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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by psychonnect_rozen

  1. psychonnect_rozen

    Never heard about the Crane thing. What went on there? Lol
  2. psychonnect_rozen

    Wouldn’t wanna read that anyway. I don’t wanna read poor Kaoru being violated by Tax Frauding Pedo. But yeah, I saw that rumor in a YouTube comment. It’s probably fake but I thought it was kinda messed up
  3. psychonnect_rozen

    Are there any other rumors beside that? I remember hearing one about Kaoru being raped by Kisaki.
  4. psychonnect_rozen

    That song slaps
  5. psychonnect_rozen

    My Madeth gray'll shirt came in today. Just in time for the first day of school
  6. psychonnect_rozen

    I understand that people have celebrity crushes and that’s fine but holy shit people take it too far. She needs help I swear.
  7. psychonnect_rozen

    Yes! That's the one! I just remember watching Whang's video on VK and he sprung across that page. Never grew up during the MySpace and LiveJournal days of VK since I was like 5 at the time but it was an interesting and bitter find
  8. psychonnect_rozen

    Does anyone remember a VK hate page on LiveJournal?
  9. School starts in a week and I already want to die

  10. psychonnect_rozen

    How do even people come up with all the crazy Tanuki rumors. Half of them sound like they just pulled them out of their ass
  11. psychonnect_rozen

    Wouldn’t I pay to read a fic of Kisaki penetrating Kyo. Honestly, I’m still surprised that people stanned Kisaki back in the day. Hell, I actually thought Kisaki was good until the recent controversy lol
  12. psychonnect_rozen

    Proof? For research lol
  13. psychonnect_rozen

    Here’s an extremely unpopular rating for Diru: Gauze/Withering To Death Dum Spiro Spero Kisou Uroboros The Insulated World MACABRE Vulgar Arche The Marrow Of A Bone Also Being influenced by American or Western bands isn’t copying nor is it plagiarism. Bands are allowed to listen to different types of music to fit their style.
  14. psychonnect_rozen

  15. I’d say I like all the songs on Gauze to some extent. I remember listening to it for the very first time and being hella creeped out by Mazohyst. I enjoy all their long songs with Macabre (The OG and the Remake) being my favs
  16. Every Diru fan can agree that song is creepy asf
  17. psychonnect_rozen

    I highly recommend starting with Inspiration Is Dead and I’mperfect
  18. psychonnect_rozen

  19. psychonnect_rozen

    Blameitonjorge is awesome
  20. psychonnect_rozen

    I was more used to the Xbox 360 since that was the first console I owned. I used to have a Wii, but it was more of my family’s system instead of mine. So yeah, it’s not that I regret getting and Xbox One, since I met most of my online friends on there, but I really want to play games like Detroit Become Human and Spiderman. I’m planning to get a PS4 at the end of the year so I can bring something with me when I move out. I’m still keeping my Xbox One for my multiplayer stuff but probably gonna upgrade to Project Scarlet when it comes out
  21. psychonnect_rozen

    Y’all are making me so lonley. Legit I feel like I’m the only Xbox player in here lol.
  22. psychonnect_rozen

    Going into Grade 12. Man, high school is fucking quick! Anyway, kinda sad that I’m leaving most of my friends and happy that I can forget about all the assholes I will never see again. But honestly, as much as I understand that friendships come and go, it’s taken a toll on me because how many memories I’ve made with them over the years. Some of them I have been close with since elementary and some at High School. I just honestly hope that I get to spend one more day with them before we part ways. Sometimes I worry about myself being alone and with every one having moved on. Still got till June. Gotta do something
  23. psychonnect_rozen

    Move this thread if required. So it’s safe to say that some of us are gamers. So what console do y’all play on? I play on an Xbox One but I’m planning to switch to PS4 sometime soon
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