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Everything posted by rekzer

  1. rekzer

    not bad. i do hope they include the full lives. or if they decide to remove some songs i'd be fine if they take away HOWLING
  2. rekzer

    @kyoselflove i'll take the dir stuff
  3. rekzer

    i'm loving these setlists but i'm not feeling Un Deux as a closing song D:
  4. rekzer

    I want that blitz 5 days box *-* please
  5. This is so similar to deathgaze that cdjapan sent me an email saying its a new release from from deathgaze
  6. rekzer

    Lucy at 1:14 sounds and awful lot like Byou[ ]Shin ._.
  7. rekzer

    im going to Cali to see One Ok Rock on October 25th. might as well stick around a few more days and catch Dir as well
  8. good for you? O_o back on topic samples sound good. haven't really listened to these guys since Shion came out so i'll give this a try
  9. rekzer

    Any reports on the festivals?
  10. Another question! I got the email with the payment info. Sent payment almost instantly with msg to send me shipping invoice and still no reply :< i needed those items for a bday present ;-;
  11. rekzer

    added lynch. dvd
  12. well yesterday was my first purchase. question, how do i pay and stuff? O_o
  13. rekzer

    FEEDBACK! Items arrived today (super fast) everything in perfect condition and very well packed THANK YOU!!!!!
  14. rekzer

    the encore is a sure neckbreaker. and its awesome. CONCEIVED SORROW <3 -snif-
  15. type L has pretty much their worst songs put together. RODEO SCREAM, Suicidal Rock City, oh god Howling is the worst of the worst from GANGSTA
  16. rekzer

    im currently playing the hell out of monster hunter 4 have 5 unopened games waiting for me if i ever get tired of playing monster hunter. ( Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, Majoras Mask, Sunset Overdrive, Paper Mario: Sticker Star and Metro: Redux) that's not counting all the PC games i have on steam that i haven even installed.
  17. why does japan always censor the good stuff?!?!?!?!?! https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video/CBSH_PNU0AA2ity.mp4

    1. lichtlune


      I know right? She looks like she has a nice pussy too.

  18. well.... ._______. i was always in love with my best friend in high school but she had a bf at the time. at first i obviously hated him. then when they broke up we became really close friends. he is currently my best friends for over 8 years now after we graduated me and her got together and dated for a year. we even lived together, having sex pretty much every day. does that count? he knows and he's cool with it but i always felt bad because of it :\
  19. rekzer

    bump ._____.
  20. rekzer

    anyone know if his last visual performance was released on dvd?
  21. rekzer

    ^ they probably switched member positions like they always do each time. weird that they barely played anything from ENIGMA. I know the album would sound a hell of a lot better live. without the robot voice.
  22. rekzer

    Bump ._.
  23. rekzer

    Yea the end recordz have nothing on their site
  24. Does Neo Tokyo ship worldwide? I want this http://www.neotokyo.de/angebote/dir-en-grey-tour2011-hoodie.html can someone help? :<

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      and 10€ for this hoodie. if they take paypal, I buy it right now ^^/

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      they have Minimum order value International: 30 €

    3. rekzer


      Aw that sucks

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