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Everything posted by Nyasagi

  1. Nyasagi

    5 types? are they sane?
  2. Nyasagi

    I wouldn't spend my money on the concert ticket just to see Kiwamu raging...
  3. Nyasagi

    It's mostly an EU problem, not US.
  4. Nyasagi

    Oh yes, I'd love to hear the stories too!
  5. Nyasagi

    Info from the Polish person who went to BLOOD's live here: "The photographer (who was allowed) was taking photos, so Kiwamu got mad and threw water bottles, he even went off the stage. One of the girls tried to touch his guitar and he jumped away. He was more focused on people taking photos, than playing his guitar. His face looked like he was forced to do something. I don't know how other band members handle his behavior."
  6. Nyasagi

    I used to, but not anymore. I try a new band if I get interested in them for some reason, for example when people are excited about them or they look interesting or I like the preview. Except these cases, I try the releases of the bands I like.
  7. I don't want Diement. disband...
  8. Nyasagi

    For EU it's 22eur value for the tax, 150eur value for the customs. I'm actually very lucky, I've never had to pay the tax and I ordered many CDs, from cdjapan, with EMS, Airmail, etc.
  9. Nyasagi

    I think they just want to promote that Facebook page this way and maybe see who's interested in the live, people from which countries? But top 3 are all Polish people, lol.
  10. Nyasagi

    I don't like such contests, but I've never been on a plane, they aren't coming to my country, so I'm participating. Trying wouldn't hurt
  11. Nyasagi

    OMG, YES! I was wondering what happened to this band, it's awesome they're still active and releasing an album!
  12. Nyasagi

    It would be nice if they got new look, but they aren't an UCP band who change their look a few times a year. It's expensive and their current look is nice, so I wouldn't mind if they just got another photoshoot
  13. Nyasagi

    That's what I meant about 5%, it's just some Paypal payment fee, not the commission. About the shops: do they buy from any shop if I send the link? Or do they have the list of the shops they only buy from?
  14. Nyasagi

    Thank you. I hope their "0yen promotion" won't end, because 5% is some Paypal processing fee (but maybe this is what they're making money on)
  15. Nyasagi

    5% commission? Do they also buy everything you ask for from the shops? It also would be nice if you gave the direct link to their fee page, because I can't find it.
  16. Nyasagi

    Nice, I ordered mine a few days ago. I'll get another poster (I already got 3 the same with my singles, lol)
  17. Nyasagi

    Dying message? It reminds me of that band with band vocal xD
  18. I got a message from hear-japan you can buy it from their site. I did, it costs only 76yen (0,7eur). I hope they will also sell "-1".
  19. Nyasagi

    you don't get my point, looking cute is easy. bbcream, silicone base and hair extensions cost less than $ 500, add thousand or another for costumes (assuming they're custom tailored or/and any more or less known brand.) making music, on the other hand, requires skill, effort, time, good mixing engineer and a producer. idk if he has the former, but his voice is so weak so no amount of studio work helped it. I don't get the fascination with attention-whoring teen who can only produce sub-tokio hotel grade work - and those guys at least were earning money with their crap. Looking cute isn't easy, not all people can look cute, especially white guys. Most are too manly for this style and he just has a good face for it. Look at many other older white musicians who wore female clothes, they looked rather funny, than cute. No one is good from the start, you said yourself it requires work. The guy is still young, if he notices he got an awesome chance (because his dad has money and works for Universal), he may work hard and improve. His voice isn't that bad actually, he's just a beginner imo. Many vk bands and vocalists sound much worse than his song. It only depends on his attitude if he will get better or not.
  20. Nyasagi

    Acid Black Cherry are rather known, but not very popular in my opinion. There are people who like them, but there are more popular bands. Golden Bomber are quite known, mostly between girls who like their nakedness on the photos imo, but there are still more popular bands. Kiryu have some fans, but I think they aren't that popular. I don't listen to any of these bands myself xD. The most popular bands/artists are still Dir en Grey (I know they aren't vk, but they were and many vk fans like them), Gazette, Miyavi, Alice Nine. PS Company bands have the most fan(girl)s. Sometimes I get peta from some band members. If they have samples on their site, I get interested. If they don't, I don't like samples or I can't buy the CD when I really like - I usually ignore them. There are also many threads about new bands on this forum and sometimes other people send me something... or someone posts their music in the download section and when I like it, I get interested. Well, I know many people from many countries and I didn't have to learn their language to talk to them... so no, I wouldn't call it being open about foreigners if you have to learn Japanese to even talk to them about irrelevant things on the internet. If they wanted to open up, they would learn English.
  21. Nyasagi

    I think everything are just culture differences and the language barrier. Most Japanese don't speak English, most foreigners don't speak Japanese. The music scene abroad doesn't have something like visual kei, so it's often misunderstood, people compare it to the reality they know and there isn't enough information about it. Also the fantasy image deceives them, vkei is mostly about a stage image after all. Japanese people aren't very open towards foreigners either, so it's difficult to know more about it. There's nothing to be worried about though, because there are stupid stereotypes created by n00bs about everything and mostly people really interested in something know the truth.
  22. Nyasagi

    kawaii since 1980 (roughly 10 years before you were born) He's cute indeed, but you're wrong with my age, it's just 7 years . It doesn't mean other people can't look cute either, I don't get your point.
  23. Nyasagi

    I actually like it, I think you're hating on the guy, because he's not Japanese... but he's one of the very few white guys who can do it right, though I wish the song was a bit heavier, this little bit of growl in some parts of the song sounded very nice.
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