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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by spockitty

  1. 4 hours ago, FOSCOR70 said:

    From your description i really thought you were going to be some 50 or 60 year old grandma...smh.


    Anyway enjoy your stay. And i dimlim too, It's my 2nd fav band.

    Lol that would be something! 



    And what's the first fav? Asking for a friend ;)

  2. 31 minutes ago, secret_no_03 said:

    What year did it die?

    I couldn't tell you how long it was going after I left, and I left around 2009 I think?

    And wow did talking about it led me down a not-exactly-pleasant memory lane 😕 

  3. 5 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    What was the drama that went on there like? Is it still around?

    Haha, why? Think you were maybe a member there? ^.~ 

    I did some internet sleuthing, to maybe at least find the name and through last.fm to livejournal, I found a link: http://z6.invisionfree.com/jmedia. The server's dead, so don't even try but that was it. 


    I don't really remember what exactly went down tbh. I belonged to a tight knit group of RPers, and there was a lot of big (and sometimes angry) personalities there. some big names rage quit after a personal conflict and I removed myself from the toxic waste that remained in their wake.

    some friends' usernames I can recall:  pixychild, night_of_pussy, misstressyoukai, sokstof, creepy31, maybe some of them will ring a bell? ;)

  4. 8 minutes ago, secret_no_03 said:

    What was the forum you were on? I bring up Batsu to people and almost no one knows what that is, just wondering if that's what it was.

    I do know batsu but nah, it was a smaller forum that went on for several years and then died in flames of internal drama. I still follow some of the members I used to be friends with on social media, but I couldn't even tell you the name of it at this point ^^;

  5. 6 hours ago, gret said:

    Same here. Also the lyrics for some of them are cute lol.


    I think their newer release is better too, though chip tune may not be to everyone's taste. That being said, I never liked mejibray's music but genki's voice change is a loss!!!


    I guess my unpopular opinion is that I'm glad 8P-SB exists lmao. Genki and koichi seem much happier, for one. Music is sometimes a train wreck, but I'm sure they'll eventually get their shit together (<--another unpopular opinion?)

    Never heard Mejibray, need to get onto that, for science. But I'm confused why do both of them need to sing? I mean, one has clearly a better voice and the other.....well....has a voice?


    I happen to like chiptune and 8bit so that's probably what got me hooked ^^;

  6. Haha, I've never had rl friends who were into vk, but I wasn't hurting for them? I was going to high-school in bumfuck nowhere and was already "that girl that moved from the big city" so funnily enough it afforded me more leeway with weird interests. I did participate in a forum similar to this one for years and that was my vk outlet.


    I remember I used to bring my vk CDs to school, since they were my precious babies and importing from Japan used to be a big deal. The funniest thing was showing Kaya's GLITTER to a bunch of normies and see their brains steam when I told them it's a dude. I don't think most of them believed me.


    Kaya's Glitter for reference: 



    61p3wqxjqrL._SX355_.jpg 61CmNcrzpBL._SY355_.jpg


    I then went on to college for japanese studies AND YOU WOULD THINK I would find fellow fans there but no. 90% of people were there because of manga/anime and even the (japanese) professors were surprised that Japan makes rock music??? 


    My co-workers used to laugh at my "chinese metal", but no one was ever mean, so I guess I was lucky. 


    I also don't have any kpop friends rl or online but I suppose NO ONE CARES ABOUT THAT HERE HUH

  7. 32 minutes ago, Pandora_99 said:

    I've read in the comment section that the lyrics talk badly about Cazqui and Daichi, but I doubt that and also can't confirm it. And I kinda agree with them having been better before for now, but I don't want to judge that just yet based on only one song.

    I read about the two of them leaving on some jrock news site, but it was so vaguealy described I mostly left only with a hazy thought of "which kpop band did they steal the buff guy from". 


    I don't know how they sounded before but I like this new song and also I dearly wish every new band I discover didn't come with with crapload of baggage...

  8. 3 minutes ago, Alsdead14 said:

    Well, yeah. I don't listen to Miyavi's newest stuff. I don't really enjoy the latest GazettE and well, Dir en grey's newer stuff is okay I guess haha. I still prefer their old stuff. X Japan, well, they haven't released anything in years haha. Oh I forgot to mention but I listened to Nightmare too, and well, I prefer their old sound compared to newest stuff. So yeah I guess I'm the same as you haha. I like newer band like DADAROMA, Jiluka, Nocturnal Bloodlust. I also enjoy lynch, but not their last album haha. They are kinda old but I discovered them in 2014 and was hooked up. Dunno, the old bands releases are just... dunno, maybe I'm too old for that haha and can't get into their newer sound.

    But about Miyavi, I miss the old days, I miss how he was just fooling around with his guitar... now it's just... meh.

    Oh and you're welcome haha!

    I just look at Miyavi and think, good for you man, you seem to be doing well for yourself but as for the music?? As you said, meh. He is such a skilled guitarist, and I feel like that skill is lost in his recent releases, but to each their own. 


    I also just realized that while I never listed to X Japan, I did stan Yoshiki and SUGIZO pretty hard in my youth, Eternal Melody II and Truth? respectively??? You ever get into their solo stuff? Also Miyavi's collab with SUGIZO on Hino Hikarisae Todokanai Kono Bashode was like the end of an era for Miyavi's music (apparently according to last.fm I've listened to this song 321 times, goodgod). 


    Never heard of Jiluka, gotta check them out! As for Nocturnal Bloodlust, I've dismissed them initially but that new song is so good????  tried DADAROMA but it didn't really stick sorry 


    lynch oh lynch, I tried to like them so much. I cought The avoided sun before my break in vk, and I really liked it but I've tried their stuff again this time around and well?  Cultic my execution stuck with me because it reminds me of Tool but other than that idk.... you mind sharing with me your fav songs so I can give them another chance maybe? 

  9. 4 hours ago, 123Sandman321 said:

    I really dig the new sound, but I still expect some more guitar-wankery in other songs.


    What caught my eye, tho, is the unusually high number of dislikes and quite a few japanese essays in the comments. What's that about?


    After some crude google translate and my rudimentary knowledge of japanese, I surmise that people are upset about the two members leaving and think that the song lyrics are somehow related? And that the band was better before, pretty much. 

  10. 26 minutes ago, deedlitmurata said:

    Welcome to the forum fellow granny/veteran, I'm also on the way-above-30ties-table, I rather not dwell into how far I'm into the 30ties now XD

    Haha, it be like that XD


    26 minutes ago, deedlitmurata said:

    but I can relate to all the things mentioned like dial-up connections and downloading videos with very low quality that for me were the equivalent of HD 1080 XD 

    you know! now that I think about it, I wonder what a cosmic coincidence me dling that video was. I mean, those were times way before youtube, let alone any other video streaming. I have some Miyavi's PVs from that era on VHS for FFS. what kind of magic did those olde people performed to get it on the internet I can only imagine o-o


    32 minutes ago, deedlitmurata said:

    my sources were mostly homestead jmusic pages I happen to find (I think homestead doesn't even exist anymore).  It's good to have more old vkei fans join the forum so we can reminisce about how things were in terms of vkei in those times xD  I hope you find some new bands to enjoy, i'm still following my old bands from the past and going into jpop/mainstream jrock too.


    I'll be honest I don't know what homestead is :'D I used Limewire, livejournal and later jpopsuki's torrents (gods know how did I get myself on that VIP™ site) and just plain ol' CDJapan when I got my hands on some money, but that was way later in high-school.


    What bands you've stuck by? Gimme some namessss

  11. 29 minutes ago, Zeus said:

    probably overkill, but why not rip new copies of the CD so that if they get messed up you still have the originals?

    Please, overkill is my second name. You're a genius, why oh why didn't I think of that. Do they still sell CDRW cds tho? Is this still a thing people use? Gotta investigate.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Alsdead14 said:

    Hey welcome! I also started listening to VK when I was very young (16) I'm 28 nearly 29 now haha. I remember using limewire to download VK as well. Started with X JAPAN, Miyavi, Dir en grey and the GazettE back in 2006. I'm still listening to VK after all these years. Anywayz hope you have fun on here! If you're looking for new bands or bands you don't know, send me a message! Have a good day!

    Hello and thank you! :)


    And do you still listen to the same bands you were at the beginning? Because I don't know about the others but Miyavi's music today and in early 00's is like night and day. As big of a die hard fan I used to be back then, it's just not my cup of tea anymore~

  13. 50 minutes ago, Masato said:

    Don't gays feel embarassed by the fanservice, too? Or is it hot for them?


    But well, I guess it's affirmative that bands still do this, especially when they are small and need more fans... 

    But it's seemingly not as common as it used to be.


    The only band where I can accept BL and find it funny is Golden Bomber, cause it's super, super, super staged.

    Well, I can't speak for gay men, but as a queer person I can tell you that yep, it's actually pretty insulting.

    Of course it comes down to personal feelings, you will find people who don't mind. Me, I don't find it entertaining to have my sexuality performed by straight people, for titillating a crowd that may otherwise find it repulsive. I also don't go on crusades to tear down everyone who enjoys said performances, cause as I said, I get the point. If I can manage to stop my brain from overthinking shit for 5 minutes, I can even get myself to enjoy some of it! ~le gasp~


    I also want you to know that I'm trying really hard to limit the rantiness of my ranting, cause as you can probably tell, I have a lot to say on the topic ^^;

  14. 35 minutes ago, Masato said:

    (...)if they want or not...


    I think that's the main thing I have a problem with in general.

    If all of this was genuine or just friendly teasing that everyone involved agreed to and had nothing against? You do you (or your bandmate). But please, in a roomful of supposedly straight men you'll find maybe one or two that would actually be fine with this stuff. 

    So with all of that going in my head, I feel doubly embrassased and uncomfortable both on behalf of the band and the fans >.>


    3 minutes ago, platy said:

    I'd rather see solo fanservice, like (again) Tomo from DDRM did that photoshoot semi naked with his bass. 


    YES, humping inanimate objects, while still embarassing, much more acceptable 😎

  15. Hoo boy, can't speak for the current trends but I don't think it will ever die out completely. As long as a big chunk of the fanbase consists of hormonal teenage girls (speaking as a hormonal teenage girl of years past that lively participated in this culture).


    I do find it cringey and problematic now that I'm older and wiser, but I get why they're doing this (a disclaimer, by "it" I mean this kind of fanservice and RPF fanfiction not reading/writing gay fanfiction in general). Think of all the queerbaiting in western shows, they do it for a reason also. Not exactly the same, but it serves the same purpose, it keeps a certain type of fans engaged. In this essay I will.... 


    Jkjk, I'm not certain you were looking for debate on queer representation, stereoptyping and exploitation in Japanese media? XD

  16. Quote

    You missed cheki explosion. Before going into hiatus myself I didn't even know they existed (if they) now half VK marketplaces in the west are cheki (I'm not into them but I'm not meaning it's a bad thing they are popular, it's only that I was surprised how popular they were when I returned)


    Haha yeah, I noticed it mentioned here and there and had no idea what it was until I dug some more.

    I don't remember those being a thing, but then again I've never had a chance to participate in live vk outside of European concerts and those bands don't need this kind of tactics. I do remember though printed trading cards/polaroids with band members being added to CDs and crazy fans buying like 10 copies to get the member they liked O-O In that context, chekis are far more reasonable. 


    EDIT: ahh, how do u forum

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