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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. No, but I've bitch-slapped someone.

    Ever need to tell that bitch more than once, and have to get a little violent?

    (Also, Shaneth is my name haha... well... it's Shane and people call me Shaneth, and Varosa comes from Izabel Varosa which used to be one of my favorite bands when they were around... Now people online and in real life both call me ShanethVarosa or SV for short.)

  2. I requested everyone in this thread until facebook said I was adding too many people.

    Anyone else want to add me:


    Just make sure you let me know who you are upon inevitable acceptance.

  3. Ate too much food.

    Going to vomit.


    Why does food have to be soooo gooooddd


    How come every time my girlfriends and I want to hang out they all have to bring their fucking boyfriends.

    We haven't had it be just the group of us in forever.

    Like they can't fucking live without their God damn boyfriends.

  4. I was looking through their discography and it just seems like they sort of release the same songs over and over again...

    This would I guess technically be their second full album but there's only like... what one new song on it?

    Things like that make me angry...

    And I feel like their music isn't THAT great, they do have some cool songs, but nothing that makes me marvel at their greatness.

    Seth needs to stay with Moi dix Mois.

  5. Surprising? No.

    Beating a dead horse? Perchance a tad.

    This is VK. It's been beating a dead horse for 15 years.

    And after that mediocre single, idgaf anymore.

    I seem to agree, I don't think their new single was entirely mediocre, but it wasn't "OMG WOAH AWESOME U GAIZ." either.

  6. then the pv will have asagi walking on one hospital alley in snobbish fashion, wearing shades and smile like he's daddy mack.

    Wait, that was PV for Ascendead Master. :mrgreen:

    Kamijo is a mack daddy though. :D

    i must admit that Kamijo does look attractive in absolutely everything ever. :wub:


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