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Posts posted by ahnchc

  1. Low-budget kei strikes again!


    i.D.A sounds like the Japanese DIE/MAY.


    They're both ok? I guess? Nothing life-changing or new. The mixing's a little shitty too. 

    There are a myriad of bands that sound like them if I'm being honest.


    But, hey, if BABOO can make an impressive 180, why can't these guys. I'll keep my eyes peeled, maybe.

  2. I really love them. A couple of my favorite songs from them are idol, masQue, Gessekai.


    I would think that a lot of people in the west or simply don't speak Japanese have a harder time accessing them since some of their releases, tickets, and communication are pretty restricted to FISH TANK.

  3. 21 hours ago, Paraph said:

    Can we all just take a moment to realize that KISAKI was the main face behind many of the bands he was involved in. KamiUta from Phantasmagoria literally depicts him as God. If all this is true and KISAKI really is the scum of the Earth then I don’t know about you but it makes me uncomfortable listening to or watching some of his material. It gives me serious narcissistic/sociopathic psycho vibes if all true.

    edit: looks like many posts were deleted so this one now lacks context and looks super random...

    Another thing that makes me really uncomfortable is the fact that so many other bandmen had to have known about exactly how shitty of a person he was and still is and he hasn't been exposed for it until recently. In the past I've wondered if he'd ever learn from his past mistakes, but now I think that he's gone to the point of no return.


    While I certainly think that KISAKI clearly requires psychiatric help, I'm definitely more worried for his victims (read: the mother and her child). This could impact them for the rest of their lives. /: Would really suck if KISAKI walked out of this without the deserved consequences.


    Also, I can't help but wonder why the owner of the KISAKI-expose account censored her DMs while keeping the recipient's [DMs] visible. It's probably stupid, but I can't figure out a potential reason why. I've never been a fan of censoring during DMs or anything of the like, because so many things can be manipulated and taken out of context. Note that I'm not shaming or doubting her, as the rest of her pictures and tweets bring a lot more to the table.


    I wonder who started the rumor that the woman appeared in AV? Does anyone know more about that?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Alkaloid said:


    Bassist 3 (ex-TearLace-->A'LETZA-->君、死ニタマフコトナカレ (Kimi, Shinitama Fukoto na Kare)(梓姫/Azuki))


    I thought their bassist was CANIVAL's Luvia for a second and my head spun lmaaoo


    I still haven't gotten over their choice of name (and like suji said, it's almost like setting yourself up to be a flop), but I'll maybe at least try to keep an eye out for this band.

  5. 8 hours ago, madygrain said:

    You already bought them, don't be dumb.

    This was the first thing on my mind, but I can also completely understand why someone wouldn't want to own an item (or multiple) by an alleged pedophile and abuser—who definitely seems like he's genuinely a pedophile and abuser by what the owner of KISAKI54175241 tweeted—regardless of whether or not it was already paid for.


    A somewhat OT thing below, hence the spoiler so that anyone who doesn't care won't see it without willingly opening the spoiler.



    The proof is just too much for me to think it can be faked, but a large part of me hopes someone can't actually be this horrible (although I know that the proof definitely isn't working in his favor).


  6. I can't believe some of you are more worried about the fate of some of your faves that Kisaki composed for as opposed to the fate of that child and her current and future mental health. Like, what the fuck lol.


    I hope Kisaki and this situation is dealt with properly, but I hope that it isn't blown up by media and/or press. I'd like for the woman and her child to get their privacy.

  7. I have the feeling that I'm probably going to be the few people to push the fact this is the admittedly distasteful YOHIO aside.


    I dislike his vocal quality, but the composition actually isn't bad. It's better than his other releases.

    Sort of tired of the mildly narcissistic lyrics, though.


    With that said, it might just be me, but the composition sounds similar to another song I've heard that I can't put my finger on. Hmm.


    Regardless, I wish that he would release more for DISREIGN, as that was actually a very impressive project.

    I think that NAïVE had some potential too, but it's been a little while and I don't know if he'll genuinely actually release it.

    Following in daddy Yoshiki's footsteps with those TBA releases, I see.


    EDIT: I do sort of like the harmonies tbh.

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