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Everything posted by ahnchc

  1. ahnchc

    The only thing that sounds good to me is 深い森 and 限界LOVERS. I don't like the Ghost Rule cover (original by DECO*27 with vocals by Hatsune Miku).
  2. 0.1gのお爺さん

  3. ahnchc

    That was quick and expected. While expected, I'm still a bit disappointed. I liked them as Hakubishin so I was hoping they'd find their mojo again.
  4. Do you not remember their iconic feud with マチルダ?I'd say they're pretty douchey.
  5. It goes with the topic of the song: torment and torture of a twisted 'love'. In this case, I also think it's a mildly political statement on the current suicide rate and state of mental health, but how most people still seem to completely turn a blind eye to it/refuse to acknowledge it. THE GALLO isn't a stranger to political themes in their music (WWI/II are common topics throughout lyrics, and also the lyrics of 帝都四号魔水路 and ZIZ). Just my thought though ( :
  6. You would be correct. ( : There are a bit of differentiating features (sleeves, bottoms) but this is seemingly the inspiration.
  7. the pollo

    1. IGM_Oficial


      「The pollo frito」

  8. Single cover and goods release for THE GALLO's 10th anniversary have both been announced. Based on these track names, I'm expecting more SFR song remakes or at least something SFR in sound.
  9. Track list: 1. DEATHTOPIA 2. WILLY THE BOOH 3. Shinkoku seishun aika・akane
  10. ahnchc

    I love them.
  11. I listened to this when it first came out and I really tried to like it and listen to it with an open mind, but... no. Just no.
  12. If this is a joke I'm calling the cops
  13. I gave the most disturbed look to my screen before realizing what day it is
  14. I'm going to be honest: I like it. Better than Merry-go-Round, though this song transitions into MgR.
  15. ahnchc

    "Trust me, I'm a photographer"
  16. ahnchc

    Only on the third song in the album, but it sounds like typical bubblegum pop mainstream shit, except it's from ex-"brutal" bandguys. Koichi's strained nasal vocals and their weird ass furry caterpillar costume doesn't help though.Not the worst thing I've heard in pop and not the best. It's just...okay, I guess. I could think of a bunch of artists that have similar sounding music: Shawn Wasabi, SOPHIE, just about everyone apart of that whole PC Music trend, kz(livetune), Yasutaka Nakata....The list goes on and on. Koichi's strained nasal vocals and their weird ass furry caterpillar costume doesn't help though. Always remember: different strokes for different folks.
  17. ahnchc

    Woah. Got some serious DeG vibes from "THE UNTOLD HYPOCRISY". His accent is pretty noticeable, but imo they sound like any shitty VK band. They're just gaijin. They definitely sound better than when Seike was the vocalist.
  18. ahnchc

    This really sucks!! I was digging their new releases.
  19. ahnchc

    no they were waiting for gazette to release a new album so they could mimic their style again
  20. ahnchc

    Since Valentin left (as YOHIO officially confirmed during a live), it's fair to assume YOHIO recorded it himself and they'll use a support or just play the track during lives. I can't imagine seeing YOHIO play guitar live while singing again. It could be a new member, but I find it sort of unlikely.
  21. Can he please release NAïVE and 白羽 already.
  22. what's the worst vk release of 2018 in your opinion

    1. tetsu_sama69


      nocturnal bloodlust - whiteout

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      LA Bash All Emotions - GET FxxK Hxx

  23. ahnchc

    DISREIGN will release their 4th and newest single "FABLE" on 30th November.
  24. ahnchc

    What the fuck was that first note LMAO. There are some bad parts of this, and also some parts where I see potential. I feel like these guys just need a push, lol.
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