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Posts posted by platanity


    Sadly, i was really hoping to hear an equal amount of Die and Koba. Seems like Die, vocally was non existent. 


    1. i am so relieved that die's vocal part wasnt as proportioned as i have worried! he fits perfect as it he is and was. this project should be something like that band that nightmare's drummer's doing (same session, but trying different vocalists). something experimental.


    2. the song's alright, not as impactful as sukekiyo did, but catchy.


    3. somehow feels like kobayashi didnt do his part 100%. maybe it's because of dual-vocals. 

  2. "Hey guys, I don't have any more new song ideas."

    "That's okay, we'll just put Zetsubou on the single like last time, but with a different 'featuring' vocalist."





    i have no problems with any problems with merry .

    i am actually ok with a photo with gara smiling -

    (besides, they've been smiling before)

    just bring new materials and bring back tetsu .

  3. easily d'espairsray, rentrer en soi, and 9goats black out.

    as for d'espairsray ... although angelo is a bigshot, but i still feel karyu could've been in a different band, 

    and zero and tsukasa is ... dont want to continue with the comment .

    i wish takumi and mika stays on sukekiyo forever .

    and as for 9goats, it seems they are doing fine, uta in sukekiyo, ryo in various projects .


    id like to add deluhi, although technically exceptional and creative ,

    i didnt like the juri's pop idol moves during performance .


    if counting disbandment because of band member's pass,

    id like to mention pay money to my pain and kagrra .

    as for kagrra, although it was a misfortunate disband ,

    they stood out amongst other neighboring bands .

    and as for p.t.p,

    come on it's p.t.p , enough said .


    I still don't know what the deal is with people hating Toxic. It's not as 'bleep bloop' as everyone thinks it is (Division has a lot more of this going on) and actually has a lot of catchy and varied tunes.


    i am not a big fan of the gazette, but i admit they do make catchy records .

    and a comment on this , i love their albums since dim and above , especially toxic and division for being balanced, packed, and well-produced, while dim being the best for being conceptual and unique. before those, they had few great tracks amongst records (reila, hyena, filth, kare uta, etc), but they were too indie-ish to me (altho i see why the majority love their old works)

    anyhow, i look forward to their new record, cause the last one "beautiful deformity", again, had few great tracks, but a poor and boring record to me .

  5. love the new look , 

    it almost gave me that impression when i seen them in 'utagoe' era .


    ive seen in miya's instagram that they're back in studio :) !

    again, mucc never disappoints me so , 

    all i need is news for new releases 

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