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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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    psychonnect_rozen reacted to ambivalentideal in Show Yourself (again)   
    Clint Eastwood is the best, I remember my friend showing it to me on YouTube (when it was really new) back in like 2005, I was in awe lol. Oh man, me too. Demon Days is one of my all time favorites too! Definitely in my top 3, if not my top favorite. 
    It's actually fairly easy to meet him, as weird as it sounds I just sort of waited after the concert outside until he walked out. It was at a music festival and for whatever reason no one else waited so I ended up being the only person waiting there to meet him, and he and his bodyguard were really cool about it. He hugged me a bunch of times and told me how he's really grateful to all the fans for always supporting him and how cool it is to him to see all the younger kids in the crowd even as he himself is getting older. He was kind of drunk (they had been partying after the show for a crew member's birthday) lmao so he was really chatty, we talked for like 10 minutes and I told him how much Gorillaz means to me and stuff, which should have been really embarrassing but he was just really sweet about it and insisted that it wasn't weird when I apologized for being weird lol. His bodyguard even offered to take pics of us. Damon is a super nice guy, I hope you get to meet him one day. :') 
    Haha, same. Once I got into VK everything else was all over for me, lol. VK 4 lyfe
  2. LOVE!
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from ambivalentideal in Show Yourself (again)   
    I first heard Clint Eastwood just randomly on YouTube and I instantly fell in love. Demon Days is still one of my all time favorite albums. 
    Damn! I wish I could have met Damon! I've wanted to tell him how much his music has inspired me and get my Plastic Beach CD signed. 
    My emo phase started with Rammstein and Nine Inch Nails but then slowly progressed as time went on. Visual Kei basically awakened my goth obsession. 
  3. LOVE!
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to ambivalentideal in Show Yourself (again)   
    Aw, I love that haha. That's amazing. I got into them in 2005 when I was 10 after I heard Feel Good Inc., then when they came back with Plastic Beach when I was 15 I got super into them again. And then of course when they came back with Humanz I became obsessed with them once again haha. They'll always be my favorite! 
    Oh that's awesome!! I agree with you, their concert in Philadelphia was one of the best concerts I've ever seen! I've seen them three times total, and I even got to meet Damon Albarn after one of the shows. He was super nice and signed a copy of their first album for me. 
    Haha, no judging here. :'D I think most people had that emo phase at some point. My emo phase started out with Evanescence until I got into VK and it all went from there lol.
  4. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from nullmoon in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me with a Stormtrooper at Comic Con back in May. I was rocking my Diru shirt that day lol
  5. LOVE!
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from ambivalentideal in Show Yourself (again)   
    Speaking of Gorillaz, I was convinced when I first listened to them I was the only fan in my entire school and that me and my best friend were like the only ones who listened to them. I ended up managing to get my other friend hooked on them around the time Humanz came out. 
    I eventually got the opportunity to see them live with my friend. Probably the best concert I’ve been to. That and Panic! At The Disco (don’t judge me)
  6. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to ambivalentideal in Show Yourself (again)   
    oh nice!!  I love Gorillaz, they're my favorite band other than the GazettE lol. I've loved them since 2005. That's awesome you like them too! I was gonna say, in your pic you look just like your icon :'D
  7. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Gesu in Show Yourself (again)   
    I have the same shirt! Gorillaz was one of the first bands I was obsessed with. I would never shut up about them back in eighth grade lol.
  8. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Anne Claire in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me with a Stormtrooper at Comic Con back in May. I was rocking my Diru shirt that day lol
  9. LOVE!
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from ambivalentideal in Show Yourself (again)   
    I have the same shirt! Gorillaz was one of the first bands I was obsessed with. I would never shut up about them back in eighth grade lol.
  10. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to ambivalentideal in Show Yourself (again)   
    Why not, so y'all can put a face to a username I guess. :'P Here's me normal mode and VK mode lol

    everyday look

    serving lewks (at the GazettE concert in Dallas)
  11. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from monkeybanana4 in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me with a Stormtrooper at Comic Con back in May. I was rocking my Diru shirt that day lol
  12. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Gesu in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Picked up Borderlands The Handsome Collection at my local EB Games for 15 bucks. 
    Fun ass game so far. 
  13. Thanks
  14. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from NICKT in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Some of Miyavi’s new stuff isn’t that bad 
    Disorder is better than NIL
    Yoshiki isn’t a bad person. He has a good heart. However, at times, he can be a bit much. When you’re basically the biggest Japanese rockstar on the planet, it’s kinda hard not to have an ego. I still stand by my opinion that the only reason you should hate Yoshiki is because of his ego. I feel like people run their mouths on him way to much on here. We get it already, he has an ego. It's kinda lame at this point. Just don't make posts about him if that's how you feel about him
    May not sound unpopular but a strong opinion of mine.
    Don’t force yourself to like every album of a band’s discography. For example:
    - I love Dir En Grey, but I dislike Arche and TMOAB
    - I love The Gazette, but I disliked Beautiful Deformity.
    What I am talking about are people who act like ALL their albums are masterpieces and are like “your not a true fan if you like all their albums”. It’s a horrible mentality that makes you look silly. I've seen this in many fandom's before and it's honestly such a toxic mentality. 
    I like all of Dir En Grey’s albums to some extent as most of them are great albums in their own right (Yes, even TIW), however I am very critical of Arche and TMOAB. Arche because it just felt too long and wasn’t worth more than one listen, other than a few songs and TMOAB because it felt like a disappointment after listening to Withering to death. That does not mean that all the songs are bad, I just don’t like them as albums. 
    Also, don’t shit on others for liking a disliked or unpopular album. It’s stupid and immature.
  15. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Ikna in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    We need more industrial bands in VK
  16. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Zeus in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    That whole album was recorded on $10 earplugs Die picked up at the corner store.

    Someone passed me a copy of The Insulated World that they did where they adjusted a few things and the end result was so much better. Not good enough to fundamentally change opinions on the album, but enough to make me wonder why that wasn't done before the album was pressed. It only took ten minutes! For fuck's sake, if I can sit down and take a compressed MP3 version of the track and make it sound better than the studio master, there's a problem with the production part of the pipeline. Do any of their ears work? I haven't revisited the album since I got this copy, since tracks like "Devote my Life" hurt to listen to, and I still think the second half of the album is stronger than the first half, so in essence I guess I agree with your hot take???

    Despite my high end equipment, I'm also terrible at noticing these problems in the moment, but I can very easily A-B them if someone gives me a cleaned up version, so if I start noticing issues almost instantly then that's real bad. Real good example of how ignorance is bliss.
  17. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from ddeadstars-mako in Crazed, creepy, and downright annoying fans?   
    I’m sure everyone in The Gazette have common sense lol. I’ve seen videos of them with fans and they seem pretty damn nice people.
    Like, I don’t think Reita would be THAT dumb. Confused, yes, but not outright stupid.
    I swear the Gazette fandom has some interesting people. And by interesting, I mean outright insane and entitled.  
  18. Yikes
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from ddeadstars-mako in Crazed, creepy, and downright annoying fans?   
    I’ve found two Instagram accounts that make these god awful, cringe inducing “Imagine” posts”. They basically take a band member, lets say Reita, and make up some lovey dovey fantasy of you pretending to be their partner or something or even their husband.
  19. Bitch, excuse me?!
  20. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from colorful人生 in What are you watching (on YouTube)?   
  21. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to YuyoDrift in Unpopular Opinion   
    ....... couldn't resist.
    That's a hard comparison to argue.
  22. I feel ya..
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Ro plz in Unpopular Opinion   
    Giving the internet the "ability" to air out their unpopular opinions was a mistake.
  23. LOLOL
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    The literal BTS Army.
  24. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to heresytrash in Crazed, creepy, and downright annoying fans?   
    With her cosplay on I actually couldn't really tell, but she was most likely in her twenties because DEG hadn't been in Utah for years at this point and she probably was a teen when this occurred. 

    But yeah sadly fans don't seem to realize that, when I saw GazettE in Dallas fans willingly parked themselves in the back to even catch glimpses of the staff it was really...weird. And they kept looking for their bus. 
  25. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to heresytrash in Crazed, creepy, and downright annoying fans?   
    Half the room of the panel was supporting her cause too, and I legit worried about like...the state of the fandom.

    She was just going on about it, I didn't even call it a Vkei panel. It was more of a "Here's some Gackt drama and the time I stalked Dir En Grey" panel.

    I knew a girl who met Ruki once, but once he realized she wasn't going to take photographs or do anything crazy-he was super friendly with her. So I know fans who happen to run into bandmen can be nice, it's just sad that it's not the majority.
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