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Posts posted by platanity

  1. I cannot imagine how demanding physically and mentally is to be in two bands at the same time.


    And loved the preview.


    i had the same thought .

    its whole another level if youre leading 2 national class bands .


    ive noticed the production version of the 'new track' has a different piano break down -


    i really cannot wait for this ! hopefully fedex ships it smoothly ,

    and also finally owning a physical copy of immortalis :)

  2. To be fair, this wouldn't be his first time he has worked with a Japanese band. He did play with X Japan many years ago.


    ahhh completely forgot about that .

    i did have a microscopic hope that chino would be featuring in a collaboration track ,

    at least as a backing vocal . i always thought that kyo's singing style evolved from some point

    dir en grey touring with korn and deftones . but whatevs .


    i pre-ordered this with immortalis heh ,

    im just hoping vat doesnt come out ridiculously .

  3. for collaborative tracks, "elisabeth addict" is remixed by Danny Lohner a.k.a. Renholdër, and "latour" is remixed by Wes Borland(Limp Bizkit)



    and Wes Borland ? ? ? ? ? ! !  

    how the hell did they get someone like them to do this ? ? ? ? ? ? 

    Dir en grey go-touring us and europe is now paying it off ! :)


    as a side note, i would loooooooove a new tool album ... its been almost a decade 

    since they've released one and after mjk running off mad with apc and puscifer .

  4. 1. dum spiro spero

    2. uroboros

    3. arche

    4. vulgar

    5. kisou

    6. macabre

    7. withering to death

    8. marrow of a bone

    9. gauze


    i just look at the album as a whole , tho the popular votes are agaisnt to dum spiro spero ,

    but i like in the way of contrary . uroboros are almost a tie to dum spiro spero because

    ive always thought that both albums share the same ambience, but in a different sonical flavor.

    arche and vulgar has the same essence of being "an album packed with 'single' record materials',

    meaning each track has a certain value, altho it might lack on continuity as a whole album .

    kisou, macabre, withering to death shares the same 'indigenous' sound, a distinct 'japanese' sound ,

    altho 3 albums have tracks that are not really catchy, but a 'connecting' track between tracks .

    marrow of a bone is a very good album, but it lost a lot of previous 'dir en grey' sound .

    gauze...it is just not my kind of a music that i could listen for a long period of time ... too much pink ...

    too much 'karaoke' like -

  5. maybe it's got to do potential remix collab tracks in 'vitium' with relating artists on that list ?

    altho tracklist is out but who knows heh .

    and i love the the mixing's there !

    love lm.c and the novembers :)

  6. die looks like some old lesbian tho


    im just wondering why am i compelled to agree on this hah ,


    i just sincerely hope they do not make something retro or anything remotely close to gauze .


    any materials that are extension to what they have been doing (ex: rinkaku, unraveling, sustain) ,


    im good to go :) (and kyo looks nice here heh)

  7. Loved every album they've ever done.


    same here .


    altho ive had personal affection toward mucc since mid 2000's , 

    and it peaked when they've release 'kukichi no tou' and then the new era with 'saishu ressha' single ; mucc has never disappointed me .


    as for this album , there were many people expecting post 'shangri-la' album but on the contrary ,

    this album came out something totally different "once again".

    every track has their own purpose and style for this album and i've got to say that they are still trying

    something 'new' , although it might still sound as "trying" instead perfection-ing .

    and yes i did notice they have tracked some songs with heavily low bass (so whenever i play those songs ,

    my computer crushes the sound hah) , but i do like this as well somehow . 

    all tracks of this album are gold :)


    score : 7.5/10

  8. i admit this album cant be understated but some might not be fond of this .

    despite that, i just love every aspect of this album , 

    the technicality, ambience, concept, melody, composition, and the band itself .


    but my top tracks are , 




    1. elisabeth addict : very nice intro track !
    2. destrudo : love the piano
    5. zephyr : hands down my favorite track, cant be bored of it .
    7. aftermath : i think this tracks somes up the concept of the band
    11. mama : possibly the third favorite track . dont care about others' opinion, i just love it 
    12. vandal : reminds me of 'hydra' of dir en grey
    13. hemimetabolism : love the twist in the end
    14. 鵠 : my second favorite track . the composition and the melody stands out 
    16. in all weathers : beautifully abstruse and dark .
    2. 鵠 (remixed by PABLO (P.T.P)) : reminded of 'resident evil' soundscore, i love that sweeping bass
    3. zephyr (remixed by TK (凛として時雨)) : hands down the best track in remix album , a lot of instruments, cleverly composed without tracks being tangled each other
    5. nine melted fiction (remixed by 石井 秀 (cali≠gari, GOATBED)) : another nice track
    8. the daemon's cutlery (remixed by 人時) : for the sake of my loyalty toward kuroyume :) nice drum&bass remix
    10. mama (remixed by 橘 尭葉  妖精帝國) : love the pop-twist version track !
    all in all 9/10 : i somehow had very low interest on tracks what most of the people here were positive about . especially 斑人間, scars like velvet .
    admit some tracks had intricate compositions, but i did not perceive the melody as 'interesting' and likable. anyhow, yeh .

  9. In my book, they shouldn't really bother with self-covers - do you guys remember the "LIAR" remake? Yeah, just how sloppy that was...




    im sorry but i loved every remakes theyve done ,


    but again, im have a really biased opinion against every kiyoharu related works so ... hah !


    i really hope this somehow comes to my hand someday cause all these years i had to listen to 


    youtube rips -_ -. 


    1. cracker's baby [l/c]

    2. liar [l/c]

    3. fairy's malice [?]

    4. for you [?]

    5. liberation [?]

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