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Posts posted by Tatsusalt

  1. 5 minutes ago, sheepprincessgara said:

    Masashi and Yuki left Jupiter a long time ago; Versailles just came back around the same time (same lineup ^^), released an album, and are now touring and stuff x)

    Okay that's good to hear (*’∀’人)♥

  2. 5 minutes ago, sheepprincessgara said:

    they just got two new members not long ago, so I really don't see them breaking up or anything....not yet anyway

    Oh? What is Masashi doing then? I really liked him :< At least I still think he is with Versailles since I think they just came off hiatus kind of? 

  3. 6 minutes ago, sheepprincessgara said:

    if he's actually leaving them to work on his Americaboo side project instead, then i'm gonna fucking SCREAM

    Wouldn't be surprised tbh, Kamijo but a reverse weeaboo pretty much at this point. 

  4. Name: MyakuHaku
    Age: 16
    Years studied: Just a few months on and off.
    Estimated level: Beginner.
    Knowledge of Hiragana/Katakana: Few Hiragana, Hardly any katakana,
    Kanji: None? 
    What is your main goal with studying Japanese?: I wanna understand more of course but as of now, I'd like to work more on Hiragana and Katakana and grammar, eventually kanji. Then work on speaking and hearing. Also hoping to go to college in japan too.
    What materials have you used before?: So far only a few books and mostly websites. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, doombox said:

    There's a few others running around the forum too, I'm sure you'll see them in MUCC related threads. @qotka @Zeusand @Seimeisenhave some interesting MUCC reviews up in the staff reviews section too which are good places to join some discussions.



    I have actually read two of the three but I am still a little to....... scared(?) to say anything (๑・▱・๑) haha....takes me a bit to get to a good discussion point haha I'll get to it eventually  (๑・▱・๑)

  6. 8 hours ago, doombox said:

    Welcome fellow Mucker! It's nice to see someone who enjoys their recent material as much as their old stuff, I see a lot of fans lean towards their early material. But I tend to prefer mid 00s to current era MUCC myself. Myakuhaku is great, I'm also loving the self-covers on NOT greatest hits. 

    I had only just started listening to MUCC a little under a month ago I will admit :< so I still have a lot to learn and such, I need more Muckers to talk to and learn from haha

  7. Hello ^^/ My name is Sebastian and I am new here of course haha. 

    I am a little new to the world of Visual Kei and J-Rock but it feels safe to say that MUCC is my favourite band. I just really love Tatsurou's voice (´•ω•`)♡

    I would have to say my favourite album is MyakuHaku but I also really love some of their older songs. I will try to list a few of my favourite songs; Aka, Suimin, HATEЯ, and Himitsu. But that is just a few lol. 


    Aside from MUCC I really love MALICE MIZER, my favourite era is the Klaha era but I do love some of the songs from the Gackt and Tetsu eras. And because of MALICE MIZER I decided to check out Közi and I just fell in love with some of the bands he has also been in ^^ 


    Anyway lol I will end the post here ₍₍ (ง ˙ω˙)ว ⁾⁾

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