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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    Would you mind explaining what exactly makes CL and GD "good" in rapping and the rest "bad" (nowadays)? I used to be quite big on both artists until they went down to the "Wiz Khalifa/Minaj" level with latest activities, so your preference is highly intriguing me atm (whatever floats your boat tho) That being said, GD has little to no flow and the song itself is as horrible as any other nonsensical, minimal EDM tune a la "Stupid Hoe"
  2. Pretsy

    Ultimate lol
  3. Pretsy

    I am going to bet that the they played during Ameagari no Yuushi JP & EU tour will be called "Ameagari no Yuushi" too Vocal collaborations sound quite intriguing tho
  4. Pretsy

    ^täällä on kyllä lisää ns. piilosuomalaisia indigo, miksi et laita tähän mittää?!!!
  5. Pretsy

    My god are you guys throwing a fit over some petty, sarcastic jokes? Calm your tits and don't cause a buzzkill in here like Kareki or Patrik @fukkatsu/batsu pls (Batsuisms are not cool y'know + I am not defending anyone - sometimes it's just much easier not to take everything around here seriously, kek)
  6. Pretsy

    'Twas quite pleasant to spin this while it's (temporarily) late Autumn-y out there :>
  7. Hnnnggg I have to wait 'til March
  8. Pretsy

    Also: someone posted the list of original composers (based on their song-by-song analysis in niconico stream) 1. Un deux - 薫 2. 咀嚼 Soshaku - 薫 3. 鱗 Uroko - 薫 4. Phenomenon 薫 5. Cause of Fickleness - Shinya 6. 濤声 Tousei - Die 7. 輪郭 Rinkaku - 薫 8. Chain Repulsion - 薫 9. Midwife - Toshiya 10. 禍夜想 Magayasou - Dir en grey 11. 懐春 Kaishun - Dir en grey 12. Behind a Vacant Image - Dir en grey 13. Sustain the Untruth - Dir en grey 14. 空谷の跫音 Kuukoku no Kyouon - 薫 15. The Inferno - 薫 16. Revelation of Mankind - Dir en grey and Zero - 薫 てふてふ Tefutefu: - Die * "Dir en grey" = composing roles of the said song were not discussed in detail during the stream (even though chat room swarmers are speculating that "Kaishun" is Die's song too...) (*薫 = Kaoru) Kaoru dominating that songwriting (He should be ashamed for writing "The Inferno" though)
  9. Pretsy

    WT, contain your drama queendom pls (oops) I don't get your "dubstep" claims @ Midwife, guys - did you mean that breakdown hook with muted strumming mixed in?
  10. Pretsy

    "Spy the chick no. 1" lel Seems like they are returning back to their "NIPPON BANZAI" gimmick?
  11. Pretsy

    https://twitter.com/Harada_TEKKEN/status/542583593776599040 US fans, look out...
  12. Pretsy

    Kaoru is a NIN stan tho, so there ya go lol.
  13. Pretsy

  14. Pretsy

    大森靖子 - 洗脳 (Seiko Oomori – Sennou) [asthmatic ”AAAAAAAH”] | (perfect albums don't really exist k) What is already given but worth being repeated anyway: you don’t have to follow convenient pop sensibilities in order to be intriguing from mainstream perspective. Latest album by Seiko, ”Sennou” is demonstrating this trait in a way most might call “disastrous” - while minorities (incl. “bad” vocal aficionados like me) on the other hand go out of their way to call it “pure genius”. “洗脳” is Seiko Oomori’s 3rd full-length, and also the major debut release by courtesy of (notorious) Avex Group. Compared to her earlier, “freak folky”(I am not good with genres, so gomen my ass) repertoire, this album is stacked with various genres and influences related to Seiko’s usual tendencies to make fun of dominating J-pop and Idol trends; you have dubstep, lounge, pop rock anthems, rave…not to mention some tunes that might even please dedicated fanboys/girls of Mr. Bungle-ian clusterfucks. (un)necessary trivia: the latter is mainly attributed to her main influences, that include earlier “dominatrices of j-rock/j-pop” - Jun Togawa and Ringo Shiina (pre-Ringo no Uta era) – folks stanning for mentioned ladies, get thrilled! What makes “洗脳” worth being a must-try for every J-pop/rock enthusiast is abstract beauty of backup instrumentation correlating with Seiko’s quirky vocal performance that screams out adolescent naivety in calmer numbers like twisted fairyland-y “ナナちゃんの再生講座” and touchy “呪いは水色”, teenage playfulness in e.g. dubstep/rave-influenced “イミテーションガール”and synthpoppy “ロックンロールパラダイス” + pure havoc and misery of young adults in ultra-catchy rock number “絶対絶望絶好調”. Track-by-track analyses would be plain lazy (messy results too) - that being taken into account, I will summarize the overall meaning behind my age class metaphors BRIEFLY (no in-depth BS!*): Each careful listen reveals more and more details in this intricate smorgasbord of musical richness – Seiko is able to channel various emotions without even being versatile and talented (according to "mainstream sense") in her musical role (which was simply just rioting with fierce guitar strumming and screaming her lungs out like a madwoman). Owing to the palette of emotions, simpleton listeners will never know what to feel after getting through Seiko’s “brainwash” (fun trivia: lit. translation of the album title). Unpredictability as a main pro in “album recipe” is of course, the idea taken for granted in our MH community – right? *In-depth review would result in massive chunks of complex writing and unnecessary fuss – after all, “洗脳” caters for a huge, uncountable number of genres you usually stumble in popular, Oricon-approved music. Therefore, take this as my slight attempt to make you SOMEWHAT interested in the world of "frivolous" vocals and mumble-jumble arrangements! Pretsy’s top picks (SC links!): Pretsy's meh's: デートはやめよう - unfitting position + too laid-back for her kind of artist :/ Verdict: Seiko O-“NO PRETSY THIS IS BAD STOP THIS PLS”-omori struck the gold! Totes genius.
  15. Pretsy

    So kawaii. Nah seriously, I like her. She seems to have some cool combos and yeah, the design is not bad. Though I'm still waiting for a total fucking badass fighter to be announced. So there are 3 new fighters already, I guess and hope that 3 more will be added. ____________________________________________________________________ So they basically made an amalgamation of Lili and Xiaoyou? Harada, what the fuck.
  16. Pretsy

    I wonder why people are forgetting this lmao (was all the rage back in the day)
  17. Pretsy

    And going along with Turtels (I'll replace "Rinkaku" with single version too - compressed riffs in album ver. are gross) and add that I will dump BOTH "The InferNAWWWW" AND "Revelation of Mankind" for the sake of having "Kuukoku" as a proper finale (it fits as a closer!) + in case "and Zero" is good enough to start the album, I will put it before "Un Deux" (or ditch the said song for good)
  18. Pretsy

    also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sYIKD4hWMI
  19. Pretsy

    Isn't this more of a morbid, stereotypical presentation of what DEG stans would do (considering guy's bleached hair + him obsessing over DSS AT BUDOKAN TRAILERS?!)? Sure took it long enough from Kondo to finish the "trilogy" here. The song's okay, but definitely far away from sounding like a proper finale (e.g. 'Inconvenient Ideal' or even 'Ruten no Tou')
  20. Pretsy

    Niconico folks leaking dem samples already~ Digging the verse, chorus not that much :/
  21. Pretsy

  22. Pretsy

    ^Nice link Indigo, thanks a lot for that one! I haven't really bothered with Finnish hip hop for a while due to certain *unspeakable trends* (judging you Biopanda for praising Eevil Stöö lol*) + blame my limited knowledge Gonna embed a couple of Finnish hip hop releases I really cared about so far (I am not really aware of 2014 goodies, sorry): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vam-oZoSlUI Julma-Henri had a solid, heavily post-rock (?)/prog-inspired release years ago (had its own share of criticism but eh) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmgZgltjaWM Regretting that I overlooked these sweet beats from Asa's latest release ages ago *jk
  23. Pretsy

    Are Finnish female rappers even the thing in our country these days? (I mean like, anyone but Sini "no, I don't know who's Azealia Banks" Sabotage)
  24. Pretsy

    ISÄMMAA EDUSTUS jk jk, welcome and enjoy your stay in our currently dying breed of Finnish weeaboos + perhaps a bit better MHsters ;O;
  25. Pretsy

    ^ There's a video title in embed *cough* + You do know that most listeners/fans have legit reasons for them comparing MERRY's post-UW output to various trending J-indie acts a la 9mm Parabellum Bullet? (Take "Gunjou" as a prime instance) (just saying)
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