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Everything posted by rekzer

  1. SiM and coldrain dvds arrived! <3 :D

  2. rekzer

    Mix Speakers Inc would've been better than the Gazette song they picked but like one of them said. " It's still no Carly Rae Jepsen" xD
  3. rekzer

    that was awesome
  4. damn I'm loving this! awesome job! will be keeping an eye out for when you post more.

    To all the birthday people today!


  7. in case anyone might be interested ._.

    i'm trying to sell this


  8. rekzer

    still playing monster hunter generations ._.
  9. sent in my spooky bids just in case i can't make it
  10. is up for pre order on cdjapan http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEODAI-12422 ;-; $250+ R.I.P my bank account
  11. rekzer

    I actually like this one ._.
  12. rekzer

    yea bad idea to open it at work ._.
  13. rekzer

    is it weird that I enjoyed that? ._. listened to more of her songs and i'm loving it ._. she has an amazing voice
  14. awesome! I love their lives!
  15. rekzer

    they did not open with and zero xD at least not in San Francisco
  16. Satoshi was lip-synching the screams of some songs on their EU tour shows could he having problems singing be the reason they're breaking up?
  17. i love the fact that they left GO out of this setlist aside from Never Ending Story xD I do wish they would've played Inochi no Ki (イノチノキ), it's the only song I like from GO :<
  18. I want to order this. Is it possible for overseas?
  19. rekzer

    i think thats the SE they used as an intro for the last US tour? sure sounds like it
  20. Anybody know where i can get a DIR EN GREY hoodie? Small or medium ._. It's urgent.

  21. rekzer

    Does the video intro feature G.D.S? Sad that its not part of the tour
  22. rekzer

    for mp3 maker i always use DVD Audio Extractor it takes the dvd (also bypasses reagion most of the times) or VOB files and turns them into mp3s its what i've used for all the audio rips i've posted here. i don't know if this is allowed (sorry if it isn't!!! ._.) but here's the link: https://kat.cr/dvd-audio-extractor-v7-1-2-incl-crack-tordigger-t7507071.html
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