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Gesu last won the day on July 29 2019

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About Gesu

  • Rank
    Ohana's Glove Poncho
  • Birthday 09/03/2000

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  • Location
    Hitori Land
  • Interests
    Visual kei, ass, visual kei ass

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  1. Sometimes I think about how much I dislike my old-fashioned middle name, but then I remember these ridiculous baby names:

    * Abcde (pronounced "AB-suh-dee")

    * Ikea

    * Disney

    * Moon Unit (Frank Zappa's daughter)

    * Pilot Inspektor (Jason Lee's son)

    * Bronx Mowgli (Pete Wentz's son)

    * Bandit (Gerard Way's daughter)

    * Buddy Bear (Jamie Oliver's son)

    * Hashtag

    * Facebook

    * Like

    * Window (middle name Coverings)

    * Marijuana

    * Felony

    * Number 16 Bus Shelter

    * Violence

    * Midnight Chardonnay

    * Girl

    * Twins named Lemonjello and Orangello

    * Brothers named Winner and Loser

    * Lunar Module

    * RonRico Bacardi


    Also, Dovahkiin, but I admittedly quite like that. He was born on the Skyrim release date (November 11th, 2011) and the family now receive free Bethesda games for life.

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    2. yomii


      violence is a cool name imo ٩(๑`ȏ´๑)۶ its like violet but spiced up a bit

      ive always loved names of different oriental deities like parvati or tiamat for example, but its unreal to call your child like that in russia because by any means it wont match with middle name and surname lol. and anyway it sounds like too much...but i believe there are cute not too common names which will be more socially appropriated, just havent thought about that yet~

    3. monkeybanana4


      Oof. Some of those names. It reminds me of when someone apparently named their child Sephiroth. 

    4. yomii


      thanks for the thread now i need 3 kids to name them sephiroth, lucifer and violence

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