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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. BrenGun

    Alright, today I did check it up a bit more. but it seems that VSTAR webshop is getting lots of visitors also people who create an account really grew. Which is of course good news. However because of that, I'm not able to fix the slow loading, time out, error message at the moment. Hopefully in the near future we can move to a VPS server. But we need to check out prices etc carefully before we switch. Any recommends are of course welcome, or a different solution, then please drop it in this topic. And if people want that I make an offline catalogue which you can view all the time. Then I'm also willing to create one.
  2. BrenGun

    thank you, well sometimes I need a bit of makeup tho. XD and sometimes makeup looks not good at all. really depends on the day.
  3. BrenGun

    Und Heute, auch mal wieder betrunken... Aber bin jetzt zu müde um Deutsch zu schreiben oder so... Und Morgen ausschlafen.
  4. BrenGun

    I know, but back then they where still around, they where pretty popular around the oversea people. Also I know a bunch of Japanese diehard fans. They where underground but still popular. still good known. If you asked people who listed to VKEI 99% of them knew SUICIDE ALI and loved them.
  5. BrenGun

    SUICIDE ALI was art only. Music was truly horrible. lol. I really disliked everything of it. would never understand the hype around them.
  6. BrenGun

    and we can order it http://www.closetchild-cd.jp/product/52358
  7. BrenGun

    thats why we need tanuki rumours XD
  8. BrenGun

    whut? somehow sounds as their is a big scandal?! They had decent fans in Japan. also overseas. To stop this fast... someone can dig out Tanuki? XD
  9. BrenGun

    heavy? its pretty soft its more heavy rock with bit of metal inside than real pure metal. which I hate. if I hear metal I want metal 3~5min long. nothing soft or lesser wild inside. really cut of clean singing and I would have liked it maybe. I dig deviloof more. lol.
  10. BrenGun

    Why the hell such harassment? I hope it will stop soon.
  11. BrenGun

    can you clean your browser catch? or to check in a different browser? I also saw this 2days ago, but after an hour it was all back to normal. so I guess in your case its your browser catch.
  12. BrenGun

    ah then it maybe was in your catch. I did update the webshop with newest version 2days ago. so nothing to worry about it. I guess.
  13. BrenGun

    I thought it was gone, somehow something seems to be bugging. will check it up tomorrow again. btw just did check with my phone and it was all in normale size.
  14. that title. DICKS out for VK XD
  15. touka was mia? eh what? but yeah this time lets believe tanuki.
  16. yeah it's changed into "会場限定" so venue limited. aka live limited.
  17. BrenGun

    Well, check the oricon charts and you know.
  18. BrenGun

    90s kids: B'z 00s kids: Bump of Chicken 10s kids: ONE OK ROCK still that XD
  19. It's far better than most vkei bands. but I still do miss a real good headbang beat. It's not better or greater than 1000 of other vkei bands of nowdays. expected something greater after their first single. Oh well. It's still enjoy able to listen to, but it won't blew me away.
  20. hopefully they will find a new guitarist to continue!
  21. I wonder what will happen to king zeebra... but a pity that they go on hitatus. well happens.
  22. BrenGun

    details: 01/11 on sale, 2500yen If you buy it at their live gig you will get a different song as bonus than the webshop version. CD seems also be available at other webstores/stores, also with a bonus but those details still will be announced later Total 6 songs M1 標的 M2 極彩色・螺旋 M3 奈落 M4 メメント M5 冬の蜃気楼 M6 暁ニ謳エバ
  23. his cat yes!!! I think he got into trouble with yakuza or police or something. so they call it simply he is missing. XD
  24. well they didn't fire him. so I go for this option. XD
  25. BrenGun

    they sold out a one man at least 250 people came to watch them. yes, sold out.... still if you dislike double river bands so much. then why the hell you need to write each time that they suck? I know that you dislike them since the start you don't need to share it each time again.
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