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Everything posted by ahnchc

  1. I think that I'm going to get this.
  2. ahnchc

    I think that it would be hard to recover from the loss of Yusuke quickly, even if there are a lot of other skilled drummers in the industry. That is, assuming that they were tight-knit. Tbh, a portion of me almost hopes they return with someone like Meto or even Luvia on drums now that both MEJIBRAY and CANIVAL are disbanded or to be. Though, I've never seen a CANIVAL live, so I don't know how Luvia plays [live] and whether or not he's inexperienced or not. Regardless of their admittedly lacking last few releases, they still have so much potential. I can only hope that this loss doesn't result in a disbandment. Far too many bands announce a hiatus and then just decide to disband instead. Maybe it's me being pessimistic, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were seriously dedicated to music, but simply were unable to recover from a drummer like Yusuke having to withdraw. I can only hope that doesn't happen and that their next release after having recovered from this ordeal will be impressive.
  3. Is it just live activities as some bands do, or will they stop releasing during this break as well?
  4. ahnchc

    This is so sudden. I'm extremely surprised and actually a bit worried for Yusuke. I hope he recovers well and safely.
  5. ahnchc

    The SNK OP isn't my style, but I can see the appeal. I do agree that it should be an ED and definitely sounds more like L'Arc/HYDE as a couple of other users said, but I don't think that it's dreadful or horrible because of that. It's just an anime OP, so I can't say I was expecting much.
  6. Every time I listen to Daiteito Himitsu Kurabu-Gokuraku-, I can't help but think that it sounds like a Dainippon Kokkei Syugisha Renmei Koushinkyoku reject.

  7. ahnchc

    I completely forgot about this guy after Kotonoha. I used to really like him, so I'm sort of excited for this new single.
  8. ahnchc

    Wait, for real? I didn't even notice! He looks better here than in his Killaneth days imo.
  9. ahnchc

    To my knowledge, she isn't very popular. The tweet on the official DragCon twitter only got about 10 favs, and Kaya's tweet only got about 118. I can't imagine her booth got much attraction, and I honestly wish that I had went just to see. RPDR stans and stan twitter in general get things around fast, though. It wouldn't surprise me if this song blew up considering it has the very popular and trendy poppy sound, and features drag (both things stan twitter is head over heels for). People seemed to be enjoying her performances in LA too (assuming this based on what she posted).
  10. ahnchc

    Not a fan of the whole "school" theme in MVs, but the video looks cute, the song sounds cute, and Kaya looks nice. A part of me almost feels like this song will blow up because of stan twitter/RPDR stans.
  11. ahnchc

    I'm not even sure why, but I think that the comments about this picture have to be the funniest thing I've ever read on this site😂😂
  12. ahnchc

    Damn. Didn't see this one coming.
  13. Can we have some time to listen to their other single first?? LMAO. They're pushing out so many looks and singles so quickly.
  14. The fact that the MV ended with Kylyn in a wheelchair.....LMAO. Scarface and Hiromu are my favorite parts of this MV tbh. That pinch at the beginning of Scarface's solo is amazing.
  15. The background vocals and harmonies on PLUTO (especially during the chorus) are so good tbh.

  16. ahnchc

    The look....LMAO. The song sort of reminds me of something Pentagon would release though. Maybe it'll grow on me.
  17. Eh. They simply had more charm in their mysterious, who-the-fuck-are-these-members-and-what-the-fuck-is-this-band phase. At least they sort of stayed true to the "what-the-fuck-is-this-band" part
  18. ahnchc

    Not my style, but it's not bad. Reminds me of something May'n would release tbh. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing yet.
  19. ahnchc

    At least the music makes up for the logo and name
  20. Embarrassing hahahfjdhfjhajfdf
  21. ahnchc

  22. ahnchc

    They look interesting
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