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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. I found out that this guy that I've had a thing for for a while might have a thing for me too, but if he does he won't act on it because his views on love conflict with his views on religion and he thinks other people would be upset with him if he dated another boy, even though he's out to his family and they love and accept him anyway. Fuckity balls.

  2. To those who say it's good as it is, yes the MUSIC is but let's face it their first albums had bad production as good as the music still was. Image and Eden could benefit by re-recordings as well.

    I agree, I feel that way about a lot of older music, how YES I GET IT THE MUSIC IS GOOD AND DOESN'T NEED TO BE REDONE but they're not redoing it, they're just recording it with better production, which pretty much all of 80's music can benefit from.

  3. I enjoy the idea of a self-cover album for them to give a stronger sound to their already-classic songs, but I honestly wish what they would've done instead is cover PERIOD their best-of album, but that's just me. Maybe they have more re-recordings to come, but I literally might buy this, just to support the band in their revival.

  4. Do you want to see me down on my knees

    Or bending over backwards now would you be pleased

    Unlike the others I'd do anything

    I'm not the same I have no shame

    I'm on fire

    Madonna lyrics for my research paper.

  5. Haven't been following them after they started making bad music and releasing the same songs over and over again. Listened to Revolutions and that's when I decided that they need to disband. I thought they had a lot of potential to make really great music, but they didn't live up to my expectations. Best of luck, and I hope to see them in a new band soon.

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