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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. I really don't know. I can't even understand it. Bands used to do music because they loved to. But nowadays, most of then just want the fame, glamor, etc. I guess this project is another try to "a awesome band that everyone should love because two idols are together". I just can't buy this.

    The WEIRDEST thing is that they're not even really idols. Kanon is a bassist of a shitty Oshare band that only Japanophiles really liked and Kanon Wakeshima only has two albums to her name, the latter of which didn't have ANYTHING memorable on it. Okay, they both play bass instruments, but other than that, they have nothing in common other than their names. Kanon = Oshare Kei Kanon Wakeshima = Gothic Pop... ? Wakeshima is the one that can sing, but I think there's going to be too much bass here and not enough real meoldy or rhythm for that matter. I will admit I'm SUPER curious about this, but just to see what sound they're going to produce. Maybe I'll get lucky and it won't be terrible... but maybe it'll also be GOD AWFUL.

    Yes, they aren't, as you said. But as everyone knows, those weeaboos do love these things. And gaining fame with those people should be a good idea for these producers and etc.

    I have no idea what their songs will sounds like. And to be honest, I don't want to... ;__;

    Suppose you're right there. But I think they could've picked a better combo. For example, pairing a new gothic/pop singer with Mana as her composer was a BRILLIANT idea, even that theory a while back that Mana was going to work with Amy Lee from Evanescence would've been a good match, but like... When I think about Antic Cafe I think about rainbows, flowers, and bumble bees with smily faces, and other annoying shit. When I think about Kanon Wakeshima I think about... Idk dark things... Who came up with this idea? That's what I want to know.

  2. What the hell is with these weird ass collaborations? Although, I'm listening to the song and it's not that bad! It's easily the best guitar work that Good Charlotte has ever had.

    Not to change the subject, just a quick question: Whatever happened to that collaboration between Mana and Amy Lee from Evanescence that I red about like 2 years ago?

  3. This is the strangest combination I could ever think of.

    How, but more importantly: why, is this happening?

    I really don't know. I can't even understand it. Bands used to do music because they loved to. But nowadays, most of then just want the fame, glamor, etc. I guess this project is another try to "a awesome band that everyone should love because two idols are together". I just can't buy this.

    The WEIRDEST thing is that they're not even really idols. Kanon is a bassist of a shitty Oshare band that only Japanophiles really liked and Kanon Wakeshima only has two albums to her name, the latter of which didn't have ANYTHING memorable on it. Okay, they both play bass instruments, but other than that, they have nothing in common other than their names. Kanon = Oshare Kei Kanon Wakeshima = Gothic Pop... ? Wakeshima is the one that can sing, but I think there's going to be too much bass here and not enough real meoldy or rhythm for that matter. I will admit I'm SUPER curious about this, but just to see what sound they're going to produce. Maybe I'll get lucky and it won't be terrible... but maybe it'll also be GOD AWFUL.

  4. I absolutely adore this new look, I think Masashi fits extremely well into their look and he's rather attractive. Not as eyegrabbing as Jasmine, but that's a good thing. It's not like he's trying to be the member he replaced, you know?

    Which version do I order?! I want both DVDs, but I may have to go with type A, because who knows when it is I'm going to be able to see them live...

    You don't think this will sell out online do you? I want to order it after I pay off most of my credit card bill which will be in 2 weeks, that's not too long is it?

  5. Yeah, totally get what you mean.

    But just as a quick side thought: if you ever are interested in other bands that play music like Versailles, always keep in mind that America aint the only alternative for non-Japanese music. Europe has some great stuff too. Can't forget about all those Norwegian and Swedish bands! ;)

    Haha I was thinking about Europe too! I was hoping for maybe some French ones... I'm taking a French class in college and struggling big time, I seemed to pick up Japanese pretty quickly through music. I was hoping French would have the same effect!

  6. @cibicco-san Definitely not saying that haha, I'm not racist, it's not a matter of race that makes Versailles better than everyone else, it's the fact that they just are (imho) haha, in any case, I don't know really of any American bands that are as good as them, if only because American vocalists suck ass, imho again. I acknowledge that there were old-timey bands that did all this stuff before Versailles was around, but they all pale in comparison, yet again: imho. I do think a lot of my love for them comes from the fact that I love amijo as a vocalist, I think his ability to really sing is what brings it all home for me.

    @Jrockdrama I agree, I didn't really know what to call them, but I think they're becoming less and less symphonic as the time goes on personally.

  7. @total Versailles conversation

    This is really my own opinion and I don't (and obviously can't) speak for every Versailles fan, but what drew me to Versailles originally was a natural progression:

    Followed Mana since Malice Mizer to Moi dix Mois > Loved Juka, followed his career to HIZAKI Grace project > Their music struck a chord with me > Juka left that band > HIZAKI, Teru and Jasmine joined Versailles with Kamijo, whom I followed since LAREINE. It just so happens that HIZAKI Grace Project did symphonic metal which is what Versailles now does (and Matenrou OPERA... I think... Would you define that as Symphonic Metal? If so, then yes them too.)

    And it's not that I personally wouldn't touch Symphonic Metal bands from other countries with a 10 foot pole, I have just never heard of any of them because, and I'll be brutally honest about myself, I have my head shoved so far up the VK Scene's ass that I can see out it's mouth. I've probably heard just about every band that's worth listening to. If there are any symphonic metal bands from other countries that people would suggest to me, I'm open to suggestions :)

    I just don't know many bands from other countries, even America, because I really had no interest in any of them. However, I recenly got into Apocalyptica.

  8. Kind-of-but-not-really looking forward to this. I've been trying hard to like them for a while but their releases have been hit-or-miss with me...mostly missing. I didn't like "Murder Scope," didn't bother listening to "Genesis," I thought "R" was boring, and "Hiai to Melancholy" pisses me off.

    However: songs like "Anomie," "Eternal Symphony," "Utopia," and "Tsuki no Suna" are amazingly good.

    As I said, kind-of-but-not-really looking forward.


    Not to sound rabid, but I really love that song. I was going through a period in which I didn't want to listen to any JRock, but I listened to Genesis and it reinvigorated my passion for JRock. I really think you'll like it!

  9. Vocals: Kamijo (with Sono, Hizumi, Kyo, and Seth as the alternative choices, in that order.)

    Guitar 1: Hizaki (with Die or Kaoru as alt choices.)

    Guitar 2: Teru (With Mana or Anzi as alt choices.)

    Bass: JasmineYou (No alt choices here. I just want Jasmine back.)

    Drums: Yuki (No alt choices here either, I think he's pretty amazing.)

  10. @cruel_crucible I completely agree, that's the psychology of the whole thing, but I will say this about Versailles... well some of their fans... the extreme fangirls who get wetter than Hurricane Katrina over Kamijo and Teru. They're hot, yes, I would definitely do the sex to them too, but I'm not too public about it. That's probably the first time I've ever said that on a public forum, and probably the last time. I feel that half of Versailles fans like them because Kamijo and Teru are so attractive and not because of Hizaki's technical skill and Kamijo's voice. Not to mention Yuki's sicknasty drum skills. Idk, whatever, I digress. Haha

  11. I may be the only person who liked Stacked Rubbish, but I think they put out pretty solid albums with some strong singles.... here and there. I did think Disorder was unpleasant noise... I can't sit through that album without reaching for a revolver with which to play Russian Roulette, however, NIL I didn't think was awesome... I thought it had some great aspects... (Cassis, Bath room,.. etc.) but not altogether brilliancy. Stacked Rubbish I loved if only for: Burial Applicant, Chizuru, and Filth in the Beauty. I thought those were three of the best GazettE songs to date.... DIM was a very well thought out album, imho (other than the 5 completely pointles SE's.)

    But after DIM... they fall apart to me...

    SHIVER wasn't dark enough to remind me of the GazettE, it sounds like they're doing more pop/rock sounding stuff rather than heavy songs with dark messages.

    Red is nothing at all to me yet. Which could even be worse than having a negative opinion.

    It's just meaningless...

  12. just got back from the Atlanta show, and wow all i got to say is fucking amazing! almost everybody there knew about and liked deg, hell most people there was only there for Diru and not Apocalyptica.. ( I was really surprised how popular they were, I figured their would be more fans of the other band there, but i was greatly mistaken.) my neck is killing me and my face feels like mince meat after getting jaw jacked in the mosh pit twice.. lol I probably overdid it a bit but I drove all the way from Nashville which is like a 5 hour drive (10 hours there and back) so i let loose and went a lil bit wilder than i should have, but oh well it was worth it. I had a great time and I'm so glad d'espairs ray's concert got canceled (sorry d'espair) or else i might of went to that instead of this, and me no think it would of been such a great turnout so yeah... XD well anyways i just got done with a five hour ride back and I'm beat, so.... pictures will come tomorrow :D
    You lucky fuck, there was no mosh pit at mine. However there was a pretty big fight between a bunch of trailor trash right in front of me during Hageshisa to...

    And as it happens a majority of people were at mine for Dir en grey as well. The crowd thinned out BIG time for Apocalptica. It shocks me though, because I didn't think trailor trash liked music like Dir en grey.

  13. Honestly? I think all of the bigger names in Jrock are totally overvalued. The extent that some people go... no... i take that back... the... how do I word this... the fangirlism? For any band is completely uncalled for.

    Now, I also feel that there's "being-a-huge-fan-of" and then there's "fangirling."

    I'm guilty of being so excited for the Dir en grey show that I've done a happy dance... not because "Kyo is s000oo00 schmexy !!1!!

    Now, I'm not going to include some of my absolute favorites in this, but some bands that I listen to, appreciate the music of, would generally like to see in concert, but don't understand anyone's total obsession with:

    alice nine.


    GPKISM (I swear to God, Tainted Reality employees orgasm when they hear the word, and I just don't understand it... They were amazing and original until Atheos... then it got boring and tired. Fast.)

    Malice Mizer (When they were around, of course. They made good music. Passable music. Music I'll listen to from time to time. But not ultimate fangirlism worthy.)


    Phantasmagoria (When they were officially around as well.)

    Miyavi (I like him a lot, but I don't find him "kawaii" at. all.)

    the GazettE



    Now bands I hate that get too much attention:



    Every single "OMG, NEW BAND GAIZ" that Shattered-Tranquility talks about... Not that they're overvalued per se, but that some people do tend to freak out and become obsessive about Teh Rarez and it's sickening.... but redundant obvious post is reduntant and obvious.

    UnsraW (and all carbon copies.... cough Vajra cough)

    Sadie (kind of hate, not full blown hate.)

    Satsuki (also kind of hate. better in RES, blahdyblahdyblah)

  14. Guess everything was spent on DIM. How boring.
    I agree and I don't.

    I totally agree that everything was spent on DIM and that these 2 releases (SHIVER and tentatively Red.) are totally boring, but I don't think that DIM was anything to shake a stick at. I thought DIM was brilliant and definitely enough to hold me over until they get some talent back.

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