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Everything posted by Nyasagi

  1. Nyasagi

    Poland, Warsaw: MEJIBRAY, NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST, Matenrou Opera, llll-Ligro-
  2. Nyasagi

    Whyyyyy D:? First NEGA and now them
  3. Nyasagi

    Ah, okay. I prefer full with the advertisement, than just a preview.
  4. Nyasagi

    The full PV or just a preview?
  5. Nyasagi

    I have no problems with 4share and the links, my account and its files are still available.
  6. Nyasagi

    Thanks, you're awesome!
  7. Nyasagi

    Can someone extact the sound from this for me? http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/ ... 3kld0d.swf I don't want to install any extra programs on my hd and I couldn't find any online coverter that can do it. Or send me the link to the song if it's uploaded somewhere else.
  8. Nyasagi

    It's going to be an awesome single.
  9. Nyasagi

    I will do it later, okay?
  10. Nyasagi

    Haha, he has some kind of weird obsession. My friend was picking up her ticket in the club once and they told her to wait in front of the office, but Jay came and wanted to throw her out of there, because the band was in some room behind a wall... She didn't even know about it, neither she came to fuck them, she was just waiting for her ticket.
  11. Nyasagi

    I don't care about any explanations right now, they're one of my favorite bands, it hurts me they're going to disband. It isn't easy to understand when you don't care about the band this much... but they're very special to me, so it makes me sad.
  12. Nyasagi

    I hate Kisaki, it's his fault. If he didn't close UCP, they wouldn't disband so soon. I hate this, why can't they continue under a different label?
  13. Nyasagi

    I recommend this one: http://www.fromjapan.co.jp/title/charge (the direct link to their fees page). It's cheap (but recently they put this 200yen fee per item, it's still less than other shopping services) and I had no problems with their service.
  14. Nyasagi

    Are they like Phantasmagoria?
  15. I already heard the short song version and I love it.
  16. Nyasagi

    Shiny jackets xD
  17. Nyasagi

    I don't agree, there are people who will get interested in the supporting band if the music is interesting. Support bands for vk and vk related Japanese bands (not sure what Black Line is actually) should play some faster and catchy or heavier music in my opinion. There were better bands supporting D=OUT and UnsraW here and no one complained.
  18. Nyasagi

    But they should have picked a band that the audience would like, on these lives. Picking such a boring band for a support of a Japanese band is a mistake, most people won't like them, instead they will complain the band is boring. My own experience with uninteresting supports in Poland, years ago... xD. Everyone wanted them to leave already. That band should support another boring band, so right people would come and listen to them.
  19. Nyasagi

    Come to Poland, our support sounds good . That French band is boring...
  20. Nyasagi

    I left them a comment on their Facebook, but I think they just don't care.
  21. Nyasagi

    Yeah, it's possible to buy tickets either through their website, but the price is in euro and it's more than the price in pln+I looked at that site and it seems that the only payment there is a credit card payment, I don't even own one. Another way people told about on last.fm was reservation from the club and you can only pick it up earlier in person and I live in a different city. There's basically no way to buy it before the live.
  22. Nyasagi

    Is anyone else annoyed by their bad ticket distribution or is it just me? The only way to actually buy the ticket for me is on the live... and it costs much more.
  23. Nyasagi

    Voted for D, because they have some good songs and they're amazing live. I've never liked Versailles.
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