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Everything posted by Nyasagi

  1. Nyasagi

    Does smiling count?
  2. Nyasagi

    Oh, yes, you're right. They may be signed to Gan-shin indeed. I can't lose hope then
  3. Nyasagi

    Gan-shin? I think none of their bands performed here...
  4. Nyasagi

    200 people? That's quite... a lot for some unknown vk indie band. I'm sure there won't be that many people on their live.
  5. Yes, it's the demo of their new song, it will be released on their rarez live distributed limited to 10 copies. In order to get it you need to have 3 Kleza live distributed CDs and show the tickets from 10 of their lives you attended to, then mail your nude photo to Yuuki and you will get the demo tape.
  6. Nyasagi

    UnsraW's song is definitely new.
  7. Nyasagi

    ROTFL I want to hear it already!
  8. Nyasagi

    Keep trying. Maybe you will make me at least smile one day.
  9. Nyasagi

    Then what's the point of your post actually? It's not even funny.
  10. Nyasagi

    Nega's song is rain falls, so you failed.
  11. Nyasagi

    omg, this person is more fat than me.
  12. Nyasagi

    Thank you very much for explaining it. I hope I'll be able to get it
  13. Nyasagi

    I can't think of any Jrockers who're as fat or manly gomen ne~. I don't know who GuhGuh is, but the drummer of SEED is fat.
  14. Nyasagi

    Does every CD contain this ticket? I may have a way to get it . Please tell me the details, where exactly should it be mailed?
  15. Nyasagi

    What's a subscription ticket?
  16. Nyasagi

    But it still sounds funny
  17. Nyasagi

    I went to cooljapan.com, I'm such a blonde, I forgot about cooljapan store... but their search function didn't find anything. It doesn't matter anyway
  18. Nyasagi

    Tony november 16? I've just rotfl'd.
  19. Nyasagi

    If I was asking for anything, I'd ask for red, so stop failing at everything and demand changing your name to red
  20. Nyasagi

    So is it cooljapan.com or cooljapanstore.com? I don't need any links to shopping services (I know cheaper ones than cooljapan), I just though it may be possible to buy the CD directly from the band's site, but it seems it's impossible for me anyway... Thank you for trying to help
  21. Nyasagi

    ummm, I don't know how to use this cooljapan site, it's weird... Do they even sell CDs? When I want to use the search option it asks me for an username and password.
  22. Nyasagi

    No Berlin, that sucks... oh well, I need to find a cheap plane to Germany then... I won't miss it, for sure!
  23. Nyasagi

    Well, I think it may be difficult anyway, because I can't e-mail them in Japanese, I don't know Japanese... and if they knew English they would post it in English on their site. Too bad I've never seen their stuff on the auctions What's so weird about COD? People do it here too, though they usually prefer the bank transfer, it's cheaper.
  24. Nyasagi

    He probably has Nega Enterprises stuff and/or some live distributed DVD(s). I can't think of anything else.
  25. Nyasagi

    Were these songs that limited?
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