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    ghostpepper got a reaction from monkeybanana4 in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    Kisaki helped so many other bands and helped spread vk so lots of people have a dislike paired with respect feeling here from my experience. Would rather just give rokmaykan the money direct though tbh 😅💦
  2. Like
    ghostpepper got a reaction from gensou in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    Kisaki helped so many other bands and helped spread vk so lots of people have a dislike paired with respect feeling here from my experience. Would rather just give rokmaykan the money direct though tbh 😅💦
  3. Like
    ghostpepper reacted to Naaaaani in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
  4. Like
    ghostpepper reacted to Brandon in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    Let's see

    Hikari ni furu ame -> Laputa / Masquerade
    Mikansei to guilt -> Laputa / Jakou
    Nil Frontier -> BUCK-TICK / JUPITER
    Pixy False -> Pierrot / Finale
    Kami uta -> Malice Mizer / N.p.s N.g.s
    Neo Ark -> Malice Mizer / Illuminati
    Material Pain -> D'espairsRay / Murder Freaks
    something else?
    now mind you, stealing in VK is pretty common
    i'm just sayin'
  5. Like
    ghostpepper reacted to saishuu in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    pay your taxes x
  6. Like
    ghostpepper reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    In spite of the controversy, this CD appears to be part of some sort of livehouse relief series, probably to keep them afloat while they haven't been able to host events. Rock May Kan's tweet is worded like they will have other releases from different artists like this to follow.
  7. LOLOL
    ghostpepper reacted to Tokage in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    proof once again that an endless well of raw talent and a set of good teeth can let you get away with almost anything
  8. Like
    ghostpepper reacted to secret_no_03 in NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST new digital single “Life is Once” release   
    The way they treated the two people in the band who actually have talent, the arrogance and disrespect and the way they did Daichi and Cazqui dirty is unforgivable. Hiro and those associated with him can fuck right off of a cliff.
  9. Like
    ghostpepper got a reaction from Kirito in Truly crappy Western "visual kei" inspired music   
    Of course that is important. I always offer any help I can to fellow musicians as I know the struggle. but as doing music cost money, Even if you are doing it only as a hobby, it is always important to think about the return you get for your efforts.
  10. Like
    ghostpepper reacted to Kirito in Truly crappy Western "visual kei" inspired music   
    And you don't think it's possible some bands are just having fun making music... ? I mean, nowadays it's very crazy to think your gonna make a living with your band. It's possible, but you cannot do music for this reason.
  11. Like
    ghostpepper reacted to saiko in Truly crappy Western "visual kei" inspired music   
    It's kind of a sinister feeling one gets while watching the ridiculous scenario of a pack of "users" actively giving a stuff you know it's ridiculous, nonsensical, inconsistent, etc. a lot of attention all of a sudden... feels like one's gone crazy or something...
    But buying social media 'credits' (likes, views, subscriptions, downloads, etc.) these days is SO much common than what oneself could ever imagine.  And I don't think it would stop any day, considering we are moving forward a virtual society more and more each day.
  12. Like
    ghostpepper reacted to Karma’s Hat in Truly crappy Western "visual kei" inspired music   
    Yeah I also think there's a good chance he has bought at least a good portion of those views. I just find strange that he doesn't apply the same philosophy to the rest of his content. The Mitsugi guy struggles to get 200 views even, and half of the comments are yohio commenting under the Yohio account, Keios entertainment account, Rehn music group account and others. 
    Anyway I find him very fascinating and endlessly entertaining. He was really unproductive around 2018 and early 2019 and seemed to have been in depression around that time according to twitter, only to self-help himself back to shape for the latter half of 2019 when he started his big campaign to get KEIOS finally going after numerous false starts the 8 odd years prior. On the website they have purged the labels real history, like his girl group, Mitsugi Senior Oskar Bruzell or something like that who appears to have become a member of the Swedish liberal right wing party since; and speaking of right wing, the Ex-Yohio drummer who was also the drummer for Marduk was caught ordering nazi merch with Arioch/Mortuus lmao. So Yohio the band is actually, according to the logic of guilty by association, tied to the far right. 
    I'm going to hedge my bets on him continuing almost until the end 2020 before he gives up and becomes inactive again, but I wouldn't put it past him to give up by mid autumn either I imo the Keios resurgence is already losing stream. If they're paying for views then the majority of their income has to come from being featured on Melodifestivalen playlists on spotify, and that can't be a whole lot of money in 2020. 
  13. Like
    ghostpepper reacted to Karma’s Hat in Truly crappy Western "visual kei" inspired music   
    Recently I've been wondering about the seemingly gigantic social media following of certain Swedish visual kei personalities, and how little traffic they actually do get despite of it. 
    Case and point: The Weebkei King Yohimbe has been on a massive release and promotion campaign for his record label. Having previously been in the habit of starting something and abandoning it only moments later, he's now been on this kick for more than a few months, even putting out new stuff by DISREIGN, English DISREIGN, some gaijin chump who nobody listens to and sings with a really hokey put-on gravely voice called Mitsugi and then his solo stuff. He still hasn't gotten rid of all his old habits tho, since he has in the meantime stopped doing both his podcast and daily vlogs, and is extremely unproductive on Patreon for his astonishingly perseverant 21 patrons. All of this hasn't made him get any bigger numbers than before, and I think we all know that he has hit the ceiling with his flop career a long time ago. That's not what I'm trying to get at though.
    When he puts out a PV it goes into 100k's of views in relatively short order, but when he puts out anything else it literally makes no numbers whatsoever. He put out a new song two days ago and it ended up auto-generated on Youtube under his channel name, and in two days it has gotten only 2.7k views. What about the tweet with the preview of the track? 374 likes. Somehow while my boy is more active than he has ever been, he only does huge numbers for a selected handful of songs with PVs just like he always has, his twitter numbers continue to trend downwards and the spike he got for his Youtube channel subscribers a long while back is highly suspicious to say the least. Even the attention that he appears to get for his PVs doesn't translate to anything else, because his label and projects that are in it are languishing in obscurity. How does that work? I know Nocturnal Serenade was promoted by the Youtube algorithm, but surely not all his PVs can be that lucky, unless he has come up with a way to really game the system. How does this shit work
  14. Like
    ghostpepper reacted to BrenGun in New band inThe has disbanded   
    Well.. not everybody check's it here 😛 
    But who knows the disbandment will mean a new start as a REAL band. 
  15. Like
    ghostpepper reacted to Takbardzozly in LUNA SEA   
    Ryuichi always will be one of the best, most charismatic and versatile vocalist of all time, he is a living legend and I'm so happy that he beat this cancer.
    We should just get used to the way he sings now.
  16. Like
    ghostpepper reacted to Jigsaw9 in LUNA SEA   
    yeeee boi, what an album, even to this day!
  17. Like
    ghostpepper reacted to saiko in LUNA SEA   
    Yeah, incredible even to today's standards. No wonder why they became and immediate success back in time.
  18. LOVE!
    ghostpepper reacted to hopefully_benign in LUNA SEA   
    Everybody: vk isn't a genre, it doesn't have a "sound"
    every riff in Image: *exists*
  19. Like
    ghostpepper reacted to Demivee in LUNA SEA   
    I have to admit that I'm also not that fond of their post-reunion releases (Even though there are many treasures like Lost World, Yamibi, Rouge, etc..)
    Their music got kinda slow and not that over-creative as before but it is nevertheless still on a high level.
    But what I really love about this band is that they never forget/ban an era of them. They try to give every album a spotlight in their liveshows and blend the new songs perfectly in that. Heck they even play some obscure demo songs as their Lunacy alter ego (And Ryuichi still pulls that SEARCH FOR REASON scream like 30 years ago).
    So they never bomb us with their new songs but expand their perfect back cataloge with them and I think that is the best what they can do in this state of the band.
  20. LOLOL
    ghostpepper reacted to Arkady in New band inThe has disbanded   
    I hope they don't miss the golden opportunity to call their last live inTheEnd.
  21. Like
    ghostpepper reacted to BrenGun in New band inThe has disbanded   
    Also the band was just a session band 😅
    Also that's also no wonder... such bands appear and disappear... 
  22. LOLOL
    ghostpepper reacted to anadentone in New band inThe has disbanded   
    damn , the battery on my phone lasted longer than this band
  23. Like
    ghostpepper reacted to solaris05 in Extremely rare item that you would love to own?   
    I would LOVE to own items from any of Aoi (GazettE)'s previous bands. I have some things from Kai, which I'm thankful for, but it's not the same when it isnt my bias 🥺🥺🥺
  24. Like
    ghostpepper got a reaction from Total Saikou in Extremely rare item that you would love to own?   
    X Japan Dahlia on vinyl. Or any of the pieces from the original LEMONed shops line. Have some hide museum era shirts but want the original. Wish X would just release vinyls like hide's camp did. 
    Super rare wise of what I own, I have the luna matino black robe same type as ryuichi and other members used in luna sea's image era and the esp guitar strap I use I got from ex. Staff for rouage, it was Rika's seems. new bands photoshoot I am letting the vocalist use the robe. 
  25. Like
    ghostpepper reacted to Total Saikou in Extremely rare item that you would love to own?   
    It's not that rare, but nothing would be cooler than adding an enigmatic MM item to my collection--like Sans Logique. I saw it go on sale yesterday for 5 000¥ (~50$ American), which is not bad (edit: its auction price has escalated to 10 000¥ so scratch that). What actually is that rare is the special promo Après-Midi E-Style tape. Literally like 50 copies or sum shit, given out as promo material (for Shockwave '96 I think).  Forget the price, the damn thing hasn't seen for sale in years. Only 3 copies have been sighted/accounted for so who knows what happened to the rest.
    I've always enjoyed Shinjuku Gewalt's Kaizou tepu a lot, but last I saw it it was on Yahoo-oku for 12 000¥ (~120$) 
    Also that 54 000¥ (~540$) Laputa demo tape @Cantavanda showed me. It's not about the money, it's about sending a message.
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