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Posts posted by Tatsusalt

  1. August was pretty decent, even tho there was a huge set back after one LDR went horrible I managed to pull through and saw Marilyn Manson which was honestly the happiest and most comfortable I have even been with my self. Honestly I know that is weird and silly, but it is so hard to feel that good when everyone around you and everyone online is so toxic. I made a good friends with someone else from that same community and opened up about my ex to him and how badly it set me back and such. Started feeling feels for him and took me about a month to get comfortable enough to open up about it. Another LDR but man it is working out great and he really is helping me recover from a lot of things and such. 

    I thought it was only going to get better but not even 75% recovered from the set back, a good friend of mine ghost me for about a week. This friend has been there for me for little over 4 years and yeah they were an online friend but it worked so well. Open and honest about everything, I gave them all I could. I reached out best I could when they went quiet. Next thing you know it in my discord server my bf and I are just talking joking around, they come in and join us. Then they suddenly call us self absorbed and say they didn't want to put up with us. We were fucking clueless. So there I am, feeling like a fucking bitch for god doesn't even fucking know what, abandoned, cold, like I got no one again. Just how I felt after my ex just abandoned me after telling me will never leave or hurt me but BAM suddenly he's gone and ignores me.  Causing me to be very skeptical again, but there is not much I can do about it. I hope everything will finally stable out with no more set backs.


  2. I feel really bad about this. I am one of those people who "Left kpop for VK/Jrock" even tho I still listened to Jonghyun's solo stuff for comfort when when I was "anti kpop" or whatever people would call it all because most of my playlist was VK/Jrock. I still adored Jonghyun and still followed him even when I unfollowed and stopped paying so much attention to the other kpop artist I was really into. And now,,,, I am just so torn about all of it. Jonghyun to me, resembles a bond I have with one of my friends I met online through our shared interest in kpop I met her I think 3 years ago. But she got me into SHINee and I immediately fell in love with Jonghyun's voice and got so excited when I found out about his solo project and such. I was such a huge Jonghyun fanboy lol. But the fact that now part of that bond I have with my closest friend is missing, it really hurts. And I am so sad that now someone who has provided comfort through just their voice is gone now,,,, this isn't the first idol of mine who passed, but it is so hard to deal with and such. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Biopanda said:

    I know nobody really wants to see Kisaki's crispy ol' body, but why are VK fans so alright with what basically amounts to revenge porn?

    It appears that some or maybe most  VK fans don't think about it or just have no heart when it comes to KISAKI : ' / I mean yea I kinda rlly dislike him but I wouldn't help spread nudes or anything about him. Just try my best to ignore the fact he is still a thing? 

  4. I have no idea how I managed to come up with this idea, but I did. Pretty much, I was looking through photos I had on my laptop and thought I could make a mood board using the images I had most are actually of Tatsurou but we don't talk about that and then I decided why not let others contribute to the mood board? I am pretty sure I can't be the only one who comes across an image of someone and thinks "That is a mood" and then saves it and uses it for a reaction. So I guess I will start it in hopes it doesn't flop????




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