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Status Replies posted by Befafes

  1. Any fan here of a gothic vk band callled "BLOOD"? I've missed out on these guys and they have a really cool sound.Already found their discography for download,but any further informations about the members, post projects of them, the disbanding,etc? Thx

    1. Befafes


      Same Blood was one of my early favorites too.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. R. I. P., Roppu1128

    1. Befafes


      Damn rip,, Thank you for your service Roppu. 😔

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. I wish someone would pop up selling 6 Ryo cheki from My Bacteria Heat island. Lmao its all I ask. It's wild he left the scene to become a Pub-g twitch streamer. 

    1. Befafes


      @Aferni Yeah lol He does Youtube + Twitch. Sometimes he posts a cover but not often. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. What are some reasons why people dont dig rshitei. The most recent single felt kind of like whatever but their last full length felt hella solid and it seems like mamo has alot of versatility . Idk maybe my standards are just low but they feel like a band that mostly everyone and anyone could fuck with

    1. Befafes



      @Himeaimichu Yikes, I'm not surprised lmao.

      I wish i had some of the screenshots I saw floating around of his 755 posts. a lot of them were fat phobic/Homophobic + admitting to being a lolicon. 

      Wildshit man, I'm not sure I've heard anything about the members. but being acquainted with someone like Mamo theres got to be some similar characteristics otherwise why would you stick around someone that long. The scene doesn't pay that well. 

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  5. What are some reasons why people dont dig rshitei. The most recent single felt kind of like whatever but their last full length felt hella solid and it seems like mamo has alot of versatility . Idk maybe my standards are just low but they feel like a band that mostly everyone and anyone could fuck with

    1. Befafes


      From what I've heard Mamo has a lot of shit on them. not sure about the other members. But yeah like Chipathy said, its not too far from most bands. 
      From what I've seen there's been talk of him being a Lolicon/Nationalist and then there's been evidence of him being pretty homophobic too. Again none of this is really surprising. There's also the Domestic Abuse / Menhera imagery which is heavily used and his " Vkei would be dead if it weren't for me " mentality and statements


      Though there was the one time he cut his hair and sold it. Their fans are pretty scary too. ( also not surprising ) They harassed and sent the members of  kaitou sentai nusumunger death threats after they announced they were going to do a parody of one of their songs ( which they cancelled ). 

      But like I said, the same shit can be said for any band probably lmao

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  6. My Visual kei Room Tour which i already announced in the middle of 2017 is finally live! ;D 

    *well better late than never i guess*



  7. Really excited that I've finally completed my discography of Saruin. I'm happy that ironically my first band in the scene is also the first band I completed. 
    Thank you to my friend who helped get the last two cds needed for this to be possible.

    1. Befafes


      1. Yeah! It was a small discography. I'm not sure if they released outside of the 4 albums I have (maybe)
      2. Man, Honestly I don't know how either. I blame the YouTube algorithm at the time. 

      technically they're not my first band? I have no idea what my first is. Either Nightmare or some other band. Since I was exposed to it when i was 5? But I didn't get actively into it until around I was 9+?

      Then It delved into having an interest in bands like Metis Gretel, Born, Unsraw , Distraught overlord and a few of  the UCP bands( namely Nega,Megaromania and ClearVeil ) 🤷‍♀️ 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Does anyone remember when k-pop, vk and mozart combined?


    1. Befafes


      Hit em with these when they ask if you listen to kpop.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)


    1. Befafes


      LOL YEAH HELLO !! wow I cant believe someones trash enough to be on MH on DA that isnt me. 

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