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Posts posted by jiji94

  1. I know this song was released before Ichiro lost his hearing in one ear but was just thinking about how he likes music to be heard even if he can't hear it completely. I never really paid attention to that in their songs before and just noticed it a lot with this version of Mikazuki Sunset. 

  2. Plastic Tree is the only Japanese band I remember the exact day I became a fan of them (October 31st 2009, I have no sweet clue how I found them on Halloween but it's fitting). Ryuu's been my style icon since then and I don't even know how much to express my undying love for this band even when I go through very long periods of not listening to them. They're also the only Japanese band I own multiple albums and live DVDs. I'd really love to see them perform live someday, it's too bad they're one of the bands none of my Japanese friends into rock music know of. I subsequently got into The Cure and Radiohead after listening to Pura a lot (before I got into J-rock I was mostly solely listening to classical music because.. idk). Pura's one of the few bands I don't love their entire discography and can't stand some of their eras but that I love to pieces anyway.


    Anyway, my fave songs:


    Sangatsu Itsuka 「3月5日」- My friend "accidentally" played this song on her poppy radio show once because I jokingly recommended she play it. Oops.. Always super loved this song, even when I stopped listening to them for years I'd come back to it.


    Sanatorium サナトリウム - Now. This.... is a really, really special song and PV to me. 16-year-old me actually wrote a huge 450 page manuscript... based around this song's lyrics. It's one of the craziest, most asinine things I've ever done but that story has stuck with me and made me genuinely want to pursue writing and an English degree (which I have). I love this song so much I don't even know why?? To the point I wrote a novel.. which I named after a song by The Cure. 


    Kuuchuu Buranko 空中ブランコ - I DID A PRESENTATION ON THIS SONG? WHY?? For one of my final music class projects in high school, I presented on J-rock and Plastic Tree. I chose their performance of this song from their Budokan concert in 2009. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to choose Bucchi's or Kenken's performances (I really like both as drummers) but chose this one because this entire concert was so mesmerizing.


    雨中遊泳 - I haven't liked any of their newer songs until this one came out. Although l o l you suck, Victor (seriously this label drives me.. I'm glad Sakanaction seems to be under another label now and that I've never had to deal with them shortening their music videos because Victor makes me want to throw hands at what they do to Pura and other bands). Not one of my faves really but I do love it and Pura with any sort of water/rain theme makes my heart happy.


    Ame ni Utaeba 雨ニ唄エバ - This is one of my faves, especially for walks and riding my bike along the seaside for some reason. 


    Also really love Consent and anything related to Dona Dona! I'm surprised I don't have that album, or do I.. I'd post links but I don't know how to do hidden content.

  3. My best friend from Japan wants to practice her English conversational skills more so today she sent me a video of her using a cat filter  from Snow to talk about how much she loves Dwayne Johnson and how she wants to touch his abs until she dies. I miss her. lol I'm excited to get drunk with her next year and be really gay together in public, or as much as is acceptable in Japan.  When I first met her I thought she was weird because she would constantly refer to me as her "angel", blow kisses and run away cackling giggling with the other girls (it was over the top cringeworthy goodness, I felt like I'd been placed smackdab in the middle of a terrible shoujo manga).


    Actually I'm not sure how touchy friends are with each other in Japan. Pretty much every girl I've met from there and worked with would instantly link arms with me or hold hands and be super cuddly, even before I knew their names. I have no idea why.


    Just having one of those "I miss all my babes" days.

  4. 2 hours ago, ArtFart said:

    What the actual hell? I got my ER bill today, and the room I stayed in for 2 hours AT MAX cost $900... really?? The actual bill for the doctor only cost $183, but the room I was in, and didn't even use all the equipment in there, was $900?? 

    The whole bill came out to be $2,613 because I had a CT scan done on my head, which cost $1,523. THANK GOD IM ON MY DAD'S INSURANCE.... now I only owe $150... I'm one of the more lucky people.

    dafuq is that in america?? I'm not even sure if they charge for that shiz here in Canada.


    I know when my ex went to the ER they charged him a ridiculous amount since he was an international student. Luckily it got covered by his insurance but... I was so shocked. And that was just to talk to a doctor about his chest problems. 

  5. I just want to say about the CIR position for JET.. I don't know for other countries, but it *is* pretty competitive to get a CIR position I think if you're from anywhere besides the US (and possibly countries where that's the only option)? It seems that way. Most people I know end up getting alternated. The interview sounds super tough too. I do know someone who finally was upgraded and got the position this year after applying four times though. The good alternative is you may be offered an ALT position instead. One friend of mine regretted not choosing this option but ended up getting a decent job over there and loves his work.


    I've always wanted to do JET but I don't plan on staying in ESL work long-term (or maybe I will, who knows). However, for me it'll be beneficial to my career choices and I know others who have done JET/taught in Japan in the past and work in the field I want to pursue. So definitely think of why you want to do it. I think it's also fine to just do it because you want to or to try something different. 

  6. Hoping to order a vintage camera soon to take photos of my neighbours' horses before the cold weather sets in. They have the whole yard fenced up now so the horses can roam free. It's so picturesque driving home after work and seeing them grazing near my driveway. They also have the cutest mini shibas that wear little colourful scarves around their necks. They've really turned their home into a fairytale-like scene. 



  7. tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air because the amount of overtime and commitments I have this week got me screamin'


    I also enjoy how at work when something messes up I react calmly and deal with it. My coworkers? Panic. Panic ensues. 

  8. Would love to have more energy than a snail after work. aha


    Thinking of applying for JET again has me sighing and wanting to scream through the application process. Is it almost that time again? Thank lawdy my consulate is pretty great and always go above and beyond. I'm so done with purgatory life though. lol I'm pretty good at helping people get shortlisted so that's.. fun? Not applying alone this year but friend and her boyfriend are applying through Murica. 


    All I know is if I hand my doctor one more JET document he is gonna be the one screaming. 

  9. I like listening to the pillows too~. Now and then. Their music isn't really my style but sometimes in playlists their style matches other bands I like who were probably inspired by them.


    Not sure what in the fucc people think of this band, but I'm a huuuge Shinsei Kamattechan fan. My Japanese friends haven't said anything (except "lol what") and my other friends when they hear any of this band's music are... really confused and scared. BUT I SERIOUSLY LOVE SHINSEI KAMATTECHAN. Like way too much. 

  10. Went into a new music/dvd store today and finally found a copy of Only Yesterday. Also was surprised af to see they sell Moomin stuff so I bought an umbrella to match my hipster weeb vibe.


    I told my mom I plan to go to Japan next spring for a month to try traveling and farming. She just kind of stared at me and said alright, but not to get my hopes up because "a war might break out, they're warning not to go there". Yeeeah okay, mom..

  11. It's hard for me to imagine because I got into Japanese music at such a young age/first was allowed to use the internet. lol As a kid, I was mostly obsessed with classical music because I was a mini hipster.


    Probably a mix of 80s/90s music, although I don't know if I would've gotten into some of the bands and musicians I like (The Cure specifically) had it not been for J-rock bands. Maybe Mandopop and Cantopop. Had I known how much I'd get addicted to the latter..


    I think jazz music too.

  12. Wait wait wait, they're going to Toronto? When?? Are tickets still available? I've been trying to find an excuse to fly there and was hoping a band or something would come (problems of being a Maritimer). Dang I'm really new still to buying concert tickets just because I live in the middle of nowhere.


    Which venue are they playing at? I'll go try and find it online. When I saw ONE OK ROCK in Toronto I think the merchandise table was open both before and after. I just kept my stuff in my tote bag. I didn't buy my stuff right away, I was already in the venue and my ex went and picked up what I wanted while I found a spot. But I'm also like the calmest concert goer ever so I just kinda stand there and do my own thing and for some reason have always gotten lucky with those around me. Use a locker or the cloak room if they're available though like people suggest. 

  13. me: I have so much to do and need to set up my credit cards, driving permit test, get volunteering because I need a better reference for this frickin' teaching application in the fall, need to research community colleges. SLEEP.


    also me: signs up for extra shifts at work so I have no free time


    why am I the only one that signs up for extra shifts why do the supervisors literally just stare me in the eyes for five minutes until I agree why 

  14. lol I went through this with Plastic Tree. Hardcore adored them for a few years (I presented on them back when I was a high schooler for a music class), then just... stopped. I think it was mostly just the newer music they were putting out. Then I started listening to them again in the past year and fell back in love with them.


    Gackt's not a band but I mean I used to love him and then woke up one day like "lol nah". I try to forget that ever happened. Funnily enough one of my university classmates who I had no idea knew any Japanese music went through the same phase. If Instagram would stop frickin' trying to get me to follow him though..


    Anything related to oshare kei. 


    Frickin' Sekai no Owari but honestly I don't think I ever liked them for even a hot second. I can't remember. I've just always sort of despised their music and Fukase.


    GESU NO KIWAMI OTOME. Ahhhrjihyijjk. K, actually I still love this band but I try so hard to avoid anything Enon touches. But. It's. So. HARD. I hatehatehate him with a burning passion but ffs how come he is so talented? I prefer indigo la End over Gesu anyday but.. ahh. Then Dadaray came out and I was like "damn this is some good- frickity frack no way no no no". I can be super extra with my hate for Enon tho. 

  15. 7 minutes ago, platy said:


    Good luck with all your plans~

    I did my thesis on girl's love manga and media. If I could I'd love to take the topic further. I'd like a second degree too. I don't care about the debt.

    England has made it so 90% of students will never pay it back anyway, at  least not by the time they're dead lol. So luckily it won't impact my life significantly. But first I need that stability as you said, before even considering going back to academia and if that means being a cleaner, then I can't wait. (I love cleaning anyway, so dunno why people are pressed since I clean for them for free when I have  the chance ) 

    Oh my god, was so not expecting someone to say they did their thesis on girl' love manga and media. I didn't do a thesis for my undergrad but during my final seminar class for my gender studies minor my prof focused the semester on queer theory and let us choose our own topics for our final project. I immediately thought it would be interesting to do mine on BL because I knew my classmates had no idea what it was (and my prof was like "yassss"). Turns out I'm now obsessed with anything to do with that field and would do anything to pursue it further.


    My student debt's a bit more complicated since my parents had me take out bank loans to pay most of my education. So even when I go back I still need to make monthly payments on the majority of my debt. :/  I also struggled so much during my undergrad (tough university + extreme burn out).


    Cleaning. Is. GREAT. I haven't done it myself (long-term, short-term I have worked as a janitor and room attendant) but honestly it was what I wanted to do before everyone jumped on me to go to university. Everyone I know who has worked cleaning jobs loved them and often end up moving up jobs too or working front desk. Can be a really great way of meeting people and networking too.

  16. 16 minutes ago, platy said:


    This resonates with me so much. 


    People tell me I should have more respect for myself and not get into these jobs I'm looking at because I have a degree but I just want money coming in so I can focus on my career more. I don't care how 'low' the job is. 


    Also have my mixed feelings about my field, so I'm going down a harder route career wise for now. 


    Being in your 20s sucks. What even is my life rn. 

    Tbh the stability of my job has done wonders for my self confidence/self esteem. I love working hard. I oddly love my work environment (although I work with dead fishies and it stinks and I did vomit once..). My coworkers are always telling me I need to get out there and not get stuck in this job. I'd really love for them to realize the value of their own work and to stop putting themselves down because they're hard workers. :/ I get really mad when people put down people working these sorts of jobs. At least for me it's temporary but it doesn't mean their work isn't valuable or should be avoided.


    I'm planning to work in some way or form in immigration but want to experience life overseas for awhile. I'm also planning a second degree. I have a mountain of student debt I'd love to pay off more towards and travel before committing to the second degree/or MA. If it doesn't work out I have a decent backup plan but I love, love, love working with newcomers to Canada. But getting all the necessary qualifications I would like for the jobs I'm interested in long-term are so expensive.. I also don't know if I can handle an MA or a second degree because I'm honestly like, "Screw academia!"


    Also if I do an MA it's more than likely to end with me doing a thesis on BL manga.. aha. 


    DEFINITELY recommend taking on whatever work you can get and going from there. Having some money is better than the frustration of under or unemployment. It'll help you with focusing on your future career better. I've been laid off twice this year and it was maddening. 



  17. Old thread, but..


    So yeah, um, I'm 23 and still a virgin. I've had long-term relationships but just never felt "ready" with either of my partners. I've faced a ton of pressure, both from friends and my ex-partners and I don't think they realize to what extent how damaging that is. Doesn't mean I haven't done any other sexy times stuff. I didn't realize how toxic my own sex life was because of my partners until I opened up to a friend shortly before ending my last relationship and she told me "Girl, that's really messed up. You need to dump him."


    Because I've been in LTRs a lot of friends kind of looked up to me as someone to talk about their relationship problems with, especially when it came to virginity. I think they were surprised because I wasn't at all embarrassed to admit that I am one. My first ex kind of took it hard that I was open about being a virgin because he wanted to be able to at least lie to people that we'd gone all the way or whatever. Idk I'm not gonna lie so you can feel "like a man" and brag to the guys because that's... yeah. Never mind how problematic I find the concept of virginity.. lol 


    Hopefully I'll find someone I feel comfortable with in the future and will want to explore that path. Some people think I must be asexual but I'm not at all, I just.. I guess want it to be with someone I find very special. I'm definitely not waiting for marriage or anything. 

  18. I bought this cute little bottled moss plant that I hung in my room around my fairylights. It has cute handmade pom poms on the string it's attached to too. My mother thinks it's kind of something a witch would have though. lol 


    I'm so tired from my job (I currently work in a fish factory as it pays well, my coworkers are all confused because I have a university degree). I like it but I really need to do some volunteer experience and/or at least get involved in my future field. Current degree isn't useless but I have a lot of mixed feelings surrounding work related to my major (English). I'm also kind of stuck in the middle of nowhere until I either move to Japan or can afford to move out for this other diploma I plan on taking.. Got overwhelmed by work tiredness the other night in a grocery store and because I really miss living on my own. Soon, soon.. 

  19. I've been single over a year for the first time really in five years and it's kind of been pretty lonely but also much prefer it this way. My last two relationships were complete mind f*ckery, especially the last relationship and I've had to do a lot of rebuilding myself as a person because I completely lost my personal identity. What's worse is my last ex was a life coach/gives people advice on relationship building and has made himself rich off that but completely destroys the women he has dated. Anyway.. lol


    I use tinder but I've never gone on a date. I met one person off of tinder but we never dated and instead became really good friends. I live pretty rural and almost only use it when I go to cities or bigger towns. I think a lot of the people I match with think of me as some kind of manic pixie dream girl and when they find out I'm a real person (which is pretty effin' quick) they scurry off. Even the person I've made friends with from there admitted at first they kind of saw me as a mpdg. 


    I'm not really interested in dating long-term currently unless I meet someone special. I'm planning to go solo traveling and attempt farming in Japan, maybe South Korea. I've been on a waitlist to teach in Japan the past two years and reapplying again this year but if I end up alternated again I am going back to school next fall. Until then, I'll still be in the middle of nowhere. But learning to really enjoy my time alone and healing from the damage of past relationships. I was with someone who tried to get me to give up my dreams for them and I could never subject myself to that sort of treatment again.

  20. I don't really date but.. I've had two long-term partners, both relationships ended horribly. Been single over a year and not really finding anyone who interests me to even consider the possibility of a date. Both of my exes happen to be Asian, both from SE Asia. I don't really think I have any conscious racial/ethnic preferences though, although I'm often more attracted to really tan guys. I'm also not straight in the slightest.


    I'm white but I've never really met any white guys I connect with (doesn't mean I've never been attracted to a white dude, mostly I interrogate the white hipster bois on tinder because I swear to god they all have some secret cult bible they follow/they're the only white dudes I match with).





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