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Everything posted by Nyasagi

  1. Nyasagi

    I actually love the preview. It made me order their single
  2. Nyasagi

    Ewwww, what happened to this band, really :/?
  3. Nyasagi

    lol, this is actually funny, but it should go to Lycaon jokes xD
  4. Nyasagi

    Well, he may stop being so cute when he grows up or not, who knows. Some white guys look good with visual kei look, but not all. Not all Asians look good with it either.
  5. Nyasagi

    I like his look. Would you offend him if he was Japanese? I think his face is cute enough for this style, maybe because he's young. (I don't remember how old he is, but I know he's young)
  6. Nyasagi

    I don't agree with it completely, but I also can't say it isn't true at all. Everything depends on the person. Many people like using popular bands, but I don't and I know many people who don't do these popular bands either. There's too much of them everywhere, I'm sick of seeing the same faces and all this fangirling. I also don't mind when someone uses musicians I don't know, as long as we enjoy roleplaying something similar, like no "kawaii desu lovey dovey" shit for example.
  7. Nyasagi

    This is something I do almost every day, it's very addictive. I've never thought much about it why exactly vk musicians, but maybe it's about their fantasy images, they have many interesting photoshoots, dress up like demons, pirates, soldiers, etc. Not all people roleplay AU though, some do more 'realistic' thing, but I've never been into it. I roleplay, because it's as entertaining as reading a book (I won't compare it to watching movies, because you have to use your own imagination and in movies you can see everything), it also doesn't require much work, like writing a story. It's a nice cure for the boredom and helps to run away from the boring reality. I don't like anime, so I wouldn't use anime characters. I also think that visual kei bands are like rock idol bands, so it's easier to imagine them doing stupid things, than serious musicians doing it xD. (I can totally imagine some people spamming the topic saying how stupid roleplaying is, by the way. Why didn't you just ask on lj or tumblr instead?)
  8. Nyasagi

    Hahahaha, I wouldn't be surprised if it was like you said.
  9. Nyasagi

    I wish EROS would just go back to XodiacK and make more songs with them. I mean I like Black Gene and all but XodiacK are so much better IMO. The funniest part is how many people disliked XodiacK and were actually looking forward to this band as a better alternative. That's because he's a good vocalist, but XodiacK is just boring. I don't like their music, but I like Black Gene.
  10. Nyasagi

    They're disbanding like Phantasmagoria and their "last lives".
  11. Nyasagi

    I don't hate autotune, but it doesn't sound good in this sample.
  12. Nyasagi

    What for? It isn't even a full song. The sample sucks imo, too much autotune.
  13. Nyasagi

    I heard these before and I love Akercock too.
  14. What?! How rude. Not everyone can afford paying for the plane to get there. Hm...he didn't said that in a rude way, but yeah, i think he don't have plane prices sense To me it sounds more like he doesn't care, but let's not discuss it, because moderators on this forum love overreacting about any discussions. Unless you want to PM me, then feel free.
  15. What?! How rude. Not everyone can afford paying for the plane to get there.
  16. Nyasagi

    I really want to hear that album : ( Me too, it's the only release I'm looking for :/ (and I don't buy when it's not available for foreigners)
  17. @Meku: I bet it is. Japanese bands rarely care about good distribution and then they complain people don't buy XD I love the preview by the way, sounds really good.
  18. Nyasagi

    Too bad, I like them . (I didn't hear the album though)
  19. Nyasagi

    The regular one is the best. I ordered them all a while ago
  20. Nyasagi

    I agree, this is really good!
  21. Nyasagi

    I hope it gets posted! Same, I'd be really upset if I couldn't hear the song of my favorite band, just because it's live limited -____-
  22. Nyasagi

    I uploaded 2 comments of ViViD a long time ago when they were still indie and these are still there... so it's either about the type of the content or just luck ;p
  23. Nyasagi

    THIS. When I saw the topic title... this is too much :/. Soon there will be "Best of Isshi", "Best of Isshi 2", Isshi plushies, etc.
  24. Nyasagi

    I had some pics on my hd, so I uploaded the whole folder with Gemini photos, Majiru is the one with pink/black and pink hair: Click here
  25. Nyasagi

    He looked awesome in Gemini too
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