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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. BrenGun

    and promo!!
  2. BrenGun

    the are growing and growing. gotten better for real!
  3. BrenGun

    I did check it and I did notice it that I found songs I bought at the itunes store which aren't available in spotify. But I cannot find other music of other artist which isn't available in the itunes store of my country but available in japan. So I think it depends on your own bought music if you see display the hidden music or not. but that just what I notice. so if you didn't bought something in the store which isn't on spotify you don't know that it is HIDDEN. because I also did check Acid Black Cherry, but I cannot SEE any album by a hidden artist. But I do see the tracks which I bought or which aren't in a playlist of a user and then some albums can be checked, but the artist should be inside a playlist of a japanese user.
  4. BrenGun

    how you do that? btw almost everything what is available on itunes is also on spotify.
  5. BrenGun

    Japan is very strict about any kind of drugs. and to see that both are friends it's not strange that both are in trouble now. but let's hope that they don't be punished too hard. >_< But Japan is really anti drugs.
  6. BrenGun

    CD will be available at: * lives * NEiN official webstore * disk Union * HMV * AMAZON Bonus: · Live venue purchase privilege: CD with one song "Craving (the FUZZ / the LUST cover)" · Official online store purchase privilege: CD with one song "暁ニ謳エバ (unpublished studio live version)" · Disk Union all-store common purchase privilege: a DVD special edition studio live ver. of the song"未来" · Tower Records, HMV common purchase privilege: Original IC card sticker album cover:
  7. BrenGun

    I remember me saying somewhere that I only loved "桜の街" of したいだけでしょ? 雪時計 and 死にたい」 are my favorite singles. and from the last 3 I did like "カミソリ" but.. still not that much. But I also liked the song 雨に殺される. xaa-xaa is a nice band, but they are still lacking something. But oh well, they are popular enough. I hope they will stay together for more years. I do love some songs so. I hope they stay around. I also support them sometimes. I got a few releases.
  8. BrenGun

    and you can vote! So please vote for NEiN!~ https://oneokrock.mycontest.jp/entry/654
  9. BrenGun

    I wonder how 2017 will be, even more drugs? maybe murder?
  10. google translate: So another dude got arrest huh?! XD
  11. CURE vol. 60 KLACK interview 前作「 MACHINE」 の高評価を追い風に、 7月30日にMaxi Single『 No。NAMEj( ナンバー、 ネーム) をリリースするKLACK。 バンドの根幹となる部分を改めて前面に押し出した今回の作品創りの話を通して、 KLACKというバンドの本質が垣間見えた。 -前作『 MACHINE」 から3ヶ月で今回マキシ· シングル『 No、NAMEをリリースする訳ですが、 これまでのぺースから考えると、 かなり早いスパンでのリリースですよね。 柳橋昌亜( 以下: 昌亜): 『MACHINE」 をリリースする時点でこのリリースはもう決めてた。前回のインタビューでuも言ってたけど、 やる意味さえ揃えばやれる事はやれる時に全部やる。 このリリースにはそれが揃ってた。 神谷聖也( 以下: 聖也): 4月にはタイトルは決まってたけど、 曲は歌詞が付く前のデモしかなかった(笑) 。 - その状態でリリース日によく間に合いましたね。 聖也: 間に合わなければ、 リリース日を延ばせばいいだけの話。 上村隼人( 以下: 隼人): その辺はウチら自由人だから(笑) 。 u: 歌詞で言いたい事は決まってたから、 タイトルは決めてた。 「やる意味」 は当然常に持ってる。 それがないとバンドなんてやってる意味がない。 でも「 やれる事」 「 やれる時」 、 チャンスと言い換えてもいいけど、 それが揃う事はなかなか無いからね。 チャンスは逃がさない。 評価は二の次。 - しかし前作『 MACHINE」 は高い評価を受けましたよね。 アメリカのラジオ番組で9位にランクインもされたとも伺っています。 今作の制作ではそれらの評価を受けての意気込み、 プレッシャーなどあったんでしょうか? 聖也: 「 MACHINE」 の評価はまぐれです。 全員: (爆笑) 烈: 評価を気にしているバンドでもないけど、 いい評価をされるってのは単純に嬉しいよね。 昌亜: ウチらには結成当時のダーク(笑) なイメージを先入観として持ってる人が多いと思うそのイメージを植えつける事になったウチらの表現方法は今でも正しかったと思ってるし、 全く後悔もないけど、 そういうイメージの先入観のない土地での評価は一つの自信にはなるよね。 もちろん遠い土地での評価よりも身の周りで起こる再評価というか、 その辺の方がリアルに感じられたけど。 u: でも有頂天になれる程の評価でもないし、 プレッシャーなんかないよ。 聖也: 評価どうこうって言っても、 相変わらずライブでは珍獣のように見られてるしね(笑) - 今作は音楽的には「 MACHINE」 の延長上にあるものだと思うんですが、 今のKLACKのメイン、 スタイルを貫いた感じですか? 昌亜: メイン。 スタイルなのかな? 今の。 でも音楽的にはヴィジュアル系というシ星ンから更にドロップアウトしてしまってるかも(笑) 。 意図的じゃないんだけど。 隼人: 違うよ、 ヴィジュアル系ってもっと何でもありなシーンなんだよむしろそんな自由なシーンで同じようなバンドしか出てこない方が気持ち悪い。 他のバンドや過去のバンドと同じような事ばっかやって、 何が面白いのかさっぱり分からない! 聖也: ●●●●批判はやめなよ! 彼らも頑張ってるんだから。 一同: (爆笑) 隼人: ●●●●の事なんて言ってねえよ! 興味ねぇし。 - 歌詞の部分ではどうですか? u: [No. NAME」 は歌詞的にはKLACKというバンドの根っこの部分と言っていい。ウチらが結成当時からやってる表現は、ある意味「常識」 とか「モラル」 とか何でか知らないけど、皆が信じて疑わない訳の分からない物への抵抗。 そこをもっと掘り下げて「基準」 という物は何なのか? という所まで言えたかな? 昌亜: カップリングの2曲もある意味世の中の「基準」 と戦ってるよね(笑) 一同: (爆笑) 隼人: この3曲を聴いて好き嫌いは別としてスッと受け入れられた奴は、「基準」の枠にハマッてない奴だよね。 - 「受け入れられない」 っていう方がノマルって事? u: ノーマルってか「つまんない奴」 だね。
  12. BrenGun

    and another 2 have been added.
  13. BrenGun

    Answer is No. he only said, maybe... he would. but knowning him, he change his mind a lot. and since he didn't say anything gor a while i guess we need to wait until he really confirm it. he loves attention and said he will quit ant1net a lot of times.... btw he said this in October. but~ knowing him, it can't be long. and antnett was already his solo work anyway. XD ---------- Thanks for lots of download Ant1nett - 2nd full Album "Kiss and Goodbye" (12 songs, Oversight) sale on iTunes etc until the end of this year. Because PiCa decided to stop the band acting for a while. Pls buy on iTunes etc soon if u r my friend
  14. BrenGun

    Lol, Well he didn't post anything for a few weeks anymore. So the hiatus isn't 100% confirmed yet by himself.
  15. BrenGun

    he says that for a long time already and he was even on tour solo for many times. and btw did he share it on his facebook? at least I don't see any new post at all. But he comes and goes.
  16. I own 1 CD ^^ But all 3 CD's are own productions. So nothing via RR. It's Enka. It's not that bad at all.
  17. BrenGun

    I don't have but I will try to ask soon^^
  18. Since the DVD has subtitles Btw, I don't know who is who, except for the vocalist. I don't really think it matters. I also think the translation is good. maybe sometime bit of engrish. But it's still what the guys are really saying. -- - Why did you start the band? * Everyday, it was the same thing over and over. Like the time I was an ID clerk, same thing over and over. So I thought dying would be better than this bored life. But now, I found the band as a reason not to die, so I do it now. * I really didn't have anything to do with my life. And I really hated that situation... that's why I started. - About the Title [Terrorism of red piss] "Terrorism" means to use and try every possible means to achieve political purpose. And what we have achieved so far as the band KLACK. For example the Gig's at clothes shops, SM Clubs and even our music videos. It all expresses a screaming shout out to society. "wanna sell, wanna soothe, wanna make people dance", this mentality of "fake rock" is the kind of music that's on the music chart. And I think KLACK should destroy it. And that is what we mean by the word "terrorism". - Why is the "Japanese Hostage Crisis in Iraq" the theme of your MV? * The hostage situation was like 3 Japanese people forced to do all sorts of things. So I thought if KLACK did it. It would be funny. * We just wanted to be stupid as the hostages. You know, we're stupid too. * Just you man! - Tell us about the animation That's also one of KLACK's terrorism. - What's the most important aspect of "ROCK" That souls shout - When do you shout? Like what Masaya said, when we feel suppressed. But also when all the anger just spills out. - What pisses you off Just everything in this world. It pissed me off so I wanna destroy it all - All of them? Yeah all. I'm gonna destroy it all. -Well what do you call Seiya's mother? * I call her "Hag" * Me too * I call her "Seiya's mom" * Old bag - What about your friend , Kazumasa? * He is a sick guy you know. He said he'd quit YOKOHAMA RUBBER. * He's gonna start a band right? * wait, why's he quitting? * He wants to be popular. So I told him, if getting laid is the reason to start a band, then you have no right to start a band. He almost cried! - Are there many bands that start just for money and girls? * They are weak! * And they call it "ROCK"... There's no point in doing a band like that. Doing rock means Rock. Why Rock?. That's the meaning. - Tell us about your GIGs? * The first GIG...that was shit! Every time I see it it makes me wanna die. * true * It was all about desire * I wanted to be cool and I wanted to give a good impression. I had those stupid feelings... So I don't like it. * We were too young * You know how we just said "there are many stupid bands", well.. our first gig. WE were exactly like them. It was when we thought we were all talk and no play. - How abou tthe 2nd GIG? * That GIG changed me. We moved from 1st floor to the 2nd floor over and over. and during that we had a bit of break. I didn't notice but people told me I changed. That was the 2nd GIG. * I think the GIG at the SM Club changed all of us and that we became our style. * I learned that I shouldn't worry about performing well: I should just let my souls do their screaming. But that too, I was just still learning. - What about the GIG at Shibuya Public Hall? * I think Shibu-ko was something special. Even though we try not to think oo much of it, it was something special. First of all the place was HUGE! and the most thing I remember was when "u" said "Feels so good!". * Our shittiest song echoed throughout Shibu-ko. * that was the first positive comment. - Tell us the reason why you used the footage of North Korea * Every TV and mass media report on North Korea is about the kidnap. But we shot a film of real North Korea, so when people see it they can see something different. * That's right. * You have to go there to actually see what's going on. You know the Japanese Mass Media reports information. Like military affairs, that all North Korean People are soldiers, and everyone is dying of hunger. Of course there are some but no as much as you think. *Exactly * what u talking about? You didn't go! * Wait, were you that Traffic Control lady?? * At first, I thought she would be a robot * But it's a person * Just to think she's been doing it for dozens of minutes. Amazing. We inserted those interesting scenes. * a bit of North Korea that Japanese don't know about. * And that is our terrorism against the Mass Media. - What does "band"mean for KLACK? DESTROY - If a terrorist acts by any means to achieve their purpose, fair means or foul? What is KLACK'S purpose? We will destroy all of the society. - What will you gain by doing this? Don't know until we do it.
  19. BrenGun

    THE CANCER He likes her She is everything to him It doesn't matter that he's hated or that she has boyfriend He can't help it, he just wants her He'll do anything He just deeply loves her He went to gym where she works and he shot her Now she's all his That's all He is given freedom He has her now He is no longer with us He's given freedom No one can take her away He has her now But I think he became free for a moment That's all Never letting anyone else get her Then he shot himself, this way no one can come between them He is given freedom He has her now He is no longer with us He's given freedom No one can take her away He has her now But I think he became free for a moment That's all Today, cancer ranked first in the daily astrology So let's go buy that lucky items, the yellow dress That's all I have scheduled for today That's all He is given freedom He has her now But I think he became free for a moment He is given freedom
  20. BrenGun

    FRIDGE CHICKEN The landlord of my apartment has weird meetings on Sundays If you don't obey the manners and rules of society, evacuation awaits I don't know what to say him If I change, there's a joyful world I'm the only person who thinks it's boring But I'm a coward and very normal I'm inside the fridge The lady on Prozac battered me With a crying face, like those in horror movies She says I don't understand people's pain and that I'm a cold person That's right I'm not you If I change there's a joyful world I'm the only person who thinks it's boring But I'm a coward and very normal I'm inside the fridge Recently, the landlord became nicer to me inviting me to one of those meetings I don't want to have status pinned on my shoulder with a magnet It's just me alone in the world, even if I'm with somebody I was always so afraid to disappear, so I'll just stay chilled in the fridge If I change, there's a joyful world I'm the only person who thinks it's boring But I'm a coward and very normal I'm the fridge
  21. BrenGun

    machine You say you wanna live an easy life? It's really boring, I;ll say It's not really freedom You just think that We're just unknowingly made to live that way In a space given to us by the controllers It's hard to become alone You desire things even if you knew you were made It's still better than being alone It's just so boring Fear is killing me Because these emotions cause hurt and pain I wanna be a MACHINE It's easy life inorganic with no emotions Being alone is ok then I wish I wanna be a MACHINE Please! If I start to rust, please rub some grease But only if you happen to want to is fine No feeling Are you funny? I wanna be a MACHINE Inorganic with no emotions I don't hate the boundless desire I wanna be a MACHINE Everything is such trouble I'll bet you know already You're just not accepting it But leaving things hanging like this But if my wish was to come true I wanna be a MACHINE Please!
  22. BrenGun

    After All... I'm not just interested in anyone else but myself You are No.1 of you I'm always alone
  23. BrenGun

    Sorry, I'm late It's not my fault, he's to blame I can't do it, if you don't tell me It's all the government's fault It all the citizens would just get it together, Japan will... Everyone hates to be bashed They think that admitting to something you're wrong is so embarrassing Don't wanna touch any dirty things They're throwing, dumping or rubbing People stick out their dirty asses Dirty things are flying around the streets would someone please wipe my ass? Please wipe my ass... Everyone hates to be bashed So they want to just put a lid on it I hear it on TV and in the street They want to rub the dirty things away I'm late but, I'm not dirty The alarm clock didn't ring and the train was late because of some. I just wanna bail this situation Would somebody please wipe my ass? Please wipe my ass...?
  24. BrenGun

    No.NAME Let's draw up standard changing "nothing" to "something" If you pick numbers... Sometimes people lose meaning of their own existence There's a way to know it When a movie I download on the wholesome she has the same filename I know the way [What are you bound by?] I don't wanna be 1 so wanna be he same as 9. but still wanna be 1. [What makes you always fell pressured?] A paradox is a favorite subject for humans You can clearly see anything Even money, time and meaning of humans existences Change the numbers by standards to name It will become only one thing Someday those days will come Change the name to numbers You will find the reality seen clearly I've seen the same name many times now It's absolutely confusing The name is given to become rich but the reality is not that simple [What are you bound by?] It really doesn't mean much to me as I doubt it. [What makes you always fell pressured?] It's embarrassing to tell my name to others. You will see the establishment of individual self.
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