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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. @Maiku Oops, sorry, I guess I mistook your sarcasm or something... this is just type so it's harder to differentiate, plus I'm already shitty at it. I really didn't mean to make it into an argument for some people to choose sides over, lol. I totally agree that we were just having a serious discussion about a band and I hate that people think it's an argument sometimes, lol.

    BUT ANYWAY, BACK TO THE DISCUSSION. I do feel that MOAB WAS a but of a regression only in that the variety expressed on WTD and URO was lost on MOAB but that doesn't mean I didn't like it. I bought it on the day of it's release, listened to it 4800 times, and am still in love with it to this day, it's just a different kind of love I have for it is all. In the vein of it being a Deg album, I just didn't feel as though it compared, but in the American underground hard rock scene, It really shone above others. In fact, one of my best friends doesn't care for JRock at all, BUT MOAB was the album that got her to become a fan of Deg and thusly give her an appreciation for the same music I do. So, in that respect, I have to appreciate MOAB haha.

    Also, Agitated Screams of Maggots is FUCKING SICK

  2. prog·ress   

    [n. prog-res, -ruhs or, especially Brit., proh-gres; v. pruh-gres] Show IPA



    a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage: the progress of a student toward a degree.


    developmental activity in science, technology, etc., esp. with reference to the commercial opportunities created thereby or to the promotion of the material well-being of the public through the goods, techniques, or facilities created.


    advancement in general.


    growth or development; continuous improvement: He shows progress in his muscular coordination.


    the development of an individual or society in a direction considered more beneficial than and superior to the previous level.


    Biology . increasing differentiation and perfection in the course of ontogeny or phylogeny.


    forward or onward movement: the progress of the planets.


    the forward course of action, events, time, etc.


    an official journey or tour, as by a sovereign or dignitary.

    –verb (used without object) pro·gress


    to go forward or onward in space or time: The wagon train progressed through the valley. As the play progressed, the leading man grew more inaudible.


    to grow or develop, as in complexity, scope, or severity; advance: Are you progressing in your piano studies? The disease progressed slowly.

    The definitions that apply are in bold.

    I appreciate your literal humor, but what I meant was what do you personally want to see from Dir en greythat in your mind would equal them progressing.

    You can't say that they lack a progression and then not have an idea of what you want to see them do.

    For example, I firmly believe that from Withering to Death to Marrow of a Bone was a regression in that WTD had a variety of heavier songs mixed with some ballads, but MOAB was just a heavy metal screamfest, but then from MOAB to URO was an extreme PROgression in that the music to me was sophistocated and elegant at parts what dark and heavy at others. What I would like to see is more UROBOROS-y songs, amient and emotional.

  3. I had a dream that one of my distant cousins was harrassing me via text and then an uncle died and she said i wasnt allowed to the funeral because i was gay, then she spread it around the whole family that i was gay and im I'm not ready for all of them to know it, so I assaulted a priest and used his costume to enter the funeral then i found the cousin in question and beat her to death.

  4. Monae is Janelle Monae.

    The one that sang Many Moons and Tightrope.

    Minaj's Pink Friday was decent, too.

    But The deluxe edition was too long lol

    though i still listening to it.

    Ke$ha EP, i haven't heard.

    But i like We R who we R

    I've never heard any of Janelle's music.

    And I don't have the delux version of Nicki's album... but I'll go download the bonus tracks. I bet they'll be amazing. I just ADORE Nicki. She's like my favorite girl ever.

    And you NEED to hear Ke$ha's it's so much better than her debut album.

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