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Manji 卍

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Everything posted by Manji 卍

  1. Manji 卍

    Dunno about Koichi,but speaking about Tsuzuku, I doubt that he's doing this project wholeheartedly...I mean,I don't know nothing about his personal life,but just take a look at the mejibray stuff, all his painfull/nihilistic/melancholic/psychotic lyrics and etc...i can't believe that some artist can change so drastically so fast like he did. There must be something else involved to make he get away from his essence and what made him known for
  2. Manji 卍

    as i said,i'm ok with the pop direction,the big problem here is the fact that this is SHIT music such an amazing vocalist succumbing to this mediocre stuff...why
  3. The DEVILOOF members looks like members of a oshare kei band, horrible outfits,hair and make up, that has nothing to do with the music they make

    1. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      Oh... that's odd.i never thought about it before,I mean,I was sure that Deviloof would stay Deviloof. Well, perhaps it won't even change that much. The song baby don't cry is veery Deviloof and correct if I'm wrong but I think Seiya wasn't even present when they recorded that ,so...idk. the X factor is their new guitarist that looks like MiA and Bou at the same time

    2. patientZERO


      Well, Baby Don't Cry wasn't a Deviloof song too, but I understand your line of reasoning there. I guess we just have to wait and see how things turn out. I wish Hiroto didn't just disappear, though. Seiya is at least doing YouTube covers and such, while wearing Deviloof merch. But Hiroto just deleted everything from his twitter and has been super quiet (online) since.

    3. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      yea,perhaps hiroto is going through some personal thing...

      i'll be completely okay if Seiya just follow Ryuya's steps and join some serious band

      and do what he likes to do,so we all would get one more great band in the game

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  4. There's not even one ballad from Gazette that i don't like.All of them heals me,

    pure masterpieces

  5. Manji 卍

    The more I listen the preview more I like the songs and get used to his vocals. It's kinda dreamy, I'm vibing with that all. Not sure if I'll miss the AvelCain agressivity
  6. There's a cold war apparently happening out there,mass migration, and I don't wanna be here to witness a 3WW .---.

  7. Manji 卍

    The idea was good. Trying to create that 90's atmosphere,nice minimalist and catchy instrumental work,but as many of you noticed,the problem is Karma's voice or at least the way it was mixed. Seems like he didn't improve that much compared to AvelCain era and his whiney singing is completely perceptible here,which is annoying.
  8. Manji 卍

    I can't stand 3/4 of the new vk bands that debuts every year. Most of new bands just suck. (and mejibray is good)
  9. God is so alive that he can let a psychopath enter the church and shoot down 4 people INSIDE the church. Behold the power of God.

    1. platy


      God works in mysterious ways, after all. 

    2. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      @platy  usually I don't pay attention to someone else's beliefs unless it intrigues me. and what happened was just unthinkable. Where was supposed to be a "safe" place was their graves. But of course,God is not the one to blame.



      "I don't want to start 
      Any blasphemous rumors
      But I think that God's 
      Got a sick sense of humor 
      And when I die
      I expect to find Him laughing"

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  10. When it comes to be evil, dark,sinister and satanic,swedish metal bands are always one step forward.Just realized

    1. suji


      Swedish metal made me have faith in rock music again. 🤘🤘🤘

    2. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      That's it. thick and agressive music

      Their albums are slaying me hard

  11. Manji 卍

    @patientZERO yea,let's wait for his compositions to see what he can do Seiya has proved his distinct talent,and i'll probably miss his tasty riffs.hope we can have a sign of a new project or band in 2019
  12. Manji 卍

    Their new drummer is a beast Of course,the talent is what matters but I hated the visual of the new guitarist. Checked his Twitter,and noticed some MiA worship.Hope he changes.
  13. 21 Savage in the new Mortal Kombat 11 trailer...I like 21,but dunno...that was veeery unexpected .---.

  14. Thanks to RPG games for giving me another world that I can run to. My reality seems to be rotting.

    1. nekkichi


      stream 「Reality」 by the independent voluptuous chanteuse Courtney Stodden to enter an upgraded realm hun x



    2. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      @nekkichi I hope you die this Christmas

    3. nekkichi
  15. Manji 卍

    That would be awesome. A tour with dir en grey or Sukekiyo would put Mei in evidence and get him some new fans. Less than one month for his gig... Let's hope for some exciting news
  16. Manji 卍

    When Kuroyuri started out,Mei came up way more sharpened, reaching those high notes perfectly,and even with some "opera vocals" (yokusou) . I wonder what kind of musical discussion he could have hanging out with Kyo
  17. Manji 卍

    He keeps the mei cosplay
  18. Manji 卍

    That's nice. Thought that some of the TBS members would be with Mei,but staying with JIN is cool as well.Hope to see some variety in their music,cuz they had a pretty strong atmosphere and guitar work,but somehow i felt like the tracks were too similar to each other
  19. Manji 卍

    Fuck this shit They won't troll me again
  20. still waiting for the new live-limited single 「鬼」by  gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy to drop here


    1. martinlcdth


      Mee too ! I can't find it anywhere in months !

  21. I wanna download my suicide and die like

    a deleted file.

  22. Seriously,I'm afraid to keep on living, society has gone bananas and this crazy shit will blow back on my life

  23. Manji 卍

    Thanks for the info. So,he new that there's some people waiting for Mei's comeback then he took the chance to dress like him , occulting his name and fool all the Mei fans?
  24. Manji 卍

    Yea,but Mei used to have that kind of piercing before,so I just thought he got that back. Furthermore,if that's morphine's vocalist why is he anonymous?
  25. Manji 卍

    Cheesus christ WTF It is not my fault if that guy was doing a Mei cosplay. T___T
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