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Everything posted by ahnchc

  1. ahnchc

    This was the first thing on my mind, but I can also completely understand why someone wouldn't want to own an item (or multiple) by an alleged pedophile and abuser—who definitely seems like he's genuinely a pedophile and abuser by what the owner of KISAKI54175241 tweeted—regardless of whether or not it was already paid for. A somewhat OT thing below, hence the spoiler so that anyone who doesn't care won't see it without willingly opening the spoiler.
  2. ahnchc

    Really, really amazing. Love these photos.
  3. ahnchc

    I can't believe some of you are more worried about the fate of some of your faves that Kisaki composed for as opposed to the fate of that child and her current and future mental health. Like, what the fuck lol. I hope Kisaki and this situation is dealt with properly, but I hope that it isn't blown up by media and/or press. I'd like for the woman and her child to get their privacy.
  4. ahnchc

    I love your art, especially in the post above. It's really nice. It reminds me of a refined and improved version of David Beauchard's art, which I really like also.
  5. ahnchc

    The iconic wide-eyed side glance, mouth open pose has returned!
  6. I have the feeling that I'm probably going to be the few people to push the fact this is the admittedly distasteful YOHIO aside. I dislike his vocal quality, but the composition actually isn't bad. It's better than his other releases. Sort of tired of the mildly narcissistic lyrics, though. With that said, it might just be me, but the composition sounds similar to another song I've heard that I can't put my finger on. Hmm. Regardless, I wish that he would release more for DISREIGN, as that was actually a very impressive project. I think that NAïVE had some potential too, but it's been a little while and I don't know if he'll genuinely actually release it. Following in daddy Yoshiki's footsteps with those TBA releases, I see. EDIT: I do sort of like the harmonies tbh.
  7. Are you serious. This band has completely lost their charm for me lmao.
  8. The tracks on VELTRO have a style that we haven't heard from THE GALLO in a little while.

    1. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      where did u find that,bro

  9. ahnchc

    To be honest, I'm not big on Madmans Esprit's sound. I do really enjoy ms. isohp romatem. I'll keep an eye out for both since I definitely see the potential. They're all very talented.
  10. ahnchc

    I actually really like these photos, but god, the colors gave me a headache at first LOL.
  11. ahnchc

    Welcome! We have a lot of interests in the same bands, so I'm especially interested in seeing you around.
  12. ahnchc

    That was quick.
  13. ahnchc

    Yes, that's why he has second most votes (although, his amount of votes pales in comparison to Kisaki's). However, unlike Kisaki, Wataru showed remorse and attempted to make up for what he had done in more ways than one. I think that that greatly increases Kisaki's chance of having 'done the most outrageous thing', as [Kisaki] shows what we can only deem to be no regret, as he continues doing the same things time and time again; only running away from all of the consequences his mistakes result in, as opposed to addressing them and attempting to make up for them like Wataru did. The above might be why Kisaki has a lot more votes than Wataru when both actions were and are inexcusable. Hopefully I'm making sense, haha.
  14. ahnchc

    LMAAAOOOODSJFSFDKJSFSDJKFSKJSKJS To answer someone's question: Kisaki got a lot of votes because the other "bad boys" weren't as serious, other than Sakura with heroin (whose situation was unfortunately extremely blown out of proportion, imho). Also, Kisaki's just really notorious for doing borderline (if not actually) illegal shit for attention.
  15. ahnchc

    It's bad, but it's not fireworks bad and because of that, I'll take it.
  16. ahnchc

    The fact that Japan Discoveries has—on a multitude of occasions—refused communication with OP and have seemingly never offered a means of refunding or explanation is not "partially". That is their fault. Regardless of whether the release was postponed for a month, it shouldn't take 2 months for them to get to OP. Even more so, as a 'business', JD should not be refusing communication. It's all unprofessional and borderline puerile. Also, other members or their friends have apparently experienced the same thing. I'd say a large portion of this problem is on JD.
  17. ahnchc

    They always reeked shady to me. Honestly, it's definitely because their website's layout looks like an unprofessional hot shit of 1990s. I really hope that you find what you're looking for, OP. I also hope that more people steer clear of JD.
  18. Belle, BUCK-TICK, Crucifixion, GALLO, GRIMOIRE, JILUKA, La'veil MizeriA, mathilda, xaa-xaa, Yumeleep.
  19. ahnchc

    I expected this, but they also barely have any songs recorded. This entire project has always seemed like Koichi ft. Genki to me, and Komorebi saying that Genki was apparently awkward only makes me think this more lol.
  20. ahnchc

    This is true. I thought about this yesterday. I also know a bandguy who seemingly knows and knew about all of this. It's safe to say they're shitty people too and just don't care.
  21. ahnchc

    I read the tweet about AV and I got a horrible, churning feeling in my stomach. I hope this situation is dealt with properly. KISAKI is genuinely a disgusting human being.
  22. Correction: Their name is Helter Skelter, not Helter Stelker. I'm excited. Their last release was really good, so I have high hopes.
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