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Everything posted by 123Sandman321

  1. 123Sandman321

    Their ballads, with the exception of the Dark Age ones, have just grown too formulaic, and this is the example. Definitely not a bad song by any means (it would even be great if I didn't hear this kind of a ballad 100 times before), but it's just forgettable. I dunno, it seems like it was thrown in just to shut up people who were bitching about no ballads in DOGMA. But we'll see when the full album releases...
  2. If anyone's looking for some western goodness, check out the new album by The Word Alive, Violent Noise, here's the main single




    And a bonus, I'm expecting big things from these guys


  3. 123Sandman321

    Ahhhh, that was just pleasant as fuck! Perfect.
  4. 123Sandman321

    I just hope, that with such a long time off, they are gonna bring that album to perfection.
  5. 123Sandman321

    The same brilliant mind who came up with SCARRED DIE
  6. 123Sandman321

    I've read this whole topic attentively and how does it matter for any of our posts wheter it's their or not? I actually had that piece of info in parentheses in my reply before I deleted it, but it doesn't change my statement in any other way. Btw, the cover is somewhat indicative of what they are gonna play, if they are gonna go on with this.
  7. 123Sandman321

    The main problem here, is MiA joining a generic radio rock "band" with a few YouTubers doing this as a publicity stunt, seemingly. The music in question is passable at best, though it doesn't deserve the flak it's getting, as nobody would give a jack shit about them here, were Mr. Nose-job not involved. I can only guess their purpose, though I doubt they want or even can make it "big". Just some quick cash, merch line, gather new "fans", in essence, just growing their separate brands and be done with it. Which I kinda hope will happen, cause I still wanna hear MiA in some neo-classical project.
  8. Uhm...very "regal". Would definitely look nice on money...
  9. ...Akane would look simply enchanting in a space-vampire dress Oh, sorry, PLOT TWIST
  10. ZIN used to be in Tokami in '05, he was fucking awful, but he's been in the scene for quite a while, before Jupiter Sui²
  11. Please, brighten my night shift and send some 90s, 00s stuff my way :)

  12. 123Sandman321

    Will they be handing out FIXER Clubcards? ...when you collect all 4 points, you get a single for FREE
  13. 123Sandman321

    Considering that "sexy" dance move at 3:44, I think our boy might be in the closet Overall, good song, I just wish he'd stop the weird "rapping" and whisper vocals
  14. 123Sandman321

    Ah, finally, great news. Really looking forward to the new singles. Definitely one of the most promising band of '17.
  15. 123Sandman321

    Yep, Jin called himself "Vomiter" Also, boys look really cheap, even violated by that green screen background
  16. 123Sandman321

    Well, since AI kinda branched out with his solo album, I suppose that there might be something remotely fresh, sprinkled inbetween BLOOD re-recorded 8 times. and even though he is the king of consistency, I am hopeful.
  17. 123Sandman321

    Well, he probably can, but in a really small capacity. His harsh vocals seem really weak and they have to be heavily distorted and increased in volume to mitigate that. But he'll definitely get beter with time. Good song, nevertheless, glad that it's shorter. Their previous A-sides didn't benefit from being 3/4+ minutes
  18. 123Sandman321

    Sounds like their early stuff, I love it!
  19. 123Sandman321

    Fuck, of course it's a re-recording Well, sounds amazing, anyway, though I really hoped for something new
  20. 123Sandman321

    The new single fucking slaps. Definitely their best release. But there is only so much you can do purely as a deathcore band. Just look at the western deathcore scene. It's becoming increasingly stale. So, that's why I really appreciated Devil's Proof as a whole, since it showcased a wider range of their talent. Nothing against The Purge (and everything released beforehand, except 愛してください, released on the V.A. album), but it hasn't clicked with me so much as their last offerings, because whilst very technical and well written, it wasn't really all that special, apart from them being a visual band. And I hope, that songs like 孤独死 will be their main stepping stone, moving forward. Keisuke's cleans are on point in that song and it has a perfect ration of harsh to clean vocals. Also more instrumentals, cause damn, Seiya is a magician. Here's to a piano duet from Keisuke and Ray... More Ray wouldn't hurt, overall, though. Dude has a golden voice.
  21. 123Sandman321

    Damn, slightly disappointed, that it ain't a new album. And the look seems kinda soft, eh, boring. But Harushigure grew on me over time, so I am excited for the previews.
  22. 123Sandman321

    Amazing news! Not a single bad song, except the generic bore-fest that was BLACK PIG Ahhh, I can already see the beautiful engrish in "The Sky is Crying".
  23. 123Sandman321

    Well, I come from a slightly different spot on this topic. Also, it's kinda rambly, I'm sorry. While younger I used to live in a mentally devastating household and that left me with social anxiety and completely closing myself in. Any form of escapism, be it music, books, games, and later writing and photography were my only solace. So, that equals, nearly no friends or other serious relationships. The person that I am now, is one that has overcome those anxiety issues. Well at least a slight bit, now that I have at least a few people I can trust completely. What helped me, was standing on my own feet at a young age (compared to the norm), own place, job as a bartender (later in sales) and further fuelling myself with things I loved doing while finding new ambitions to strive towards. And while it can be somewhat difficult to catch up to those 20 years of socializing that others had, I no longer care, I give time to people I want and when I want. You seem to cling to what you have, even though you aren't happy with it. People who can't ever be bothered to listen to their friends are meant to be cut off, they aren't worth your time...it might seem harsh, but they don't seem to make you happy. The one major thing I suggest doing is reaching out to your best friend...I really don't know on what terms you have decided to end the friendship, but it might be something to help. Also, definitely don't force the new relationships that you are building up just for the sake of having friends, it's selfish. I'm not saying to stop socializing, but laying out all your baggage and niche hobbies usually scares people I know damn well, since I've been there Bottom line, what I'm getting at, is that you should lean on the things you love to do, find new hobbies with some kind of artistic expression, take up sports, (all these things come with the added bonus of other people doing them, too, you know, same interests, etc.) lean on your boyfriend, I dunno, anything to keep you from dwelling on the things that depress you and drag you down. I hope it'll get better for you. Also, feel free to message me any time
  24. 123Sandman321

    I loved it, it's one of the higlights of the year for me, so far. They just nail those slower songs perfectly and that's definitely where their strenght lies. The overall atmosphere of the record is amazing and while the final ballad seemed a bit unnecessary and out of place, it's their most cohesive and fun record to date.
  25. 123Sandman321

    Ahhh, the most overhyped clothing brand...I also expect some perfume down the line TSUZUKU, a new fragrance by 8P-SB
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