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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by psychonnect_rozen

  1. psychonnect_rozen

    Ok that’s just disrespectful. Honestly, that pisses me off. Like I like Hide and Taiji but holy shit that’s just extremely stupid and rude.
  2. psychonnect_rozen

    What do you mean by “I see dead people”? Lol
  3. Do CD players play 8mm CD’s? Or am I just dumb.


    For reference: https://j-town.net/tokyo/column/gotochicolumn/221650.html?p=all

    1. 123Sandman321


      CD Players usually have a let's say 2 in 1 slot. One for the regular and one smaller cutout in it for the mini cd.

    2. colorful人生


      Yea, just make sure it has the indentation/cutout is there. Also, if the drive is vertically oriented or it's slot-loading (ex. PS3) they won't play and ruin the machine.

    3. patientZERO


      You could buy an external CD/DVD drive for your computer and use it to play them/import to your computer as long as it has a tray with the circular pin to hold the disc in place. I bought one ages ago to import all the DIR EN GREY 8mm singles from back in the day.

  4. psychonnect_rozen

    Yeah! I was scrolling through my subscriptions and he posted something about VK and I was so happy!
  5. psychonnect_rozen

    Watched it with my media arts class last year. Phenomenal film
  6. psychonnect_rozen

    My friend is obsessed with Kamen Rider lol
  7. psychonnect_rozen

    You should see my text convos with my friends. It’s basically a VK vs K-Pop argument. Best moments in my group chat 😂
  8. psychonnect_rozen

    Imma convince them otherwise by showing them pictures of some hot bandmen and convince them to join us! Hahahahaha!!! Yeah K-Pop maybe good for you guys but do they dress up like sexy goth queens and talk about society’s problems? Didn’t think so bitch Once I show them Ruki, they will DIE for VK music
  9. psychonnect_rozen

    Unpopular Opinion: I liked the whole series EDIT: Don't know whether that reaction was sarcastic or not but ok lol
  10. psychonnect_rozen

    My friends call me a weeb and emo for mentioning VK and say all my bandmen look ugly. I’m like E X C U S E M E
  11. psychonnect_rozen

    I’m still surprised no one has judged me for my tastes lol
  12. psychonnect_rozen

    Yeah I never understood why people think ALL dubs are bad. I understand that there are some bad ones, but I can’t understand why people are so elitist about it. I only recommend dubs if the person has a reading disability or just prefers it because of other reasons. I don’t make a whole deal out of it The whole “dub v sub” mentality is stupid in general lol.
  13. psychonnect_rozen

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  14. psychonnect_rozen

    My friend thought it was boring for some reason. Haven’t watched it yet though so can’t comment on that lol
  15. psychonnect_rozen

    In no particular order: Began watching anime in 2014 with FMA (2003) Fate/Zero Your Lie In April Evangelion Sarazanmai Darling In The Franxx Honourable Mentions: Another, Your Name, Re Zero
  16. psychonnect_rozen

    I started watching that Fire Force anime. It's a lot of fun so far
  17. psychonnect_rozen

    It still shocks me that people got into VK during the 90s and early 2000s. I always thought it was a MySpace era thing but seeing all the poorly aged blogs was such an eye opener. I know someone on the Diru subreddit who actually went to their Blitz 5Days concert during the Macarbe part of the tour.
  18. psychonnect_rozen

    Damn. Y’all are making me feel bad. I was unfortunately not there for the VK boom of the mid 2000s and it’s kinda of a shame since I was like 5 or 6 at the time lol.
  19. psychonnect_rozen

    You must be a sad person if you do that stuff lol. Not liking it is fine, but just shitting on it for no reason is another
  20. The people who say VK is dead are like the r/lewronggeneration of the J-Rock community 

    1. Arkady


      Vkei is not dead, but it doesn't feel very well either.

    2. ahnchc


      vk has never been alive lol it's such a small subculture with the exception of the one or two vk bands that made it big (read: dir en grey and the gazette)

    3. platy


      Dead in a economic and cultural way sure. But there is still good music being made. 

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  21. psychonnect_rozen

    I’ve been dying for a band similar to Industrial with bands like KMFDM or Ministry. I guess technically Schiwen would count since it’s the dudes from Buck Tick with Sascha from KMFDM but other than that nothing else.
  22. psychonnect_rozen

    Oh my god that’s awful. I mean... Mejibray is cool and all but this is a whole new low. I’ve always liked Meto anyway lol
  23. psychonnect_rozen

    Lmao 😂 “Fans”. Like he has any lol. Was it a stock image or just some random picture? Also, I think I remember reading an interview of Kyo and I think they were talking about past experiences IIRC and mentioned someone who he referred to as “the bass player before Diru”. You could tell that he hated Kisaki. I don’t think we’ll ever know the full story behind the two, but there was definitely some bad blood between them
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