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  1. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from blackdoll in Drastic changes in musical taste   
    It happened I deleted some artists from last.fm, not because I was ashamed, but I often show it to people who ask about my favorite bands and they asked about the bands I lost my interest in, so I wanted it to show my current taste in music. It has nothing to do with being ashamed of anything.
    I've never seen people doing that, it's rather people who don't listen to vk say to vk fans. Unless you mean Gazette fans who know like 3 popular vk bands and they act like they know everything, then it's obvious someone will comment on it.
  2. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to RoseOfHizaki in Answer the question of a random person   
    call me an extremist but if i could achieve it then id do it....Id create some sort of explosion or some sort of man made force of nature that would either wipe out humanity completely or at least bring it to its knees - In an effort to completely eradicate corporate duchebaggery, selfishness and any negative trait among the people. In such a world, any sort of currency means nothing, what will mean something is doing things for each other - trading skills, running errands for each other, just things that help each other out as a community.
    Of course people will call me a tyrant and a traitor to humanity, but when im long dead and gone either killed by my own plan or later on by the survivors - I hope whats left of the community will continue to grow and that people will abandon whatever hatred, grudges or boundaries they had before that prevent them from growing as a community together and for once live together in peace. The people will call me a traitor but decades from that point in time people will call me a hero for uniting the people despite going into extreme measures and killing so many in the process.
    In order to evolve and move onto the next level - sacrifices must be made, and if wiping out humanity means that people finally give a shit about each other then maybe the world wouldnt be such a bad place anymore.
    Favorite item of clothing
  3. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from Kawaii_Minpha in Uploader's Café   
    sai, it happened I shared something in lower quality more than once, do you know why? When I shared in 320, but ripped in VBR (because I wasn't familiar with all the ripping), people were really rude to me because of that. I didn't have any bad intentions, but they complained so much that I didn't feel like sharing anything in HQ anymore. 128 doesn't really bother me if the rip isn't totally crappy, to be honest. "Buy the CD" is an universal thing used for everything, by the way. If someone wants to be rude, they will tell it even when the situation is totally riddiculous and they're making an idiot out of themselves. I've been told that even when I had the CD myself XD (but I won't explain it here).
  4. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to sai in Ever feel like supporting an artist isn`t worth it?   
    I really don't care whether my favourite band uses the small amount of money they make from CDs (which isn't quite a lot, considering a lot of the album sales money is used to pay other people involved in the process of making a CD, as someone already stated before me) to take their kids to the zoo or sniff coke from a prostitute's behind. The money they make because I spend it on them is theirs and they can do whatever they want with it, unless they're using it to support neo-nazi's or smth like that lol (then obviously I wouldn't put money into people who support that sort of thing). They put effort and time into making the music so I shouldn't feel entitled just because I bought that CD that they should do what I want them to do.
    Just buy what you enjoy from a band. They released an album you didn't like? Too bad, then don't buy it. But don't start whining that you spent so much money on them and now they're "doing this to you and you feel so betrayed". A band does whatever they want musically (unless in specific cases with awful contracts or whatever but then again it's still up the band itself to decide to go major and in the process lose some of their individuality) and if you don't enjoy it you should just not support it.
  5. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to Kawaii_Minpha in Drastic changes in musical taste   
    Edit: Message deleted
  6. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from Komorebi in Drastic changes in musical taste   
    Dude, lol... fuck you . I'm past my teens and closer to my 30s, than 20s, I still like visual kei and I don't comment on tastes of people who listen to the music I dislike. I feel sorry for people who think adults have to be serious and do serious things, this is riddiculous. Just because most of the audience are teenage girls, it doesn't mean anyone else has to suddenly drop their interest, just because their age number became higher.
  7. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from Kawaii_Minpha in Single People Thread   
    ishiki, that's the kind of guys I'm attracted to as well. It's often a matter of the personal style, I just don't find the regular, manly style attractive. I think all these "manly" men look so boring, especially the ones with short hair. It's a huge turn off for me and it's been the same since my teens. I've always been attracted to the ones who look more delicate. Unfortunately, there aren't such guys in this country, they would probably get beaten up for looking gay. I hate Polish men, because they're obsessed with that not looking and not acting "gay" thing. The only ones who don't act like this, are bi or gay themselves and they're the only guys who actually don't annoy me. I could never date someone with that anti-gay obsession, even if he was totally my type in appearance.
    I think I'm more into girls, actually, because there are too little men of my type. Even the ones considered "hot" by most women, are unattractive for me. I remember one guy hitting on me in high school, all the girls thought he was hot, but he was totally not my type (darker skin, black hair... a bit like a latino type, it's just not my thing). Maybe I shouldn't be too picky, because I'm fat and unattractive (I looked better in high school, fyi), but I'm one of these people who aren't able to lower their standards just to date anyone.
    RoseOfHizaki, and I was going to delete that post for being so pathetic, but now it's pointless, because you quoted it. Oh well, it's the only site I use this nickname on, so no one will track my pathetic self online :'D.
    As long as it's not just being careless about what you do, people should rather enjoy it, especially girls. Sadism is sexy .
    I won't quote the whole rest, so I'll just reply to it here:
    I only get sad about it, because there's no one who cares about me. People usually focus on their work and family, so a friend wouldn't care for me as much as I need it, I think it's the only reason I want to date someone, to actually get out of here and get busy with something else, because I have no other possibilities and only a person you date makes you their priority, friends don't do this.
    There's nothing wrong with spending money on yourself, why do you see it as a problem? I don't understand this. Maybe it's because I'm a girl, so I was raised different, I have no idea... or maybe because I have nothing, so I'd be excited about having money to spend on myself. When people buy me things I feel terrible, like I was using them, to be honest. But yes, having money helps with depression, you can treat yourself with nice things all the time.
    Well, everyone is sad sometimes, there's nothing wrong with that. I don't think girls dislike it when men cry, or get emotional, or upset, because it happens to everyone. Men who act too tough are usually huge dicks. Maybe some girls like it, but I find it unattractive. They usually lack any common sense. Think about love stories for women, they all are so emotional and romantic, I don't think most women like too tough and too soft men (mommy's sons for example). Something in between is the best, nothing too extreme. People in general dislike it when someone's in a bad mood and they expect you to put on a happy mask, but you're supposed to get closer to someone when you're in a relationship, so I think it's better to be honest, at least you wouldn't end up with a person you can't stand this way. All the pretending to attract a certain type of people is a bad idea, imo.
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  9. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to Lestat in ex-NEGA Vo.儿-JIN- new band "THE BLACK SWAN" has formed   
    Jin has an unique voice, and most VK fans don't seem to like unique voices nowadays. 
    The criticism he receives is ridiculous, really, having read that last entry on his blog back then about how he thought himself to be a horrible vocalist, and that he let his fans down, it was just terrible to know he'd allow himself to be driven that far up the walls by a group of cunts who, instead of appreciating music, can only criticize it. 
    I thought because of that he was the last one to come back with a new band because of how deep people have buried him, but I'm honestly glad he's back because he is an awesome person with great charisma, and a musician with a tremendous insight in music. 
  10. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to Gregg_Prince in ex-NEGA Vo.儿-JIN- new band "THE BLACK SWAN" has formed   
    I was waiting for this news so long (since NEGA disbanded) hope the other members are: SAN, Ray & Yuu lol 
  11. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to Jigsaw9 in Juri(ex-DELUHI) solo new mini album "Blanche" release   
    Keep fooling yourself Juri, lol.
  12. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to Pandabear in Juri - Blanche   
    I agree that in order to properly listen and give an unbiased review of this release you can’t compare it with Deluhi. Unfortunately the only appeal this release has is the fact that it's from their former vocalist. There is nothing special or unique about any of these tracks. It’s not bad, but at its bare bones it’s mediocre pop. There’s not enough diversity, originality or melodic hooks. They’re nice tracks, but nothing that could properly hold someone’s attention or have them coming back for another listen. In essence it’s just nice background music. 
    I bet if someone were to listen to this and not know who Deluhi was or Juri is, they would think this release is just another run of the mill J-pop release by some no name artist.
    Although I think it’s cool Juri expanded into the pop scene given his metal background, Blanche is missing crucial elements that make it a rather weak and forgettable pop release.
  13. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to cidetodeath in Disbanded Favorites/Bands That You Miss So Much   
    The band that I miss most that is inactive now is Unsraw.
    Their music was so striking to my ears, like it was definitely dark. However, they had a great blend of sounds. It wasn't just -core stuff probably due to vox.Yuuki's formal music training. I was so sad from their initial breakup that I couldn't listen to them for awhile. Now though that things with that resolved  well, their music has been on a constant playlist for me.
    Wow that sounds ultra-melodramatic. In short, their music was some of the heaviest metal visual kei stuff I've ever heard, even now most bands don't have it.
  14. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from hiroki in Disbanded Favorites/Bands That You Miss So Much   
    There're more than a few I miss, but I'll only mention one: NEGA.
    They were my favorite band, being their fan brings so many nice memories to me, especially their live. I was very, very lucky I could see them, and in order to get there (to the Netherlands) I achieved something in my life I've been trying to make for years, just because seeing them was a very good motivation to me. Without them and their small tour, it wouldn't happen. The concert itself is also a very nice memory, they will always have a place in my heart and I still hope these guys will come back and make some more music.
  15. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to Jigsaw9 in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Unpopular opinion: MEJIBRAY has nothing to do with the GazettE in terms of "rip-offness"
    Sure, Tsuzuku is a fan of Ruki's and the GazettE's, admittedly. And this moderately shows in his visuals at times.
    Sure, the band has some songs in their catalogue that seem to have some similarities to a few of GazettE's tunes.
    ...about 3 songs out of a total 48 (and counting).
    ...which usually only resemble GazettE stuff for like half a minute each.
    (remember DIE KUSSE where everyone shouted "ripoff, hahaa!" only because of the introductory part that never ever repeats again? ;> )
    So it's getting a bit weird and old to read all the "durrrr Gazetto copybando" stuff. Feels just like around 7-8 years ago when all I heard everywhere was "durrrr Gazetto sounds like Diru" (no they didn't, lol).
  16. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to stylelover in Illegal downloading should stop... or going on...?   
    i cant really agree with that. you can always see that tickets sell really good, as long as there are some good bands coming. Ace sold good, gazette had no problem in selling out, etc etc.
    its not because of lack of interest, its because so many noname bands toured europe in the last 2-3 years. now some organizers like b7klan get that they need to bring a little bit more famous bands to get people to concerts. EAT YOU ALIVE will be a good tour too, im sure of it.
    But bands like guild, adams , orochi (orochi in cologone had like 30 people attending), etc etc. its normal that only a few people go there . either the die hard fans or the minority that goes to every live just because its pretty japanese people.
  17. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from orangetarts in Illegal downloading should stop... or going on...?   
    Prices in Japan are higher, because their salaries are higher. It's cheaper for them and people buy them for this much, so why would the prices be lower?
    About downloads: people who complain this much about these, always come either from the country where it's easy to get a job, or they have a lot of money they didn't work hard for and they assume everyone's reality is the same. Not all people are able to buy CDs and like I said many times, foreign sales are irrelevant for these bands anyway, Japanese spend more money. The ones who complain the most are usually companies like PSC, lol. If someone can and wants to buy the music, they will. If the band is good, they will get sales. They should take care of themselves better if they aren't getting enough sales, imo. Usually bands who sound terrible complain about
  18. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to Ikna in Illegal downloading should stop... or going on...?   
    Despite the fact that I download a lot japanese music (other music not as much, because it's easier to get for me, except it's a discontinued release from 20 years ago that has never been re-released) I don't know so much about the laws and legal aspects of it. But I know that the copyright laws are very different. In the US the entertaiment industry tries any possible way to turn people into criminals so they can charge a shit load of money for having downloaded copyrighted material. I find it extremely exaggerated that even the FBI can arrest you and put into jail for downloading.
    But then I am living in Austria, where, as far as I know, downloading music per se isn't forbidden, unless you intend to use the files for commercial purposes or you are plagiarizing it (which I too consider as the real act of "stealing music").
    If I remember correctly I read a lot of articles about the whole "if people don't buy records, the music scene will die" argument. It's an argument brought up by the media industry since the triumphal march of the cassette, which as we all know made copying and sharing music and videos very easy. I guess anyone who is old enough to remember the time when taping and recording music or radio programs was popular may be familiar with these nice warning signs:

    We all know that the music industry is still alive and very well and they survived the taping craze. Of course the internet is kind of a bigger dimension, because files aren't just shared with your best friends and their friends, the file can be accessed by billions of people. Popular music will spread quite fast. But I still don't believe the music industries condition is as worse as they claim to be. From what I can gather of articles in the net record sales declined already in 1999, so long before the whole file sharing thing dramatically exploded (which I think didn't happen until p2p and filesharing services became standard). And since one year the sales seem to rise again and (the interesting thing) partially due to people downloading from online shops like itunes.

    I guess it just can't be said objectively how many damage or not downloading makes as the whole issue is a double edged sword: really popular artists like Lady Gaga don't really suffer from declining record sales, because there are still enough people who buy the music or there are enough people willing to pay 100$ or more for a concert ticket. Some may be even following their artist and visit several concerts. If Lady Gaga and her Label gain 20 billion or just 10 billion $ doesn't make such a difference- of course only for us, not so much for the profit lusting music industry.
    But then you have to admit that those good earning superstars are an exception. The majority of bands and musicians are not rich and they don't earn that much money. So it makes a huge difference if the can get say 150.000 or only 50.000 $. (Vk groups of course make much less). Those numbers are just imaginary. I am not so familiar with the earnings of musicians, but you get the idea.
    The problem however is, that the smaller the band, not only the less will the earn, but the more will they suffer from the money the label takes from them. So in most cases just buying more releases alone won't help. And if it's true what I have read a lot of labels even charge their bands for the stuff and merchandising they sell on tours. That's actually stealing, but what can you do? (or what choices do the bands have)?

    So ultimately... downloading can be damaging, but it mustn't, and sometimes it's better to at least buy concert tickets or support the band otherwise than doing nothing. I know that coming from me sounds foolish though XD

    Regarding VK music: I agree with what most here said. Visual kei isn't really meant to be marketed for foreign fans. I'd say that this isn't even an "issue" concerning visual kei, basically anything from japan, except maybe video games and electronic devices, never surface outside the island, may be fashion, make up or any music (vk, as well as pop or rock music). I believe Japan doesn't really care for us mostly white weaboos as much as we do for their culture. Also notable is that japanese fans don't even want foreigners to drool over their Vk stuff. If you don't live in Japan and aren't able to go to the live yourself than that's your problem. Even if you ask nicely the japanese fans probably won't share the live distros with you. Of course that's also because they can't speak English so well, but I am sure they just don't give a fuck about us too.
    Also I doubt japanese record sales are so heavily influenced by sharing the stuff. Yeah, some japanese people will download them as well, but some of the truly hardcore fans are still buying everything or they are still visiting the lives and buy lots of chekis, photosets and so on. (and Vk bands actually make more profit with those than with records)

    Lastly... I have to thank the Vk filesharing community. The first Visual kei records I owned were bought myself, when Vk became "trendy" and cool here in europe and Gan-shin would distribute some artists here. But I didn't really get into the thing until I discovered the old school shit on blogs like Evil en Lucifer. There would have been no way at that time to find it otherwise, let alone buy it. I still don't have enough money to buy me everything i have on my wishlists and most of the stuff is hard to get. So blogs like these were really helpful. And I guess I will continue to share the old stuff I buy- in hope that people can get access of good rips instead of the 128 kps files floating around and because I think people need to check those groups out.
    I am not so fond of new vk, but I guess the principle is similar. Many people just want to share so people who don't have the money to order the CDs can still get to hear the band. Japanese CDs are really expensive for us foreigners, especially if shipping options are stupid and you are unlucky and have to pay custom fees.
  19. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to lichtlune in Illegal downloading should stop... or going on...?   
  20. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to Jiyo in llll-Ligro- new maxi single "彼岸花(higanbana)" release   
    5th Single "彼岸花(higanbana)" PV is available on youtube

  21. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to evilcoconut in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    As someone else touched on and I'm not positive it's unpopular, but it might be... I don't consider "illegal downloading" theft.  Theft is the deprivation of something from its original owner with no intent to return it.  IN this case, nothing is being stolen because someone bought the item in the first place and is simply sharing it with others...albeit a lot of others.
    Downloading music on the internet is exactly the same concept (just a lot easier) as going to the library, checking out a CD and then ripping it and keeping it or re-burning it.  Or, back in the day, using a double cassette recorder to copy one cassette to a blank one.  The only difference now is it's a LOT easier to do this type of copying, sharing, etc.  
    It's a giant myth perpetuated by governments and record labels, stepping on our rights and no one should be buying into it.  If I buy something, pay MY hard-earned money for it, no one, NO ONE, should be able to tell me what to do with it.  If I want to share it with one person or dozens of persons, that's my right dammit.
  22. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from Ikna in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I doubt vk bands have much money from the foreign sales. Foreigners are also ignored by many bands (there are CDs or services available only in Japan), while people in Japan can go to the instore when they buy the CD, for example. Foreigners don't get anything else, than the physical CD and bonus items sometimes. It's so easy to complain about people who don't spend money, but these bands totally don't care about any other market, than Japan, so the sales outside of Japan probably don't matter to them. I've seen many bands open to foreign audience and happy people all over the world listen to them, but Japanese are so closed about everything. Sometimes I feel like a worse kind of a fan, because I can't even participate in everything fun.
  23. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from orangetarts in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    When someone brags about a release being good to a group of people who didn't listen to it, what are they supposed to say about it anyway? They don't have any opinion, so the only thing they can say is to ask for it, so they can listen to it and tell you if they like it too, or not.
  24. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from sai in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I doubt vk bands have much money from the foreign sales. Foreigners are also ignored by many bands (there are CDs or services available only in Japan), while people in Japan can go to the instore when they buy the CD, for example. Foreigners don't get anything else, than the physical CD and bonus items sometimes. It's so easy to complain about people who don't spend money, but these bands totally don't care about any other market, than Japan, so the sales outside of Japan probably don't matter to them. I've seen many bands open to foreign audience and happy people all over the world listen to them, but Japanese are so closed about everything. Sometimes I feel like a worse kind of a fan, because I can't even participate in everything fun.
  25. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from stylelover in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I doubt vk bands have much money from the foreign sales. Foreigners are also ignored by many bands (there are CDs or services available only in Japan), while people in Japan can go to the instore when they buy the CD, for example. Foreigners don't get anything else, than the physical CD and bonus items sometimes. It's so easy to complain about people who don't spend money, but these bands totally don't care about any other market, than Japan, so the sales outside of Japan probably don't matter to them. I've seen many bands open to foreign audience and happy people all over the world listen to them, but Japanese are so closed about everything. Sometimes I feel like a worse kind of a fan, because I can't even participate in everything fun.
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