones I have in mind ATM.) However, that's not to say there aren't others that I find really good and can listen to a bunch of times. The negative point I will now bring across is: Everything... and I mean everything... before Play Dolls. WHAT a load of horse shit that all was. There was really very little imagination put into there work and if you looked up "Dark for the sake of being dark." on urbandictionary.com they would automatically direct you to websites to download that music. I cannot say I enjoy one song from that era. It was all pointless nonsense. I cannot say enough bad things about it.

    Dir en grey, D'espairsRay, Versailles = The only negative things I can say about these bands is their annoying fucking 15 year old fangirl/boy fans. I love their music and everything Versailles has done, 90% of what D'espairsRay has done and 80% of what Dir en grey has done.

    Satsuki = Give the fuck up on your solo project and get ReS back together immediately.

    X Japan = Stop. Altogether or do something new. No more compilations. No more remastered albums. New. Material.

    That's all for now.

  12. I seem to find myself in agreeance with a lot of these reviews.

    I agree a lot with Prism's "The way I see it, if you're going to get a fair following of fans for a year or two making a certain type of music, then you turn around and go "no wait guyz, we're gonna play this now lawlz" it's a bit of a kick to the crotch." comment.

    And I also agree with Jonjon's comment "TBH I'm a lot into pop synth vocals." I like them a lot too...

    It just doesn't work here, I feel. I like that they're trying out different things, but now I think they should learn that this is not something they need to attempt again.

    The Farthest > Frontier > Departure

    (I would also like to point out that I disagree with the comment that Remember the Rain is their worst song... I actually love it... a lot haha, but that's just me)

  13. Overall, not a terrible song, there are definitely worse songs by them...

    but also: What. the. fuck?

    Even though I did enjoy the song, they really don't ever need to do anything like this again.


    What is with those synthed voices and the pop-sounding "woah woah"?

    So not Deluhi.

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