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Posts posted by Kyo_Toriko

  1. 31 minutes ago, Kiryu999 said:

    Very promising band indeed! My favorite songs from them are アハレワタ, MASSACRE  and 浄土の花. 

    Btw you forgot to add their first single to be released in december "THE SILENT SONG" in their discography :) 

    Ohh... my bad lol Thank you for reminding me !

  2. On 2017/9/30 at 7:49 AM, DarkPaladin said:

    New look:


    Minami-sama is still so cool and handsome <3
    And finally Taiki became so normal xD"
    Well , their new album in the end of this month , honestly it's my mostly expecting release !
    Since they dropped " Return to Zero" , I just start to wait for the day coming !

  3. 26 minutes ago, Kathy said:

    True and I listen to music on a daily basis but sometimes I just crave human attention at times and sometimes I just want to talk or listen and I understand that there’s better ways to do that than going back into something that isn’t good for me but I’m so bad at starting any type of friendships. However thank you for some encouraging words (and SS was one of my favorite bands) 


    So sad that Mitch was gone ... T^T

    Honestly ,  I don't know when it started and what happened , and I just don't even have any friends in my real life until today.
    No one can talk and no one can share , but I don't think it's tough , maybe sometimes I still want to find someone to rely on ,
    or trying to find or start a new friendship , but I don't think it's a right way for me , because no one can truly help me when I have a hard time ! 

    But anyway , if you want to talk or share something , don't mind to do it ! I'm in ! lol

  4. 30 minutes ago, Kathy said:

    Almost got back into a toxic friendship with someone from a long time ago just because I was feeling lonely and I’m just glad that they replied a few weeks later and I came to my senses by then so I didn’t reply back. 

    I just hate how I know that I should still avoid them at all costs but sometimes I just feel so alone and think “bad company is better than none” but I know better and it makes me so mad how I’m willing to throw away everything I’ve done to get in a better place and go back to that. 

    Sorry for answering ... (Don't know why I said sorry ...)
    But I want to tell you one thing that Suicide Silence 's vocal , Mitch Lucker said ,
    He said :"Keep listening to music, it gets you through everything. I promise."
    I mean musics could be your best friends when you really feel not good ,
    Just don't think too much , and put on your earphones !

    And honestly no one can really company with you if they didn't understand you from the inside ,
    So you must go through BY YOURSELF !   FIGHTING !

  5. 3 hours ago, Manji 卍 said:

    Sho is an amazing vocalist,his way to sing on the clean vocals and gutturals and  the versatility reminds me Tsuzuku from MEJIBRAY

    the chorus of "アハレワタ," is pure gold,but their sound is too messy and bad produced,sincerely expected more from Ryuya and the rest.

    let's see how they plan to develop it

    Sho <3 <3

    Sure , I cordially want to see them getting better in the future !

  6. 3 hours ago, Kaleidoscope said:

    One of my current VK favourites, I love how much passion and energy they have! Their stuff seems a little bit rough around the edges and rather goofy at times, but it's what makes part of their charm for me :D

    Akane was actually always what made it hard for me to enjoy D.I.D despite their amazing instrumentals, I just can't stand his overly processed high nasal vocals. Sho is a much better vocalist when it comes to cleans and in my opinion has a more pleasant tone to his voice, but he can't really live up to Akane's screams. I kind of hope that Sho stops the inhales and overhauls his screams, even though I absolutely love his shrieks, those should definitely stay!


    Favourite tracks so far are アハレワタ, 「初潮」, 虚妄の歌 and 浄土の花.

    Yes , totally agree your views , Akane and Sho , they both stand on two side of those extreme voices , and mostly for me , I love D.I.D. because I love the world-view which they want to deliver out ! Especially Akane's , no matter if he was sick or not , but from their songs and his twitter , I just realized that he has lots of creative thoughts and his view points to this world and musics , and of course their instrumentals are really fuckin' amazing ! Sho and DIMLIM , honestly , at the beginning , I just thought they must want to make sounds like DEG , but they just used their songs to prove me wrong . Though on the interview , Sho said that he is a DEG fan too , and Issei told that on his twitter too. But they are mostly creative in recently years I've ever listened ! And also those high-pitched sounds just totally made them different from the other bands , of course their instrumental infused so many Genres and skills . 

    Hmm my favourite tracks are ... every songs they made xD" Because I totally enjoyed them when I listened !

  7. 7 hours ago, yakihiko said:

    I'm still pretty much a D.I.D. fan, used to follow Akane since Paranoir and later to have Tekede joining as a drummer was really fabulous. Yeah, and I'm still waiting for Akane's new band.


    I'm not a fan from what DIMLIM did so far, not about the instrumental part which is sometimes cool but I start to compare how the song would be with Akane on vocal and find the DIMLIM vocalist boring. Shame because I would like to follow DIMLIM cos of Tekede perfect drums skills.


    About the yt link, it used to appears right after paste the url.

    I am a huge D.I.D. fan too , but I need to say , Sho's vocal is not boring , of course we all have our own opinions .
    So I am not going to judge who is right or wrong , Akane is Akane , Sho is Sho , all I know is their voices add colours in my life ,
    And that is the absolute truth at least for myself .

    About YT link ... I don't know , it didn't appear after I paste the link lol xD"

  8. About Umbrella , everything all I knew was the single called " Samidare".
    The single is really fucking good for me to listen , I like rain-drop feeling they made in the song ,
    I like the melody , also the atmosphere . But since that single , I don't know why , I don't keep followin' them ,
    until today trying to listen this teaser , I think they are masters to deliver the sorrow and depression .
    Hmm keep waiting for this single dropped !

  9. 23 minutes ago, doomsoul136 said:

    I honestly think its too early to tell for me at least. I honestly wanna see future releases. 

    Sure , I understand your point , and me too !
    I want to see their future too , maybe I should change a way to say it again .
    I just put so many expectation on them honestly ! lol

  10. maxresdefault.jpg

    Band Members : (From left to right)

    Drum / Boss : Issei (ex: D.I.D.) twitter

    Bass : Tsubasa twitter

    Vocal : Sho (I really hope Sho can have his own Twitter lol)

    Guitar : Ryuya (ex: Deviloof) twitter

    Guitar : Retsu twitter

    Discography :
    (2017.06.03) Mini-Album : VARIOUS 会場限定盤
    (2017.08.23) Mini-Album : VARIOUS 通常盤

    (2017.08.23) Mini-Album : VARIOUS 初回限定盤
    (2017.10.21) Live-Dist. : 記憶、紺碧の微笑み
    (2017.12.27) 1st Single : THE SILENT SONG

    DIMLIM - アハレワタ PV : 

    Official Twitter

  11. 6 minutes ago, sheepprincessgara said:

    Well they actually started off as a non-visual death metal band at first - I forget what their original name was.

    The band was called " All Must Die" , I remembered that they had a band before DEVILOOF , but I didnt know them in that period , so the start which I meant was from DEVILOOF lol

    ( I am sorry if I dont express clearly !)

  12. 9 hours ago, patientZERO said:

    Shower thoughts: people may complain that they're turning MORE VK, but can we just stop and appreciate that this album isn't in three versions, with shop exclusive bonuses as well as a live-limited release version? It is entirely possible to own all of Deviloof's discography as of right now without having to resort to auction haggling. So while they may be leaning more towards the VK side of things, it isn't going to break the (international) fan's banks to support them.

    Well , totally agree , and honestly when deviloof came out from the start , they were already in VK , so even they try to add more VK in their look , I dont think it strange. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, patientZERO said:

    I think you mean Keisuke. Ray's the (new) guitarist.

    lol sorry for my mistake ... > <" Thank you for correcting me !
    But I think the clean vocal is really doing well !

    And after listening this song for 3 times ,
    I found one thing , maybe just my feeling ,
    but the part of clean vocal is really similiar to Okui Masami's song called "shuffle"...

  14. There is no particular order ,
    and this is my favourite top 10 bands !

    1. DIR EN GREY
    2. D.I.D.
    3. DIMLIM
    4. Para:noir
    5. the GazettE
    6. sukekiyo
    7. Mejibray
    8. aliene maφriage
    9. 黒夢
    10. 聖飢魔 II

    Special mention : though they are not in visual - kei ,but they are filled in my life lol
    The band is Pay money To my Pain , I just miss K so much...

  15. 14 hours ago, BrenGun said:



    nya only if an ep or album contains new songs. and albums are often filled with old songs plus a few new.

    I prefer to buy a maxi single than paying for an albun with only a few new songs.


    but also a band who only release singles /maxi singles work hard. 

    as so long a band release stuff they work hard. if they don't it feels for me they don't.

    Ohh sorry if I let you misunderstand xD"
    I don't mean that if a band releases a single which is not working hard ,
    I just mean that an album comes out , it means that the band have more to present for their fans ,
    And I know what does you mean about the difference between an album and a single ,
    But not every release will be like that , well , maybe most , but not every one xD"

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