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Manji 卍

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Manji 卍 last won the day on April 4 2019

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  1. I wish I was part of anything related to music professionally,cuz music is the only thing that I care or that makes me feel alive.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      Yes go for it, formal lessons for anything are...optional unless you're being a surgeon or something.
      Take it from someone who's wasted the past seven years and just now took the initiative to make use of my art. The only thing you can really have is regret, and you don't want that shit on top of everything else that sucks. Just push for whatever you're most passionate for cause it's all that matters really.

    3. monkeybanana4


      @Manji 卍 That's awesome! Guitar is an amazing instrument. Like the others have said, you should totally go for it. Music is a great way to express oneself, so don't let anything stop you from doing that.


      As for resources, along with YouTube and books, there are many online sites with free guidance on how to read music/play acoustic guitar. There are also many sites that have free guitar scores for practice. When you start learning and ever need any help reading music, then don't hesitate to ask. (I'm not an expert on the guitar, but reading music is the same for all instruments.)

    4. Bear


      You can also produce music without knowing how to play anything. I have three projects going on at the moment (metal/punk/surf/rock/rap with a friend, electronica and rap), and I can't play shit. Hell, I can barely use a computer. But that's not a big problem in 2018. For the stuff requiring actual instruments I just write riffs on my computer (using guitar pro), add bass/drums/synth/whatever in the program and get people I know to record it for me/us.


      Very easy. So anyone can become a musician in 2018. Not everyone can live off their music as that requires both skills and plenty, plenty luck, but everyone can have it as a hobby.

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