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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Yes I did...the former, I never intentionally wanted someone to feel bad. But that was because she had been terrible to me. Did you ever steal someone's boyfriend/girlfriend away from them?
  2. sai

    8/10. Very ehh....deep.
  3. Got my CDs double, lol. Might start a selling post for them later. Also my new cellphone is RAD.

  4. sai

    Stop it, no need to act butthurt or feed into the drama. Anyone who thinks it's necessary to continue will get a warning point. Starting an old thread with a controversial message isn't the way to go either.
  5. sai

    Bonjour Machayume! /end of French vocabulary. Welcome to the forum! I hope you'll have fun here, and don't be afraid to hang out with the regulars in the chat
  6. sai

    ...the decline of J-Rock? Don't they mean "we only bring VK indie bands no1curr about and then are surprised no one buys tickets"? God. No one even knows/listens to this band apart from a few Ricky and D'espa fans, and their music isn't something that would attract D'espa fans musically anyway, I think. The fact that no one buys tickets for bands that have been around less than a year and most probably have around 10 full songs in total really shouldn't come as a surprise.
  7. I hope I can finally pick up my new cellphone this week. Damn companies with their "we'll get it on Monday, no actually we'll get it on Wednesday...just kidding, Friday or hopefully next week".

    1. sai



    2. CaRaN


      yeah you got em but you had to wait like a non-Atsushi follower traitor

    3. D.L.S


      At least it seems to be upgradable to Jelly Bean. ^_^

    4. Show next comments  111 more
  8. sai

    nego - Human Shield
  9. sai

    M-Koda - Monster
  10. Liking M-Koda too, a lot better than I thought actually! It doesn't seem to get boring.

  11. That awful moment when you realize that you only listen to so little music that waiting for something to be released that interests you takes around 3-4 months a year. D's on a small break, BUCK-TICK might take another 10 months...at least Alice Nine will release some stuff.

    1. sai


      Not sure what you grabbed, but I definitely recommend ESNO's album, it's really good!

    2. Number Girl
    3. Ito


      I haven't grabbed anything yet, I have just been listening to the samples. I will check out ESNO for sure, though.

    4. Show next comments  111 more
  12. sai

    Not very impressed on this one, but the sound quality really isn't too good. A's beauty usually lies in its details, so I won't be the judge of this yet.
  13. Somebody shoot me

    1. Ito


      I'll grab my camera.

    2. stylelover
  15. sai

    Pretty much, but with current GazettE I don't know anymore. Example: is Reita even still a member?
  16. I really hope both my new cellphone and my yesasia order arrive this week. It's been nearly two months since I ordered that yesasia package, lol.

    1. Ito


      I have had to deal with a YesAsia wait like that before...it sucks every day coming home and be like WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFF?!?!

  17. Wow CAT, that is one impressive post! I decided to check the Japanese artists for now, might check the non-Japanese ones later. There are quite some things in there that didn't really fit my taste, but these releases I'd definitely like to give a try now: ESNO, FilFla, fresh!, Jimanica, M-KODA, nego, TK's solo, アルカラ (I'm already familiar with them, but haven't listened to much of their stuff yet), トクマルシューゴ and LAGITAGIDA.
  18. sai

    I'm just going to drop this issue, because even with these (rather weak) arguments you can't and won't be able to change people's opinions on certain releases, whether they're pros in musical knowledge or just your typical GazettE fan. Your statement about how we aren't allowed to judge on those aspects contradicts with something you said earlier: "Every musician does something in a song a specific way and not just for craps and giggles. They play a certain melody this way, compose a certain section in such a way, because that's what they see fitting in with the song." So why are you now saying that you can't judge at all? Doesn't that contradict your statement about the way they meant to make it? I agree with Zess about that part too, as I stated earlier (which makes it clear we can back it up). Unbiased reviews is something you shouldn't name, because I don't think in the GazettE's case you are able to. But anyway, I'm going off-topic. If you want to continue this let's just do it in the artist thread.
  19. sai

    A band always uses guitar tuning, what is meant is changing the tuning, I'm not retarded. It's probably the chugging in the current tuning that is the problem, I give you that, but it stands out more merely because it used to be different and worked better with the older ideas. A standard tuning isn't always the case, bands often change it when moving labels or getting access to better production methods. But this is not a GazettE thread, so I suggest that we'd move the discussion there if necessary (as it was just an example).
  20. sai

    I pretty much agree with this statement. Having knowledge on the matter can help you appreciate things someone without that specific knowledge probably couldn't, but if a song is not to your liking, it won't really matter how well it is produced. Of course, when you critic music, it's always necessary to give a little insight on why you liked/didn't like a particular release instead of saying "boohoo this sucks", but pretty much everyone can with a little bit of effort and a good listen of the release you're going to review. No special knowledge is necessarily needed. Though I think the "boohoo this sucks"-part has more to do with someone behaving like a complete ass rather than trying to give a good review on music. Therefore, writing that a band needs to use guitar tuning (which both Zess and I stated in the GazettE's DIVISION review) is irrelevant to whether the thoughts of the musicians were to use it to create a certain mood (mostly in reference to Augie). We can't and won't know what the musicians thought when they wrote it if they don't give interviews about it. All we can say is that it bothered us that they used the same tuning for each song, and that it got boring in our opinion. That has nothing to do with giving critic on areas you know nothing about, which makes your argument kind of irrelevant for this particular discussion.
  21. Dat zei ik ook. Japanners die VK zijn. Als je echt goed vergelijkingsmateriaal wilt zou je moeten kijken hoeveel mensen komen opdagen als Europese VK bands zouden komen optreden, zoals Seremedy. Maar dan is 't vast weer van "ZE ZIJN NIET JAPANS, DUS MOGEN ZE GEEN VK ZIJN."
  22. sai

    Seems like they made the deadline (I knew about their new album because Atsuo said they'd release it in March). I had hoped it would've come in CD format though. I'm not sure about the tour though, I saw them in December 2012 and they did play flood (and mostly drone) there.
  23. I'm so fucking bored. Entertain me and gain my eternal love and appreciation.

  24. sai

    An external HD of 500GB. I was running out of space because of all the music and DVDs I ripped to my HD, so I can put my DVDs on my external now. Also bought a summer dress and body lotion. Might go for a new mobile phone sometime next week.
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