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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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  1. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from spockitty in A Rapid Increase in Domestic Violence Against Men in Japan   
    This. That’s why women who were raped or who was impregnated by a family member should not give birth. The emotional trauma will ensue and will end up leaving the mother depressed. I don’t want any women living with something they don’t want. 
  2. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from secret_no_03 in A Rapid Increase in Domestic Violence Against Men in Japan   
    This. That’s why women who were raped or who was impregnated by a family member should not give birth. The emotional trauma will ensue and will end up leaving the mother depressed. I don’t want any women living with something they don’t want. 
  3. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from ghost in Show Yourself (again)   
    Rammstein! XD
  4. wtf?!
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from DESTINYGUY0316 in Bands that get a lot of undeserving hate?   
    I can’t think of anything other than X Japan but what are your suggestions?
  5. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from lichtlune in Visual kei among friends   
    I guess that's one reason. Granted, I myself have never experienced that myself but I often get judged for it or just get called a "weeb".
    Even if I show VK to some classic rock or metal snob who refuses to look for good modern music I'd get the whole "WHAT IS THIS FAGGOT SHIT". 
  6. Interesting
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to lichtlune in Visual kei among friends   
    I always thought people had a sort of racist passive objection to any type of Japanese music so I've pretty much avoided showing my music to many people anymore. 
  7. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from lichtlune in Visual kei among friends   
    I don’t shit on people who enjoy K-Pop, I’m just against the music and the labels. Labels treat artists like shit and they overwork the groups they work with. Plus, even though I enjoy western pop, K-Pop is just soooo boring and unoriginal. I find western pop artists to have some creative control over their work. With K-Pop, it gets annoying and repetitive.
    Every time I say I hate K-Pop, I always get the “YOU JUST HATE IT CUZ ITS POPULAR” argument. No I don’t, I just hate the industry behind it.
    I have listened to a few K-Pop artists and all of their songs don’t click with me. Im sorry but oh well. Like they say, music is subjective. 
  8. I feel ya..
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Neigedesmannes in Visual kei among friends   
    Most metal fans would find it “gay” or whatever. 
  9. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to ShTon in Visual kei among friends   
    I remember trying to get one of my friends into vk. She liked the aesthetics of the oshare bands but she found the music in general scary and horrible and at some point started to brag about how her circle of friends approves her NOT listening to such music. We're not friends anymore, lol. (Because of other reasons but this was annoying.)
    I have a friend who's hugely into kpop, but enjoys some vk bands and I have a bff who I got to know because of vk.
  10. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Gesu in Visual kei among friends   
    I used to be friends with a fellow VK fan and I was gonna go see KAMIJO with her in September last year but we had a huge falling-out and because of that I didn't get to go and I'm still salty about it 🙃
  11. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Neigedesmannes in Visual kei among friends   
    I don't have much friends but i did show my best mate who's really into black and thrash metal some Gazette and Mejibray during highschool. Needless to say, he wasn't much into it. However years later i made him listen to Dir en grey's Gauze and he absolutely loved it! 
    But i do feel you, it's quite lonely being a vk fan in real life, any other people i know cringe at the sight of japanese bandomen, and of course wouldn't give the music a chance. 🤧
  12. I feel ya..
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to -NOVA- in Visual kei among friends   
    I feel you that was me throughout highschool thats when i first got into vk. That was around 2011, i would get weird looks and instant rejections, no one was willing to hear me out. The one person that did was impressed by MiA (Mejibray) and his shreding skills but aside from that he couldnt wrap his head wround the makeup and the looks. Since then because of this forum ive made some amazing friends. I made one of my closest friends because of this forum, and ive met a few others at Gazette shows. So dont be sad if you really want vk buddies you already made a good 1st step by joining. Just talk around threads of some of your fav bands, share your opinions and have fun ❤️ 
    My inbox is always open if you want to chat  
  13. I feel ya..
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from -NOVA- in Visual kei among friends   
    I have had many experiences. Most of my friends listen to either some alternative music or just hip hop. I'm sort of the odd one out since I'm basically the emo kid of my friend group.  I won’t lie and say that I enjoy a lot of mainstream alternative pop artists and even some dope hip hop artists. VK is just Numero Uno at the moment.
    So naturally, I often try to get them into Visual Kei through recommendations only to get the whole "WEEEEEEEEB" comeback.
    Funny thing is that I have a friend who's a HUGE K-Pop fan (I know, shoot me), and we often get into roasts about which is better (this is all jokes, I'm not THAT evil). So needless to say, I'm literally the only VK fan at my school and in my whole friend group lol. Then again, I'm scared of them finding out the whole Nazi thing. So far the only Japanese artists they listen to are One Ok Rock and Babymetal. Although one of my friends have heard of Yoshiki, so that's a good start at least.
    So I was asking, what are some funny experiences trying to get someone into VK or showing them VK?
    EDIT: You guys are making me jealous. Meanies. I’m stuck with a people who call me a weeb and don’t have the audacity to listen to at least ONE vk songs. Mmph
  14. Interesting
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to secret_no_03 in Visual kei among friends   
    In HS I had one friend who loved X Japan, one was a metal head and loved stuff like BFMV and kinda liked the GazettE and the other who was more grunge liked the pillows. Everyone else thought it was Chinese rather than Japanese. Now, nearly 30, those friends are long gone, and the only person I talk to on a regular basis doesn't care about that sort of thing as that's not what we bond over. I've always been a loner and it's very much true that as the older you get it's harder to form new friendships, but over time you get used to not having friends and those you do you tend to only initiate when you have something to tell them, otherwise you just let them contact you first which means that you could go anywhere from a week to a month or more without speaking.
  15. I feel ya..
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to suji in Visual kei among friends   
    i have no friends
  16. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from spockitty in The return of the BL fanservice   
    Is it really? 
    As for this topic, I’d say it feels forced. In the video we’re Toshyia and Shinya kiss each other, it’s possible that they were drunk since they seem to have been drinking a lot.
    As a bi person, this whole fanservice thing is weird. I don’t like having them being forced to pander to a bunch of girls, especially if they aren’t LGBT. 
  17. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Ikna in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    We need more industrial bands in VK
  18. LOLOL
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to merchenticneurosis in Name your own VK band   
    AnaL TelepathY
  19. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Miku70 in What are you tired of seeing on the fourms?   
    I hate this whole canceling thing. Like I really hate Kisaki, doesn't mean I hate every VK band now
  20. Thanks
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Gesu in What are you tired of seeing on the fourms?   
    I hate this whole canceling thing. Like I really hate Kisaki, doesn't mean I hate every VK band now
  21. I feel ya..
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Gesu in What are you tired of seeing on the fourms?   
    Not so much MH, but the VK fandom in general:
    One guy in VK: *does a bad thing*
    Fandom: All of VK is terrible! Oh, well, I still like it.
    Make up your goddamn mind. 🙄
  22. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Gesu in What are you tired of seeing on the fourms?   
    Mejibray hate. Not that I like them or anything it just gets annoying after a while. We get it, they suck.
  23. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Komorebi in Your given the choice to hang out with any band member of any band for a day. Who would it be and what will you do?   
    I'd go get my nails done with Sena and talk about skincare. God knows I despertely need his tips. 
  24. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to blacktooth in Your given the choice to hang out with any band member of any band for a day. Who would it be and what will you do?   
    Whatever happened to Klaha being a used car salesman? I remember jokes about it from years ago but now it seems all records have been scrubbed from the internet.
    That said, Juka is fine too, I guess.
  25. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Anne Claire in Show Yourself (again)   
    Rammstein! XD
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