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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by monkeybanana4

  1. monkeybanana4

    Yup, it is, specifically in Shanghai (China) and Taipei (Taiwan)
  2. monkeybanana4

  3. monkeybanana4

    They will have their first one-man live at HOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYA on 2019.07.07.
  4. monkeybanana4

    Hey, nice reviews! (Apologies for the late comment ^^; I finally had time to sit down and watch your videos) I still remember picking up and reading comic books when I was young. Now, I'm tempted to start reading it again thanks to your video =P Keep up the great work!
  5. monkeybanana4

    Congratulations to him! It's nice to hear the good news~ I thought of this song for some reason when I saw this thread, lol
  6. monkeybanana4

    Sung by Aimer and composed by Yuki Kajiura. Two of my favorites musicians in one song. Couldn't ask for more! There's also a MV version (posted below).
  7. monkeybanana4

    He used to be one of the guitarists from VK bands like Moran and Sugar. He plays really well and has some great guitar parts. @Gesu would know more EDIT: Here's one of their songs where his playing shines, lol
  8. monkeybanana4

    He has many amazing looks, but this is one of my favorites xD (Still super sad that he's basically disappeared ;w;)
  9. monkeybanana4

    I guess it counts as social media, but this statement reminded me of YouTube as well and how zealous people can become on there. (Especially when it comes to things people stan very much)
  10. monkeybanana4

    Tracklist 1. カナリア 2. アオイユメ 3. Rain Dance (Regular Edition only)
  11. DAMY will release a DVD of their last live on 2019.06.30. It will cost 8,640 yen and can now be pre-ordered through the official webshop: https://damyofficial.shop-pro.jp/?pid=142618174 They will also be selling "Memorial Sets" for each member. Each set will cost 5,555 yen and can be reserved starting from 2019.05.16 through their online shop. (Source: https://ameblo.jp/damy-official/entry-12461486149.html) DAMY LAST ONEMAN TOUR FINAL「この場所で僕らは消える。」at Shibuya Tsutaya-O West (2019.05.06) setlist (Source: http://vif-music.com/2019/05/06/damy-10/) 01.chilled. 02.milk 03.トモダチごっこ 04.喰らい殺す 05.解剖家族の真意 06.調教 07.撲殺サマンサ 08.御別レノ謠 09.世界は回る 10.溺愛公園三丁目 11.溺愛公園四丁目 12.誰か僕の為に息を引き取って誰か僕の為に死ねますか 13.深海 14.キンセンカ 15.心髄 16.ままごと 奈落 僕らの言葉 以上 17.終止符 18.きみのわるぐち 19.りありすと 20.理由 EN 楽器隊インスト 21.君に幸あれ 22.永久にパペット 23.醜態 故 Garnet うつせみ 空白 孤独 24.言訳 25.この指トまれ。 26.嘘吐き 27.首吊り少女 28.虚言癖 29.吐瀉と代償 30.蕣(あさがお) EN2 31.しりとり 32.汚物 33.アスペルガー崩壊 34.パラサイト 35.雨音 36.理由
  12. monkeybanana4

    REIGN will release a new single titled "Absolute 14" on 2019.07.17 in two types. Limited Edition (CD+DVD; 2,200 yen) CD 1. Envision 2. Gnarly 3. Petrichor DVD - Envision Music Clip & Music Clip off shot Regular Edition (CD; 1,600 yen) CD 1. Envision 2. Gnarly 3. Petrichor
  13. Just wanted to comment: Love that avatar. D'espairsRay forever ✌️

    1. emmny


      Im pretty sure this look is for reddish btw, i have the scans somehwere on my HD

    2. saishuu


      isn't the look for reddish this one?




      they're fairly similar though, so it makes sense to confuse both

    3. Zeus


      based off an interview i was able to place the following looks:

      sexual beast: c1d6465e3d4b4d93adcaad1bf011b0e8.jpg#c1d

      ori no naka de miru yume: ae05ca6e773d4d1d9d754d7164ba126a.jpg#ae0

      maverick: f2e0251f3e437f7b45cac291107f6d72.jpg#f2e

      born: ab5fd06df28247298ba7c38cb5fc7b38.jpg#ab5

      ura mania theatre: b0e633c8d43448e4b17799531b9a0ff8.jpg#b0e

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  14. Hi! Thanks so much for the follow! Followed back ^_^  

  15. monkeybanana4

    Hello! Welcome to MH! Have a great time here Nice to meet another Sadie fan~ I've always really liked Mao's voice and their music. (Oops. I didn't realize you listened to Versailles already in the other thread ^^;)
  16. monkeybanana4

    For some darker bands, I think Diaura is a decent band worth checking out. The singer has an amazing voice.
  17. monkeybanana4

    Limited Edition Type A (Price: 1,389 yen + taxes) Illustrated by: Yoshikazu Yasuhiko Limited Edition Type B (Price: 1,389 yen + taxes) Illustrated by: Yoshikazu Yasuhiko Regular Edition (Price: 1,389 + taxes) Tracklist 1. 宇宙の詩 ~Higher and Higher~ (そらのうた) [Sora no Uta] 2. 悲壮美 (ひそうび) [Hisoubi] If you purchase from the Universal Music store, it will come with extras. UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE Limited Edition Type A (7,000 yen + taxes) CD: Yoshikazu Yasuhiko "Mobile Suit Gundam THE ORIGIN" design LP size DVD: 宇宙の詩 (Sora no Uta) ~Higher and Higher~ Music Video "Mobile Suit Gundam THE ORIGIN" Ver. T-shirt Yoshikazu Yasuhiko "Mobile Suit Gundam THE ORIGIN" artwork Link: https://store.universal-music.co.jp/product/d2cj6282/ UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE Limited Edition Type B (6,000 yen + taxes) CD: Yoshikazu Yasuhiko "Luna Sea" design LP size T-shirt: Yoshikazu Yasuhiko "Luna Sea" artwork Link: https://store.universal-music.co.jp/product/d2cj6283/
  18. monkeybanana4

    Speaking of Ohana's adorable look~ That blush and smile
  19. monkeybanana4

    Haha, I think that's the reason I like Subaru. He secretly has the heart of a softie even if he is boring xD But Reiji looks cool and sleek, not to mention I love his dark purple(?) hair~ For some reason, I remembered the main protagonist from the game, Amnesia. It's been a while since I played the game, but I remember her personality was kind of like a cardboard ^^;
  20. monkeybanana4

    They will hold their 12th anniversary oneman live at Zepp Tokyo on 2019.07.07.
  21. monkeybanana4

    That's the reason I tell myself when I'm playing otome games even when they're cheesy or all over the place, lol 😅
  22. Nice! I've always like Kanon and the music he created. Definitely looking forward to this!
  23. monkeybanana4

    I saw a notice that the ClosetChild Shibuya Men's Store closed on May 6th. Source: https://www.closet-child.com/event/渋谷メンズ店閉店のお知らせ/
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