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sai last won the day on August 2 2014

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About sai

  • Rank
    Yuuki's Dress

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    Not Telling
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    Walking behind
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  1. My CDs still aren't here (stupid me for going with regular Air Mail instead of Registered Air Mail). Current feelings: http://media.tumblr.com/8df350ef8f967e730ce9fa9a759bb63b/tumblr_inline_mr0xi6aF6o1qz4rgp.gif

    1. Ito


      Waiting to get stuff in the mail is the worst. I remember buying a Dreamcast on ebay as a kid and it took a month or so to get to my house...felt like a lifetime.

    2. Jigsaw9


      Noooo- D:

      What stuff did you buy?

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Never have problem with regular air mail personnaly, I receive it in 4-5 days. and Register air mail doesn't arrived more faster, you can just check his position.

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