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Everything posted by rekzer

  1. guy at the post office wouldnt give me my lynch. to the galloes dvd cuz i left my id at home -_- years of receiving jp dvds n cds. first time they ask for an id -_- now i wont have it until saturday :(

  2. rekzer

  3. rekzer

    is it 3 full lives or just parts?
  4. rekzer

    this is what happens when they don't wait for DEG to release something. the album is bad, really bad. worst than COLD BLOOD bad. i think the only song i enjoyed a little was the last ballad. Tokyo Gypsy tried to be a catchy song but not a WOW factor either. just like negaram said , it doesn't have any consistency. every song feels so out of place i couldn't listen to it more than once. even the intro is horrible. 1/5 just for that nice ballad.
  5. It's hard to pick between Macabre and Uroboros :< this is too unfair! DX Macabre was my first DEG album :')
  6. Wow... Monster just turned to GO next to this
  7. rekzer

  8. rekzer

  9. rekzer

    first item sold
  10. i need some help getting rid of these things :< http://jrockforsale.livejournal.com/1199617.html

  11. rekzer

    i love the album , yes it is a big step up from Creature. my only complaint as stated is the weird effects on the screams :\ kinda kills the mood for the songs for me
  12. rekzer

    bump ._.
  13. rekzer

    well it's out. what do people think of it? i have listen to it twice and I'm a little disappointed. im happy they finally tried something new but the robot screams are killing it for me. why couldn't Ai just scream like he always does. like in Dead Blaze and Allure. it might have to grow on me. ._.
  14. I'll be preparing to move soon so i have to get rid of some things that I can't take with me :< so here is some of the things I'll be selling prices will be in USD, payment by paypal only, shipping excluded and from Puerto Rico. PRICES ARE NEGOTIABLE. AND DISCOUNTS APPLY FOR BUYING MORE THAN 1 THING DVDs: GALNERYUS - Live in the Moment of Resurrection ( never played it because someone uploaded it here but i did open it to see it) - $30 NOCTURNAL BLOOD LUST - GEARS OF OMEGA (took out once to rip and never touched again) - $35 UnsraW - Screaming Birthday w CD limted edition - $40 Unsraw - Gate of Birth ( Last live DVD) - $60 DELUHI - LIVE BLITZKRIEG - 35 DELUHI - LAST LIVE DVD VANDALISM - 50 (includes some photos) lynch. - LIVE DVD TO THE GALLOWS LIMITED ED - 70 CDs DEATHGAZE - Bliss Out Deluxe ed - 30 ( has Obi) RENTRER EN SOI - Ain Soph Aur - 20 GaGaaling - RENDEZVOUS - 10 ( has Obi) shipping to US is $10 the rest of the world I'll have to check https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/p417x417/10548963_802001679833457_1223386653331151254_o.jpg
  15. rekzer

    playing donkey kong country returns 3d that i got for my club nintendo platinum status thingy ._.
  16. travel to Cali to see Maximun the Hormone in October or wait to see if Dir en grey announces a US tour? sucks living on a stupid island :\

    1. rekzer


      Dir en grey of course but MTH in america is rare so idk :\ plus One Ok Rock although ive barely listen to them

    2. rekzer
    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      I would go just for One ok Rock tbh :D

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  17. rekzer

    no RING :<
  18. rekzer

    oh god that hoodie :Q i want it.... anyone here care to get me one? i'll pay of course
  19. Would love to see this D:
  20. rekzer

    D: that sucks
  21. rekzer

    Has that been released?!?!? I must have that! D:
  22. My Gears of Omega dvd has been shipped! <3

  23. shame that the whole set is not included. the first encore had my favorite NB song ( Lost Memory) still i bougt it
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