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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    I know, it's sad...
  2. sai

    ^ that scared the hell outta me D:
  3. sai

    Nope, did walk into my nightstand, damn, my knees D: Did you ever throw a rock at someone?
  4. sai

    Is a VIP member
  5. I mean A.I.R and A.I.R most definitely had a PV preview O___O It was supposed to be released somewhere in November, I don't think we're talking about the same single lol
  6. Too bad their previous single was not released, the preview was promising and so was the pv....
  7. sai

    Nope Btw @ new emoticons, where's the Kiwamu one? XD Do you like snow?
  8. sai

    @fisci I'm just one of the uploaders, not the official owner, byouto started the blog, but he's been banned from TW J's the boss around there now. Likes the GazettE
  9. sai

    Lol the pic next to Hizaki could've been Ruiza as well, he resembles him.
  10. sai

  11. sai

    You changed back to Zesshoku!
  12. sai

    Thanks for doing this! Normally I do the D reviews but I was too lazy to make one yesterday! Before writing my review I must honestly say that I enjoyed 7th Rose over this one as well, it's still a very good album though. The thing with this album was that it started of VERY good, than halfway through it fell down a bit but at the last few tracks it rose to great heights again, while 7th Rose kept me fascinated the entire time. 無垢??る薔薇??祈り - I was kind of surprised that they started of with a sort of "ballad" song, since most albums start of with an up-tempo song. The beginning really gave me the "7th Rose" atmosphere, the chanting and the background music, specifically. The calm riffs in the beginning and the heavier ones going along with it sound incredibly well together. Asagi's high voice is very good here, very enjoyable. The chorus is pretty beautiful, definitely a keeper and a good start. I love how he says 'justice' at the end. 8/10 In the name of justice - I wrote a review about this song when the single was released, and I can't say I've changed my opinion, it's still kick-ass. Probably one of my favorite songs by them. 9/10 Underground road - Wasn't very impressed by this on the first listen, but it's growing on me, especially the chorus, I love the echoes in Asagi's voice, it's my favorite part of the song. The synth in some parts just before the chorus could've been left out, it just doesn't sound very well. The breakdowns were good, but nothing special. I will probably listen this as a blend-in with the album, but not a track I would specifically play on itself. 8/10 DAY WALKER - Nice intro, a bit of electro-rock thrown in, I like that. The screamo is good. I think it's amazing how much Asagi has improved his screaming since 7th Rose. Toki no koe was a nice song, but the screamo was just...no. Ruiza keeps writing those heavy songs for him though. He just should refrain from doing it too often, since his regular is still way more enjoyable. This started to grow on me as well, it's just a standard, typical, good D song. Same as with Underground road, this is sort of a blend-in. But then again I preferred Underground road over this one. Upgraded Underground road to an 8. 7.5/10 翠緑??翼 - I actually totally forgot about this one, like most of the songs in the middle. I don't know if it's the fact that they are all in kanji or that they all give off the same vibe? It gives of a nice, mystical feeling that's really calm and relaxing. It's now pretty much in my head, especially the chorus. I like the accoustic guitars. It's definitely a keeper, but I needed a few listens first to get into it. I prefer it over DAY WALKER, so 8.5/10 月??海??誓約 - This actually starts of really good, but once the chorus sets in it gets a bit boring. Asagi's vocals impress me and I'm really enjoying them, but it just sounds so flat. I don't know about this one. The riffs in the beginning and throughout are just really enjoyable. I'll go with a 7.5/10 愛??棺??中?? - I think D should've split these songs better over the whole album, it feels like they are stuffed together and that makes this part of the album a bit...I don't know, bland. It's still a nice song, don't misunderstand me, but I would've liked some more variation. Maybe I would've felt the songs better if they had been divided better. It's better than the one before so 8/10 赤?羊??よる晩??会 - I think compared to some newer songs I've heard the rating of this one has fallen downward a bit. It's got a really nice, danceable feeling in the beginning with some jazzy riffs, and the moaning is actually incredibly fitting, but somehow really hilarious. Everytime I hear this Asagi's outfit comes to mind. Yeah...I should refrain from bringing that up. Anyway, still a song I can really enjoy. 8.5/10 太????牙 - A two-minute drum solo! Nice! However, you shouldn't hear this too often, otherwise it will just bore you. It's a really good drum solo, it shows off Hiroki's skill. I really like it. 8/10 Desert Warrior - I love this. The basslines, the drums and the Arabic feeling it gives off. Only one thing: IT IS WAY TOO SHORT. If they would've made this into a 4 minute song than I might have rated it a 9/10, but I can't. Really enjoyable, just too short. 8.5/10 Quartet~真夜中??四????~ - Nice drum intro. This is one of the songs that I really enjoyed apart from the chorus. It just doesn't seem to blend in with the rest of the song, I don't know. Maybe it's due to the slow parts just before the chorus. I really like the guitar riffs. If the chorus would've been more enjoyable I really would've enjoyed this one more. I like the drumming just after the chorus by the way. But then again, Tsunehito's songs never were my favorites. 7.5/10 Black Swan - Powerful start, which I like. Nice solo. I don't have much to say about this, it's just good. 8.5/10 Der König der Dunkelheit - This one is longer than the PV. So I was wondering, why. Now the answer is, because Asagi tells us a story in his sexy man voice. Nevertheless, this song is great. I wasn't very impressed when I heard the preview at first, but the whole song just blew me away, especially the part where the guitars set in for the first time. Great German, now work on the English 9/10 Silver acorn bullet - This has become probably one of my favorites by them yet. Everything about this is just perfect. The "rolling, rolling, rolling", the marching soldiers theme, Asagi saying: "Hello and welcome!" the solo and the upbeat chorus. My favourite of the album 10/10. Overall: 8.5/10 A very good album by them, with some very powerful songs, but also a few that were a bit boring too me. My 2nd favorite album by them, 7th Rose stays my favorite. And not because it misses Irish gnomes skipping through fields. D, you have done it again.
  13. sai

    Kick right back into last tuesday Mediafire?
  14. sai

    No, I'm desperate enough as it seems Like to watch movie marathons?
  15. sai

    DELUHI 22 Versailles 14 Megaromania 4 D 21 Matenrou Opera 29 Awoi 8
  16. sai

    Batman ain't got shit on them.
  17. sai

    Being lazy and watching Pirates of the Caribbean 2
  18. sai

    I totally agree with Marc. I'm incredibly happy that D has signed (have been dreaming of that before really ordering their stuff from Japan) but I would like it if ONE OK ROCK or Lolita23q would sign to either Gan Shin or CLJ as well. Btw I wonder how many copies of Mucc's album Karma Gan Shin has sold by now
  19. sai

    Did they have that few songs? Or is it just a short live?
  20. Haven't recieved one in a few years. I don't get sick often. For me it didn't really sting, but my arm hurt for the rest of the day. The next morning it was over, but it was still a bit blue.
  21. sai

    Yup it's Byou, he just looks an awful lot like Kiyoharu in that pic.
  22. sai

    ^ This And welcome!
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