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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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  1. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from nullmoon in Extremely rare item that you would love to own?   
    Nope! Just looked it up. It did exist and they probably smelt wonderful 
  2. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from kuyashii in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I don't really mind the whole no cameras rule at concerts
    The only time I'd say it's fine is when the band is entering the stage, leaving the stage or is just doing something when they're not playing. I am against people filming during the band playing or at VIP events. 
  3. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Neigedesmannes in Top 5 VK albums?   
    1. Gauze (Dir En Grey)
    2. Withering to death (Dir En Grey)
    3. Stacked Rubbish (The Gazette)
    4. Inspire (La Mule)
    5.  Merveilles (Malice Mizer)
  4. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from nomemorial in Top 5 VK albums?   
    Funny that you say Macabre is your fav. It’s literally hated by many DEG fans, but I love Macabre so yeah XD
  5. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to nick in Top 5 VK albums?   
    Dir en grey - GAUZE
    Dir en grey - Withering to death.
    ギルガメッシュ - Reason of crying
    ギルガメッシュ - Girugamesh
    I simply like most of the songs in these albums.
  6. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Ikki in Top 5 VK albums?   
    I went with what albums I think are the best VK albums, not necessary my personal favorites.
    Amphibian - DOPPELGÄNGER (1993) L'arc~en~Ciel - Heavenly (1995) GLAY - pure soul (1998) Dir en grey - Gauze (1999) Luna Sea - Mother (1994) If I went with my personal favorites, it would more or less look like this:
    Aura - THESAURAS (1990) Color - 激突!! (1989) BAISER - 華 (1999) BY-SEXUAL - Culture Shock (1990) Decameron - 名曲アルバム (1990)
  7. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Gesu in Why do western fans get more shit than Japanese fans?   
    Japanese fans get hate too, but for different reasons. There's a lot of elitism in the west about who's a "real" fan and who ain't which leads to a lot of silly arguments that make us all look bad, whereas in Japan, it tends to be more about "hE's MiNe AnD hE cAn'T gEt MaRrIeD bEcAuSe I sAiD sO rEeEeE". Granted, that does happen sometimes in the west too, but to a much lesser extent. You're right about following the rules, and that is one of the other big reasons western fans get hate.
  8. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Lestat in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I’ve loved Yoshiki since I was twelve years old and didn’t even know what Visual Kei was. So that’s almost fifteen years now. He was one of my first inspirations both musically as well as personally and he still is. I can’t think of him as anything other than an amazing human being who loves everything and everyone around him while enduring so much hardship. 
    I don’t get why so many people have such a big mouth about everything he does while they wouldn’t even think twice about listening to X or anything related. Why complain about an album that’s being postponed when all they’ll do is complain about how much like garbage it is eventually. 
  9. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Gesu in Band that everyone hates but you adore?   
    Ugh, metal elitists are the worst. Never encountered one, but I’ve heard many horror stories 
  10. Yikes
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Neigedesmannes in Band that everyone hates but you adore?   
    Ugh, metal elitists are the worst. Never encountered one, but I’ve heard many horror stories 
  11. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Neigedesmannes in Favourite Non-VK or Non - J Rock bands?   
    Have a ton. These are the ones I actively listen to:
    Heavy Stuff:
    Nine Inch Nails
    Marilyn Manson
    Rage Against The Machine
    System Of A Down 
    Avenged Sevenfold
    Softer Stuff:
    The Smashing Pumpkins
    Fall Out Boy
    The Beatles
    Panic! At The Disco
    Taylor Swift
    Stand Atlantic
    Green Day
    Florence + The Machine
    Billie Ellish
    My Chemical Romance
  12. LOVE!
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from nomemorial in Very first VK band you got into and how did you get into them?   
    I remember it like it was yesterday.
    October 2018. I was a bored kid looking for some new Japanese music. I was already a fan of J-Rock but more in the Alternative scene with bands like Ling Tosite Sigure, nano.RIPE, Hello Sleepwalkers and The Oral Cigarettes. I was already a fan of Rammstein so finding heavy music in the Japanese scene was gonna be pretty interesting.

    Wasn't after I found an AMV with "Obscure" on it. I thought to myself "Yo this is dope!" and I proceeded to check out the band. That band was Dir En Grey and I was really interested in listening to their stuff. 
    I downloaded Gauze onto my phone and I remember the day I listened to the album at school. I'll never forget my reaction when I heard "Cage" for the first time. My reaction after listening to it was "Holy shit, what the flying fuck was that!?".
    Been hooked on Diru ever since and VK is now my number one obsession. Dir En Grey is now one of my all time favorite bands
  13. I feel ya..
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from nullmoon in Single People Thread   
    At my age people used this app called Yubo (formerly Yellow) its basically Tinder for horny teens.
    I used it once and never used it again. I rather just meet someone in person than on a phone. Hell, I’m not even interested in a relationship at the moment. Although, I’ve had like a crush like back in December. 
    Love sucks XD
  14. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Gesu in Favourite Non-VK or Non - J Rock bands?   
    Have a ton. These are the ones I actively listen to:
    Heavy Stuff:
    Nine Inch Nails
    Marilyn Manson
    Rage Against The Machine
    System Of A Down 
    Avenged Sevenfold
    Softer Stuff:
    The Smashing Pumpkins
    Fall Out Boy
    The Beatles
    Panic! At The Disco
    Taylor Swift
    Stand Atlantic
    Green Day
    Florence + The Machine
    Billie Ellish
    My Chemical Romance
  15. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to nomemorial in Very first VK band you got into and how did you get into them?   
    Sometime circa 2002 someone posted Gackt's "Another World" on an anime forum. I thought it was catchy and realized I had never really looked into Japanese music outside of anime OPs. 
    Followed that trail to a message board called Jpopmusic, where I found everyone in the Jrock subforum was obsessed with something called "visual kei." I saw the pictures and ironically, my sheltered, preteen, hyper conservative self backed off immediately and started requesting "not visual" music.
    Was recommended GLAY, jammed "Global Communication," but got some well-deserved side eyes from half the community, basically insisting I just "give it a chance." 
    Random personal anecdote, I did think the aesthetic was "really neat," but I was raised in super religious environment and had never seen anything like this before, so my brain thought it was some kind of devil nonsense or something, I don't know.
    Deciding to give it a proper shot, I found Dir en grey's "Cage" and that was pretty much the beginning of the end (the end of the beginning?) Went totally crazy from that point, downloaded everything I could find, started trying to trade for PVs with random people on Soulseek and IRC, the whole nine yards. Good times.
  16. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Gesu in Very first VK band you got into and how did you get into them?   
    It was in 2013, I think. I was twelve, so either late 2012 or early-mid 2013. I wanna say early 2013? Anyways, it was Versailles. I was just looking for Japanese rock music because I thought it might appeal to me for whatever reason, so I just Googled it and they were one of the first bands to come up. I think the first song I heard by them was Serenade, and then I think The Revenant Choir was the second song.
  17. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Gesu in Very first VK band you got into and how did you get into them?   
    I remember it like it was yesterday.
    October 2018. I was a bored kid looking for some new Japanese music. I was already a fan of J-Rock but more in the Alternative scene with bands like Ling Tosite Sigure, nano.RIPE, Hello Sleepwalkers and The Oral Cigarettes. I was already a fan of Rammstein so finding heavy music in the Japanese scene was gonna be pretty interesting.

    Wasn't after I found an AMV with "Obscure" on it. I thought to myself "Yo this is dope!" and I proceeded to check out the band. That band was Dir En Grey and I was really interested in listening to their stuff. 
    I downloaded Gauze onto my phone and I remember the day I listened to the album at school. I'll never forget my reaction when I heard "Cage" for the first time. My reaction after listening to it was "Holy shit, what the flying fuck was that!?".
    Been hooked on Diru ever since and VK is now my number one obsession. Dir En Grey is now one of my all time favorite bands
  18. Interesting
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Gesu in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Here’s mine: I actually like Yoshiki
    Yes I know, his ego is huge, he puts off the new album a lot blah blah blah
    But you gotta commend the dude. Without him, X Japan would not have become the band it is now and VK would not have been as big.

    It sucks that people tend to forget that Yoshiki did a lot of charity work for many good causes such as the 2011 tsunami. If his ego is really big as people say he has, then he wouldn't do stuff like this. I think people just tend to forget that
    And here comes the anti-fans...
  19. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Neigedesmannes in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    1) Ok maybe not nickelback 😅 i don't mean like they're bad like that but rather they're often the first band people listen to that gets them into the kind of music, and sometimes people are only familiar with this one band while not interested into digging deeper into the whole genre. I'd say Metallica is a better comparison. 
    2) They have a couple of good songs i like, like saishuu ressha. 
    3) LOL i dont even like k-pop but i just had to laugh at that statement. And the whole 'i will die instead of you' thing does sound like a quote my 15 year-old self would share. 
    4) Yep! Ino and pata may not be as "flashy" as Sugizo and Hide, but i think they're all at the core at what made the bands successful and amazing.
  20. Yikes
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from suji in Band that everyone hates but you adore?   
    I don’t know much about X Japan’s new album or that whole situation so I can’t comment on that.
    I will admit he has a big ego, I won’t deny that. Then again, I’ve seen artists with even worse egos. At least Yoshiki seems like a decent person
    I honestly do think that Yoshiki does have a...questionable attitude and I will admit he can be annoying at times. But you got to remember that he’s basically the reason why X Japan is the face of J-Rock. I mean, you gotta give it to him that he’s a talented drummer.
    This is coming from someone who’s a Hide and Yoshiki fan
  21. Yikes
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Tokage in Band that everyone hates but you adore?   
    I don’t know much about X Japan’s new album or that whole situation so I can’t comment on that.
    I will admit he has a big ego, I won’t deny that. Then again, I’ve seen artists with even worse egos. At least Yoshiki seems like a decent person
    I honestly do think that Yoshiki does have a...questionable attitude and I will admit he can be annoying at times. But you got to remember that he’s basically the reason why X Japan is the face of J-Rock. I mean, you gotta give it to him that he’s a talented drummer.
    This is coming from someone who’s a Hide and Yoshiki fan
  22. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Traxan in Band that everyone hates but you adore?   
    I don't adore then but I do like exist trace and feel like the only one here who does.
  23. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to frayed in Band that everyone hates but you adore?   
    Combination of things. They’re not everyone’s cup of tea. Not everyone likes the direction they took. Mejibray fans can be obsessive and grating. I do think some of the hate stems from the same reason people give Nickelback and other bands shit - not to remotely compare popularity, but considering how small the vkei fan base is, if you’re seeing something you’re not into everywhere, it’s going to annoy you more.
  24. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Gesu in What are you listening to 2?   
  25. LOLOL
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to platy in Any Sick2 fans up in here?   
    I like that they hand out sick² condoms at lives
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