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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    I agree with you that their sound seems toned down a bit. I'm not sure if I like it yet. Seems like they've dropped using only English titles for their songs too. I love that tracks 3 and 4 are called "Inferno" and "Paraiso" ("Hell" and "Paradise" in Portuguese, respectively). Hope it's a nice combo.
  2. saishuu

    This is a confusing topic for me. I've always been under the impression that anyone can be a singer (professionally or not) and that a vocalist is a singer that's involved in a group. Like vocalist is a "position" a singer has within a band/group or whatever, just like guitarist, bassist and drummer for example. I may be extremely off in this too, though.
  3. saishuu

    I didn't read the whole thing because this is a damn mess, but here are a couple of important things: 1) She didn't get upset because you asked her out. She got upset because you asked her twice, even after her replying you with a 'no'. Hell, I'd get upset too. I hate being asked the same thing twice once I've already given an answer. Just because she kept being nice to you after declining you asking her out doesn't mean she's changed her mind. It's important to keep this in mind. 2) Telling someone they're pretty all the time may come off as harassment depending on context. There's a limit to what people will be flattered and be bothered by. I have a feeling she felt bothered by the way you came across. Just a feeling.
  4. saishuu

    I got blocked too. I got used to not having KMC around, so I'm not really bothered all that much. Sucks though.
  5. Please do yourself a favor and watch one of VK's finest videos: (But seriously, if you don't like this song, chances are you won't like most of Vidoll stuff. Their earlier music, at least).
  6. lol Vidoll's early stuff has more quality than anything Phantasmagoria ever thought of making. Vidoll gets my vote.
  7. saishuu

    I'm graduating from university soon and we're shooting our pics this week. Took this one because hell, I had make-up on so why not. Quality kinda sucks because the studio was too dark.
  8. saishuu

    Word. I'm sad for Sel'm though. Their music has been great since they reformed with the new lineup. Hopefully there's another guitarist available to fill the void so that they can stay active.
  9. saishuu

    I have three releases as well (different ones, though), but I like these guys. I don't think they're anything really special, but their music is a nice occasional listen and their vocalist is really good from what I remember.
  10. saishuu

    Not really sad by this. I expected a lot more from them and they never delivered.
  11. saishuu

    Sucks for the guy. Mental disorders are no fucking joke. Hope he gets proper care and gets better.
  12. People from Tokyo Shoegazer + vocal guy from honeydip? Here for this.
  13. saishuu

    ...I don't know why I still expect anything of substance to ever be announced on this show. That animation looks cool, though.
  14. saishuu

    The scan is fake, as well as another one that's circulating everywhere showing Mega Sceptile. We'll probably have some info this weekend though when Pokémon GET☆TV airs. Holding my breath for actual pictures and the announcement of a Mega Swampert.
  15. saishuu

    I AM FUCKING CRYING I've been waiting for these remakes for so long. ;_;
  16. Stop messing around and come back already, goddammit.
  17. Great! giru's been on a roll lately. I hope this turns out good.
  18. saishuu

    this thread should have an "passive/aggresive" option for those who lack any sexual activities (me)
  19. saishuu

    At this point, I'd rather just have kannivalism back.
  20. lol I've watched Kokuhaku (it's actually a really good movie) and had no idea about this. Odd.
  21. saishuu

    I'm so ready for this.
  22. saishuu

    Sounds great! Very PIERROT-ish.
  23. saishuu

    one moment of silence for all the wasted potential and for the me-al art + akiya collaboration that never happened.
  24. saishuu

    It's too bad they have all these great bassists involved with the band and yet they remain bland as fuck.
  25. saishuu

    So they're basically playing their last live 8 years later?
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